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Posts posted by DavidSomerset

  1. Quote:

    Are you saying that we can't have Kobe (Durant) because

    he's already spoken for, but we can have JJ (General Yi)

    because he's available to us at #3?

    Why worry about who's not available (Durant). We must

    choose from the players that ARE available.


    I was saying the difference between Durant and Yi is that one player is a no brainer to take if you have the opportunity, while the other player could be passed over to fill other positions with players that have comparable potential.

    Yi does not have the potential of Durant...Not even close...Just like JJ does not have the potential of Kobe...not even close, even though JJ is still a good player.

  2. Quote:

    No. It isn't hypocrisy. The fans on here have seen Kevin Durant play and know he has big time talent and potential. I doubt there is a single fan on this website that has seen Yi Jianlian play in anything more than a highlight reel.

    The fact is, Yi is an unknown due to the lack of exposure he has over here. I haven't seen him play, and because of that, I'm not going to make some comment saying that he isn't a center or that he is a small forward when I don't really know if that is the case.

    I will say this though. Given the fact that Chris Bosh, Dwight Howard, Amare Stoudemire, Al Jefferson, and Pau Gasol all play more at the center position than at the power forward position and given the fact that Yi is 7'1", 246 lbs, I think it is ridiculous to say that he cannot play center in the NBA.

    Just because he is that big, it does not come anything close to meaning he can ACTUALLY play center in the NBA.

    Every scouting report I've read says that there are doubts he even has enough strength to play PF in the NBA...The guy is a SF in a PF/C body...

    You think it's logical to take a guy that there are serious doubts he can physically man the PF position and put him at CENTER????!!!?!?!

    Let me also remind you Toni Kukoc was 6'11, 240 and Dirk Nowitzki is 7'0 245...Can either of them play Center?

    Heck, Dirk is the biggest p*ssy in the NBA, along with just about every other European or Asian big in the league (Yao is another perfect example of softness), what makes you think Yi will be any different?

  3. Quote:

    I've noticed that whenever somebody talks about getting General Yi at 3 and Law or Critt at 11...

    The statement always comes up: Yi is not a Center. I don't want him. Blah blah blah..

    Interestingly enough. Had we won the 2nd pick overall instead of the 3rd...

    Nobody would say the same about Durant.

    IS that Hypocrisy?

    Durant is one of those rare playmakers you simply cannot pass on.

    Yi, is not in Durant's league.

    It's like the difference between Kobe and JJ.

  4. Quote:

    I think Portland needs a little more...

    Aldridge ~ #3

    Jack ~ Childress

    08' first ~ ???

    How would you guys feel about #3/Childress -for Jack/Aldridge?

    (This creates a HUGE logjam at the 4/5, FWIW).

    I don't know, I think once the stakes go up for Conley (after his workouts leading up to the draft), I could see Portland accepting this...The only glaring hole they have is SF...Think about that line-up...It's scary.






    However, we might have to throw in someone like Salim or Speedy as well, which I am completely fine with.

    I think it would be a very shrewd and smart move to get that 2008 pick...It's almost guaranteed to be in the lottery...I don't think there's any way that team makes the playoffs in the West next year...And with a little bad luck for their team, that could be a very high pick in 2008.

  5. Quote:


    It is definitely a believable rumor because it allows them to keep Zack with two of the best shotblockers in the league on the frontcourt with him.

    It sounds like a counteroffer by Portland, if anything. Maybe the Hawks respond by swapping Smith with Childress, and you get this trade done.

    I've been saying that for a little while...This is the trade that has to happen.

    #3, Chillz for Lamarcus, Jack and 2008 1st.

    That would be a GREAT trade for us.

  6. So, I was just driving back from my interview with the Falcons for an internship this summer (just got the job, btw! :bananaguitar: ) and I was about half a mile away from my house when I look over at someone getting out of their car at the end of their driveway to get the paper and guess who it was...

    STEVE SMITH!!! My favorite Hawk of all time!!

    I almost got in a wreck because I was trying to make sure it actually was him (while going 40 mph).

    I know no one else will probably care, but I thought it was pretty cool, and figured I'd share it on here.


    Go hawks!

  7. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/blog/...ryDate=20070530

    Bill Simmons lists out seven deals...Here's the blurb on the Hawks...Notice the part in bold.

    I don't like having JJ in this deal, honestly...I wish we could do something like Lue, Marvin, Chillz, #3 for Kobe...Use #11 on Law/Crit


    Deal No. 3: Atlanta trades Joe Johnson, Marvin Williams, Ty Lue and the No. 11 pick for Kobe and Radmanovic.

