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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. 22 hours ago, Diesel said:

    I did have a local anesthetic.  Some benzocaine to numb the injection site. I don't think anybody could deal with the pain of the actual process without a local of some type.  I didn't have insurance that covered the fancy stuff and when the oral surgeon told me the out of pocket price... I said well, let's just go with it because my third molar was impacted.   For my first third molar, he actually put his foot on the chair and was damn near standing on my chest to rip the tooth out.  You would think they had fancy tools... NOPE.  He had a wrench that fit around the tooth like an oil filter wrench and he had to twist it until the tooth broke from the Jawbone and yank it out.   While he's breaking the tooth from the jawbone, I'm hearing everything and feeling most of it.    The second one went better.  Since it wasn't impacted, it came out a little easier but I could still hear and feel most things.

    Because of Money.. I had to do the last two wisdom teeth separately... by the time I did my third third molar, I was used to the feeling.  The fourth and final... I got dry socket.  Worst pain ever.   If you ever want your enemies to shut up, wish dry socket on them.  I'm pretty sure that the dry socket was something my oral surgeon done wrong.  As I reflect, I have to say that it is an inexact science.  I mean, they have the X-rays.. they have the draconian tools.. but the actual removal of the tooth can go either way.  They call it surgery.. but I think they make it fancy to put patients at ease.  When you are up and watching what's actually going on, it's more like a master bone breaker.


    Wow. They only gave me a local for the first wisdom tooth they extracted, the nightmare one that tore my lip and had Mrs. S headed to the guy's office to kill him with her bare hands once she saw me. 

    I can't imagine doing the other three without more than a local so I did. I got the "twilight" stuff whatever that is. You are a rock to go through that bro!


  2. On 3/20/2024 at 11:02 PM, Diesel said:

    Prayers up for Sothron.   I have had all my wisdom teeth pulled with no anesthetic so I know he's in pain. 


    Thank you, D. I have to ask...how in the world did that happen? I had all mine pulled in two different circumstances. First oral surgeon literally butchered my mouth to get one out, said the rest were wrapped around the nerves in my upper and lower jaw and was terrified to remove them for fear of paralyzing my mouth. 

    Second oral surgeon, who removed this broken tooth, is the oral surgeon for the local hockey team and got them out with zero issues. 

    Both times hurt, the first one was stuff of nightmares with my lower right lip torn all the way to the chin. I looked like a Batman or d*ck Tracey villain for about six months.

    But how did you get all of your wisdom teeth out with nothing for the pain?? @Diesel I salute you sir!

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  3. The more tape of Edey I watch the more I like the kid. Supes is right, there's honestly no one outside Yao that you can compare him to. He's not Big Country (who ppl forget before his injuries he was a good NBA center) that needed a lot of low post ups in order to generate offense. Edey moves around in the post and finds little spots on the floor for a quick post up or a hook. 

    His touch around the rim is elite. He is much better on defense than people give him credit for. 

    We have two first round picks or should in this draft. I hope we take Edey. Use the other pick on a wing defender.

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  4. 16 hours ago, thecampster said:

    So probably mentioned but let me say it if it hasn't.  The number 1 knock on Edey is he struggles to guard at the perimeter. In today's NBA of switching between bigs and guards at the 3 point line, this could make him a liability. If/when he comes in for a workout, I'd run switching drills till his ankles look like cantaloupes to see how he handles it.

    This is a valid concern. However, drop coverage is going to let him stay in the paint. 

  5. 3 hours ago, JeffS17 said:

    Murray has got to work on his handles, so loose and that high dribble gets him in trouble 

    My personal favorite gripe about him as an ex college point guard is his insistence on pocket passes to everyone. There are too many times when he should lob, bounce pass or fastball it but he just insists on that pocket pass.

    If we make the playin and Trae is still out I expect coaches to pick up on that.

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  6. 1 hour ago, shakes said:

    turns out, that fluke playoff run was the absolute worst thing that could've happened this team.  


    The fact that you're bringing it up as a reason to hesitate in blowing this team up shows that the damage done by that ECF run is still happening.

    Did you miss the next part of my post you left out that completely counters what you just posted?

    I think the general feeling among all of us here is the ECF run was the worst thing that could happen because it locked us into this core and Ressler being cheap af meant no growth beyond it.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, shakes said:

    If Hawks were smart (whcih they aren't) and had long term vision (which they don't) they would pounce on this trade to SAS and unload Trae to them, get back all their picks + 1-2 more FRPs or assets.   Then unload DJM for 1-2 FRP.  Then unload Hunter, OO, Bogi and anyone else who can net a draft pick.  Hang onto JJ nad no one else.

    Put together the worst team in the league next year and go full in the bag for Flagg.


    As great as Trae is he's too hard to build around for the Hawks owners and FO.  Way above their skill level and means.  Only a great franchise and FO could make it work arond Trae and this team has neither.


    Time to accept that and move on to the next rendition.  Best way to do that is total tank.  Not some half ass tank.


    Face it, THIS TEAM WILL NEVER WIN WITH TRAE.  The sooner the team accepts that (as in must be accepted this off season) the greater chance they have of finally turning this mediocrity standard bearer around.

    I agree with all of this except the last part. We were a healthy Trae away from going to the Finals and winning it. Two wins away actually.

    But I don't have any faith, at all, in Tony Ressler and his penny pinching ways despite being rich as hell. A complete rebuild around Jalen is what I would do at this point but I can't see Tony moving off his golden goose.

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  8. 1 hour ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    We also need help in the front court with OO out and CC on minutes restriction.

    My guess/hope is they sign a Two-Way big that they can call up or release Wes and sign a big.

    Signing a two way big is the most realistic thing at this point.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, macdaddy said:

    Marcus Morris, Muscala, Metu,  Joe Harris is also out there but not exactly a big. 

    None of those are really bigs except for Moose. 

    Let's be honest, giving Trent a full contract is both cheap and expected from the FO. Quin loved him in Utah and he loves him here. 

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