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Posts posted by DavidSomerset

  1. How many times you bench press 185 lbs does not determine STRENGTH...Arm length has a lot more to do with how many times you can do it...Think about it...Longer arms= more distance to lift the bar, which requires more strength.

    For example, you're a Falcons fan, so check this out.

    At the combine, our CB that we picked in the 2nd round (Chris Houston) benched 225lbs 27 times...On the other hand, Arron Sears, the OT from Tennessee picked in the 2nd round by TB only benched 225 lbs 21 times.

    Now, who do you think has more STRENGTH? The 200 LB cornerback or the 330 lb offensive tackle?

    Noah has PROVEN in games, he gets pushed around, I don't need to look at his bench numbers to know that.

  2. Quote:


    Neither Horford nor Noah is the big defensive C this team needs...Horford MIGHT be able to fill that role. No way Noah can play D against NBA C's.

    Noah is not a slouch defensively by any means.

    If he was he wouldn't have comparisons to players like Camby and AK47.

    Granted that's not the greatest on ball defenders, not every team can have Greg Oden.

    He would be sufficient especially with Smoove next to him.

    He's a good help defender...Way below average man defender...He'd be screwed going up against the Dwight Howard, Al Jeffersons, Amare Stoudamires of the NBA...Absolutely screwed.

  3. Quote:


    Atleast there is a snowballs chance in hell that Noah could play C unlike Yi or Wright.

    That's why Im come full circle on the flip flopping you've called me out for doing.

    For the longest I was just about the guys with the most upside.

    But it really is pointless if it makes someone like Marvin lose a job.

    We have to get a 5 so Marvin and Smoove can both be on the court.

    And Noah and Horford are the closest guys to acceptable C in this draft.

    No offense to any Hawes fans.

    Neither Horford nor Noah is the big defensive C this team needs...Horford MIGHT be able to fill that role. No way Noah can play D against NBA C's.

  4. Not too many yapping about Yi and Wright anymore...All that energy has now switched to Horford (which I would be OK with, so long as he could play C) and Noah (I MIGHT like him at 11...No way in hell at 3).

    Atleast there is a snowballs chance in hell that Noah could play C unlike Yi or Wright.

  5. Quote:

    I'm, he showed he isn't terribly weak, and I love his motor! He's also a legit 7 footer, he would make a better #3 pick then Conely. Here they come, to find a way to bash Noah, like they have Wright, Yi, Horford, Crittenton, Law.

    He's going to be a good bench player...Similar to Chillz...Just watch him play.

    He is a good help defender, rebounder, and is good in transition.

    He cannot create points on his own at all on offense, gets knocked around in the post on defense (please watch him play vs. the 6'4 Dane Bradshaw, PF from Tennessee...He pushes him around all game...It's sad).

    He would be a nice player to bring some energy off the bench or put at PF if the rest of the team is stellar (see Phx. Suns), but he is certainly not worth the #3 pick

  6. Quote:


    BusBoy, are you from Florida? ...

    From Atlanta but Im currently a Gator.

    And I don't know why it didn't hit me earlier that the best two prospects for the Hawks were right in front of me.

    I mean sure Horford and Noah aren't traditional Centers by any means, but those type of guys aren't exactly easy to get hence the status of Oden's draft stock uncontested.

    Hence the fact that someone like Mehmet Okur can get a max contract.

    Sometimes you have to MAKE a Center out of a PF. That's what Orlando did.

    I have faith that Horford can use his strength and athleticism to make up for his height.

    I have faith that Noah can gain some weight to hold his position in the post.

    I DONT have faith that Spencer Hawes can be our future.

    How predictable... something.gif

  7. Quote:

    I want Horford at 3, I'm just saying, this has nothing to do with picking him 3rd, I'm just saying you guys are getting to carried away with this whole measurement stuff, I bet Wright ends up being the best player in this draft other than Durant/Oden. He has weaknesses, but his weakness are things he can work on.

    Wright is going to be the best player outside of Durant/Oden in this draft, but now you for some reason have hopped off the bandwagon and want Horford??!?!


    Yea, definitely sounds like you believe what you're saying!

  8. This is a post of mine in this thread to BusBoy on June 2nd...


    First, you were yapping about how Yi could be our Center (LOL by the way), and now you want the Hawks to take a pure PF when we already have Smoove and Shelden at that position?

    Do you have any concept of filling needs at all?

    We don't NEED a 210 lb Power forward...WE NEED A CENTER AND A POINT GUARD.

    And since Wright is neither a PG or a C (PLEASE tell me you don't think he can play C in the NBA), I don't want him.

    In a week, you'll be carrying on about how WE NEED Horford, then the next week it will be Noah, and on and on and on.


  9. Quote:

    Hawes may be in Chicago eating pizza... by the time the 11th pick come around. There's no benefit or even rationale for us taking COnley (who can't shoot) and then some undesirable at 11.

    Shooting can be fixed...We need a distributor from the PG position...Someone who can get in the lane and dish it out...Conley can do that better than any other PG in this draft.

    He will immediately be one of the quicker PG's in the league.

    And if getting Hawes is what we want to do, we'd only have to move up a few spots to get him.

    Obviously, I would rather trade for a C.

  10. Quote:

    Bibby, Hawes, Crittendon out of this draft.

    If we used #3 in trade for Bibby and #10, would you be upset?

    My statement is always Speedy is tetthered to #3.

    Personally, I'd rather not fool around with Bibby, but it's an interesting idea for sure.