    Comments: Love this trade for the Lakers because Johnson replaces 75 percent of Kobe's scoring; Williams and Johnson give them two perfect triangle guys; they'd get a quality rookie like Joakim Noah or Al Thornton at No. 11; and they'd even get to dump their one shaky salary in the deal (four more years of Radmanovic at $25 million) for Lue's expiring deal. That's a pretty good haul. Also, Atlanta hasn't had someone who could sell tickets since 'Nique; they could build around Kobe, Josh Smith, Josh Childress, Zaza Pachulia, Shelden Williams, Free Agent Signing X and the No. 3 pick. They could tinker with this deal and substitute the No. 3 and Childress for the No. 11 and Williams and see if L.A. bites on that.

    Here's the problem: I can't see Kobe accepting a trade to (A) a young team (even a young team with as much potential as the Hawks), and (B) a moribund NBA city like Atlanta. Seems too far-fetched. But this would be the best-case scenario for the league itself -- sticking Kobe in a big Eastern city, instantly getting another marquee franchise and ending up with a third superstar in a depleted conference.
    If David Stern has any juice left -- and it's unclear after the tragic events of May 22 -- he'll make this deal happen.

  8. Quote:


    Filling a need (PG) we've had for a while now with the best PG in the draft.

    You mean like...Chris Paul or Deron Williams?

    Unfortunately, no Pg in this draft is remotely as good as those guys.

    Imagine if we had an 11th pick in the 2005 draft in addition to 2 and we all projected at least one if not two equal or perhaps even greater Pgs to remain until then and no talent to be left there. We'd ALL have supported the selection of MW at 2, been right to do so, as we picked up Chris Paul or Felton at 11.

    That's how this draft shapes up for us.


    Back to the point of my original response.

    KB force fed his absolutist BPA montra in support of BK selecting MW (even though Childress wasn't). In the two drafts since he's caved and is caving in to the "draft for need, NOT for BPA or talent" contingency. What people don't seem to understand is that you MUST always carefully weigh both talent and position, the draft's strengths and weaknesses, etc. WE certainly didn't do that last year when we failed to tryout the obvious picks or even SW.

    Anyhow, KB has a lot of 'splainin' to do as if his credibility could get any lower or sink any deeper.


    I wanted Paul just as much or more than any other Hawks fan.

    However, if you'll remember, at this point in 2005 Deron Williams was rated a mid- first round pick...After his workouts, he was determined to be a top 5 player.

    Mark my words...the same thing will happen to Conley...Leading up to the draft he will be a consensus top 5 player and the best PG in the draft, by a good margin.

    I'm not trying to get involved on your and KB's spat, that's not what I care about.

    What I care about is fixing the PG and C position, not wasting our #3 pick on a guy that NO ONE on this message board (no matter what they say) really knows anything about, other than reading scouting reports...Which say, by the way that he is a SF/PF...You want another one of those?

    What a complete and utter waste of a draft pick.

  9. Filling a need (PG) we've had for a while now with the best PG in the draft.

    I GUARANTEE you after his workouts, he will be the clear cut 1st rated PG in the draft...He will separate himself from Law and Crittendon.

    Funny how you want ANOTHER PF/SF...THAT is truly asinine.


  10. I doubt we could afford Billups or Bibby (don't think we'd want him anyways...Plays no D).

    As for Darko, IMO, he is not worth bringing here...I just simply don't think the guy is any good.

    Billups would be my DREAM, but I think even with the bad series he'll get a real fat contract.

  11. #3, Marvin, Childress, Speedy, Lorenzen for Kobe?

    Man we would be AMAZING if we then took law at 11!!!



    JJ/ FA


    Zaza/ FA

    That is a VERY good team right there...Tons better than the Lakers this past year, IMO.

  12. I know Portland's front office is denying the rumor that they want Conley, but I think this trade would actually be better for the Hawks.

    #3 pick for Lamarcus (plug him in at C) and their 2008 1st rounder unprotected.

    I'm not sure that Jack has what it takes to be a full time starting PG, and I'm not sure he's better than anything else we've got on the roster (Lue, AJ, Speedy).

    I would rather have their 2008 pick...I doubt they make the playoffs next year (even though they definitely will in the future), and heck, we could get lucky and get very high in the 2008 draft if they have enough bad luck/injuries.

    This would also allow us to take Law/Crit at 11 for those of you who think he is not any worse of a prospect than Conley.

    AJ/Law or Crit





    If you are one who DOES think that Jack is capable of being a solid, full time PG, then we could do this trade.

    #3 + Chillz for LA, Jack, 2008 1st rounder.



    Marvin/Free agent


    Lamarcus/Zaza/Noah or Hawes

    If Jack were up to it, I would actually prefer that scenario because we could use 11 on another big body.

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