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Posts posted by DavidSomerset

  1. Quote:

    So you're basically saying Zaza Pachulia would own Josh Smith in a one on one game?

    Yep that's great logic

    Also great logic saying someone like Josh Smith couldn't rebound.

    All I said is that I agreed with Atlas that team 1 would be terrible at rebounding.

    And our defense in the post would be absolutely abysmal.

    What does that have to do with a "one on one game"??!?! something.gif

    And when did I say Josh Smith "couldn't rebound"?

  2. Quote:

    The fact that you have to justify a SF being a better athlete than a 7 footer just shows you how special Yi really is.

    No one is saying we would have to choose between Shelden and Marvin and Yi.

    Guess what? We have the 3rd pick so we could have ALL THREE.

    Why is that so complicated to understand?

    You want to trade for a C like that's so friggin easy. Don't say "A center" Since you made up your mind about Yi so much how about naming someone who's available for our 3rd pick?

    When you have the #3 and #11 picks, it is "easy"...That's a lot to work with.

    And why would we take Yi if we aren't planning on moving MW or SW?

    Congrats, we will have just used a #3 pick on someone who's going to get around 5 mpg.

    Yea we could "have all three!!!", but then who the hell is going to man PG and C???

    You are living in a fantasy land where distributing the ball and defending the post don't really matter.

    What a freaking waste.

    And for the record, barring a trade, I want Conley at 3...Taking another SF/PF would be a complete waste.

  3. What on earth would compel you to think that Yi is better than Marvin? And thus worth having on this team over him.

    Whoop de do, Yi dunked on Pau Gasol...guess what...Marvin dunked on the DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR (Camby), and it was 50X better than Yi's dunk.

    Marvin is UNDOUBTEDLY a better athlete than Yi, and has NBA experience...He is only 20 freakin years old, but has shown he has potential to be a very "solid" SF in the league.

    I'd rather trade the #3 pick (which we could get more value for than MW, btw, due to the Conley infatuation) for a C and then take Law or Crit at 11.

    I can't believe you'd rather have Yi (who you have only seen youtube highlight tapes of) over MW/SW...You are way too impatient with the both of them.

    If Yi turns out to be a great prospect, then good, the value of the #3 pick increases even more...Fine by me, but by no means do I want him on this team.

  4. Quote:

    Terrible logic?

    I said not only is he 7 feet but his style of play is attacking the basket?

    Why do you Yi haters keep conveniently leaving out that aspect?

    Of course any 7 footer can't play downlow if they just hang out at the 3 point line.

    Yi doesn't! He attacks the basket by taking his man off the dribble just like an Amare or Bosh.

    Not every big man uses sheer power to score like Howard.

    Ummm...I posted TWO scouting reports in another thread about this that said Yi had a very WEAK game with his back to the basket and he gets pushed around in the post...They also mentioned that the perimeter game IS HIS STRENGTH!!

    Like I said...SCOUTS AREN'T EVEN SURE THIS GUY HAS THE STRENGTH TO PLAY PF...And you want to put him at CENTER??!?!!?!?


    Get off the Yi kool-aid...He's a 7 foot small forward who could be a very good player there.


    P.S. I will gladly post the scouting reports (one from ESPN.com and the other from nbadraft.net) if you'd like to prove my point.

  5. Quote:



    Hey are you going to post all 9 videos in different threads?

    Hey man, that's AtLaS and Ex's job!

    If that will take the talk away from Conley at 3, then yeah.

    No, I'm going to put most of them here, I think. How is Yi more of a project than anyone else in this draft?

    Im just giving you a hard time.

    Trust me Im sold on Yi. I laugh at those who say Yi can't play downlow in the NBA. The man is 7 feet 245 pounds!

    Then they say well it's not about height?

    Then what is it about? STyle of play? That's funny because Yi has a tendency to take his game AROUND THE BASKET.

    Sounds like a guy who can be a post player to me.

    Your logic is terrible.

    Yes, it's about style of play.

    Just because he is 7 feet tall and 245 does NOT mean you can just insert him at center and have him bow up with an NBA center.

    Every scouting report I've read has said there are serious doubts whether he's strong enough to play PF.

  6. Picking Yi would do GREAT things for our Center and PG position.

    Not to mention, he would get SO much playing time behind Marvin, Childress, Smoove, and Shelden.

    *sarcasm off*

    Yi would be an awful, awful pick...Maybe the worst pick of BK's career if he does it...Given our current personnel strengths.

  7. I know Gasol is a good shot blocker...But he seems kinda soft on the man to man defense against other C's when I've watched him.

    Personally, I would prefer Jermaine O'Neal, but that injury history really does bother me.

    I am definitely on the PTL trade bandwagon...#3 + Chillz for Lamarcus and Jack.

    Take a SG/SF at 11 to back up both JJ and Marvin.


  8. Quote:


    How is LaMarcus Aldridge more fit for a big man than Yi Jianlian?

    LaMarcus Aldridge is 6'10 237.

    Yi is 7'0 245.

    People say Yi plays like a SF but guess what?

    LaMarcus Aldridge is a guy who was called out for playing like he was 6'7 as well.

    Also aren't there questions about this guy's durability?

    And he only played one year in school.

    I'll take the highly decorated 7 footer who has been playing against grown men since 2003.

    I think it's ridiculous to suggest that there are more questions surrounding Aldridge at center than Yi at center. Is that really what you're trying to say?

    He thinks that if you are a 7 footer, no matter WHAT your skill set is, it means you can play center.

  9. I have only seen the kid play a few times and was mildly impressed...Didn't see much special, but I guess he is so young, he's got a lot of room to grow...I won't pretend I know alot about him, though, I'd like to hear from some people who have seen him play a lot...I know Walter is infatuated with him.

    What are his strengths/weaknesses?? Is he a good defender?

    What kind of value does he have in terms of this draft?

  10. Quote:


    We need to open up the trade avenues...

    Hopefully we are locked into Conley at 3 because I bet by the time the draft rolls around, he doesn't make it past 5 or 6...He's simply too good of an athlete and prospect.

    I don't know WHAT kind of package we could come up with involving the 11 pick to get someone like Bynum, but what other names out there are possibilities that can play DEFENSE.

    Yeah draft a PG over three 7 footers who are all better prospects

    Get it through your head!!!

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