    There are a few other scenarios I would rather go with, but it's hard to argue that this lineup wouldn't make the playoffs, and make some noise in it.






  11. I'm guessing we'd have to give up a bit more than the #3 pick...Maybe #3 and Speedy? Or is that still not enough?

    Anyways, here's my thoughts...I think we'd take Crit at 11 (I'd probably prefer Law, but it sounds like BK is more into Crit), so here's how it would look, IMO.






    I think that team absolutely makes the playoffs with relatively good health...And we are still very, very young with room to grow.


  12. If he shows he could handle C, I would love to trade back a few spots from 3 and take him...

    Or we could package 11/Chillz to move up around 6 or so and take him, and also get Conley at 3.

    Still though, IMO, he is a slightly more refined version of Shelden and prob cannot play C.

  13. I'm a big Tennessee fan.

    I can tell you I love Chris Lofton, but he is NOT going to be a good pro.

    He is a SG all the way and he's only 6'3...He is a less athletic, more controlled version of Salim Stoudamire.

    Tyler Smith just transferred from Iowa...He might have a future in the NBA...Prob 2 years away though.

  14. I've got the feeling that Horford isn't really in the mix at 3 from everything I've been reading.

    In my opinion, he is a pure, pure PF...But if he is tall enough, he might be able to play some C.

    I like Horford's game, but would still rather find a different solution at C...He plays a lot like Shelden.

  15. Quote:



    Considering the injuries we had, I think if we stay healthy, the playoffs are very possible.

    We were a VERY young team...Everyone is a year older, hopefully they are healthy...2 draft picks in the first 11 picks.

    This team can ONLY be better...And I'm willing to bet we're going to be a good bit better.

    1) JS and JJ simply aren't good enough. They are worse than 15 of the top 20 and all the top 10 team's top 2 players statistically.

    2) MW isn't a prospect worth considering remotely better than either of them IMO.

    3) Yes we had injuries, but so did alot of teams and WE ended up 4th worst.

    4) Coaching remains

    5) Our injuries, many at least, are ones that could continue or limit a player.


    So, I-F we remain somehow ideally healthy, get new coaching, one or both of our top 2 players suddenly goes and becomes a superstar or MW somehow gets possessed by the spirit of MJ, we resign all these players...we're looking at the playoffs. Remember, the top 20 teams don't make the playoffs as a 7 or 8 seed, only the top 16. So when I say our top 2 players only measure up to the bottom 5 of the top 20 teams we have to do considerably better to even make the playoffs much less contend. I think you realize this jdu.


    JJ and Smith are the Hawk's best players. They ar 21 & 25 years old respectivly. Each has nothing but steadily improve each year they are in the league.

    If JJ and Smoove continue their trend of improved play and we actually use are picks to plug our holes (PG/C) rather then duplicate more fowards....there is no reason to believe we will not be in the playoff hunt next year.

    Smoove could eeasily be a 20 /10 player in 2008 if he keeps improving. We know Smith will give us 25 a night. Get a PG to run the show and a Al Hoford at #3 or trade #3 for a established big and we are in the playoffs!!!

    Adding more youth at positions ALREADY stocked with youth is stupid, and a waste of a pick.

    We need to fill PG and C, not get a SF/PF.

    BPA or not, it would be a complete waste of a pick.

  16. Quote:


    Considering the injuries we had, I think if we stay healthy, the playoffs are very possible.

    We were a VERY young team...Everyone is a year older, hopefully they are healthy...2 draft picks in the first 11 picks.

    This team can ONLY be better...And I'm willing to bet we're going to be a good bit better.

    1) JS and JJ simply aren't good enough. They are worse than 15 of the top 20 and all the top 10 team's top 2 players statistically.

    2) MW isn't a prospect worth considering remotely better than either of them IMO.

    3) Yes we had injuries, but so did alot of teams and WE ended up 4th worst.

    4) Coaching remains

    5) Our injuries, many at least, are ones that could continue or limit a player.


    So, I-F we remain somehow ideally healthy, get new coaching, one or both of our top 2 players suddenly goes and becomes a superstar or MW somehow gets possessed by the spirit of MJ, we resign all these players...we're looking at the playoffs. Remember, the top 20 teams don't make the playoffs as a 7 or 8 seed, only the top 16. So when I say our top 2 players only measure up to the bottom 5 of the top 20 teams we have to do considerably better to even make the playoffs much less contend. I think you realize this jdu.


    1)What metric are you using to judge JJ and JS in that way?

    And depending on what kind of stats you come up with, think about the fact that this past year, they did not have very much help...NO point guard, no defensive presence at center, and a developing talent at SF.

    THIS is my point about everyone being a year older...MW is going to be that much better, Hopefully we get a PG to develop while AJ plays for most of the year...As you know, we also need a Center...If we get those pieces, coupled with our team being a year older, I GUARANTEE you that JS and JJ's numbers on whatever metric you are using will go up.

    2)How on earth can you give up on Marvin already? How can you be so impatient with him, and then want to draft someone like Wright, WHO IS EVEN MORE OF A PROJECT THAN MARVIN WAS!!!!

    You'd be crowing about how terrible Wright is after 1 or 2 years also.

    Marvin has very solid potential as a starting SF in this league.

    3) Our injuries were worse than MOST teams.

    4) I don't think our coaching is great either, but at least Woody does stress one thing...DEFENSE! As we've seen in these playoffs, defense is what wins...And our defense will only get better from last year.

    5) The only one you are talking about is Childress, and he's had an entire offseason to heal...I'm not worried.

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