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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. 7 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Just another reason for Ressler to not spend to put a competitive team on the floor. Selling hope with another rebuild to the fan base. It's fool's gold. Wether we pick at 1, 3 7, or 10 wasn't going to be a drastic change. As @marco102 pointed out, what we do with the current players on the roster matters more than the pick.

    I think I have been very clear on my feelings of Tony Ressler. He should sell the team if he is not going to pay the LT. This "manna from heaven" is going to show we either pay the LT to boost the team around the # pick and Trae...or he's so cheap he uses this as the jump start to a rebuild...confirming he will never pay the LT.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    I like Reed Sheppard a lot more than Robert Dillingham. Maybe Clingan is at 4 and we take him.

    Sarr, Clingan, and Sheppard

    Next year, get Harper, and couple others with the Lakers and Kings pick. 

    If we were to do that...I would be excited beyond belief for this team in the long term. Short term, yes, losing Trae will hurt but LONG TERM if those guys play to what they can be...we could be talking titles here.

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  3. 1 minute ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:

    But I thought this draft was horrible?

    We're going to trade the #1 for #4 and #8, in a bad draft?

    That's definitely grounds for Landry to be fired.  And almost a legit reason for fans to find another team to root for.


    It is a bad draft IMO because there's no clear cut #1 pick that has superstar potential. I love Reed Sheppard. Love that kid. If we moved Trae and did a true rebuild this is the exact kind of perfect scenario: we have the #1 pick, take Sarr, take Reed Sheppard to play PG and get the best wing defender at 8 or hell take Clingan if he's there and we can just go ham on folks with size in a rebuild scenario.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    it makes no sense to keep Trae with Sarr. Zero sense. 

    I can see sad faces in Atlanta went Trae is moved. 


    Trae for 4, 8, our picks back could be...well, I'll just say it: that would be the best way to rebuild. Sarr, Reed Sheppard and a wing player at 8. Trade DJM for picks as well. You have three rookies plus Jalen/Kobe/OO as a new core.

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  5. 1 minute ago, NBASupes said:

    Giannis was pick 15 on a team with nothing with upside. He was given so much patience. The Hawks have a team built around Trae Young. Trae expects for us to win now. We rush this guy and put him at the 5, we our gonna f*** up our investment asap. 

    The risk is way too high. Everyone that wants us to draft him are comparing him to polished guys 10x better than he is. He may have more talent than most guys, hell, he would be one of the most talented players in last year's draft too but his floor is so damn low. 

    I don't like it and comparing it to Giannis doesn't speak to where we are and where we are with the pick.

    This is valid. At 15th you can easily swing for pure potential.  We can't do that. I honestly think Sarr at 3 would be a difference maker 

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  6. 8 minutes ago, KB21 said:

    Ingram is a negative asset.  

    Can you elaborate, if you don't mind? I know you feel he's a sieve defensively but he's not that bad from the tape I've watched. I wouldn't say he's a good defender but he's more of average wing defender. His length really makes up for some of his flaws as a defender.

    Offensively...he really is a 4-5 inch taller version of DJM. I feel like they are basically the same player just with the size difference. He loves the mid range, is effective there, but has the same issues IMO of not getting to the rim enough and not truly stretching the floor with his three point shot.

    I'm more concerned about his offensive fit than his defensive fit with the team if I'm being honest. I don't agree he is a negative asset but I do think this is not the slam dunk roster move some do.

  7. 2 hours ago, Mikey said:

    It’s so early for draft news but if this t wolves source is right I can’t think of who he is saying because there is only one center that fits that description and he will be long gone by 10…

    I am passing along what that source said. I find it interesting that the NBA at large (that is how it was put to me) thinks the Hawks will fake wanting a wing but will really go for a defensive minded center. I don't see Clingan lasting that long either. 

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