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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. 1 minute ago, deester11 said:

    Soth...much respect, but how much bs is going to be piled on before we realize this set up as is...is below average? The competency level is questionable to us because of the information you and others have shared.  It's like they've fumbled the bag over and over.  If Ressler is meddling what gives you confidence that the FO will be able to come to life this summer?

    Because making trades in the summer is a thousand times easier to do than during in season. Teams are more willing to move players/picks and pick a path for their franchise in the short and long term.

    For instance, the TWolves can't keep KAT past this season. They just can't. No team is going to go into the 2nd apron level so KAT has to go. We want to trade for him as do the Knicks and other teams.

    If Ressler is serious about paying the LT it means our FO will not be forced to trade players for nothing. It means we can actually add to the roster instead of trimming it. 

  2. our FO is not dumb. I have to repeat that. The biggest problem we have is Messy Ressy. No FO can overcome a cheap, meddlesome owner.

    I've heard that he's going to go for the LT this summer and is willing to pay it so we'll see.


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  3. 2 hours ago, givemesome1ce1 said:

    3 steals, 1 block in 1 half… #soon 


    if you can find the draft threads back then I wanted us to draft Dyson but he never fell to us. He's a very good POA defender. Everything else is a work in progress except his passing. 

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  4. I don't think people understand that POA defense and wing defense are not the same. Our POA defense has been awful for years now. Hunter is not a POA defender. Blaming him for POA defense is like blaming one of our bigs.

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  5. 1 minute ago, bleachkit said:

    When guys are help out for a possible trade, does a trade usually happen? 

    it isn't a lock but it means the talks are serious. My gut feeling is the deadline is going to push the Pels to either give up what we want or the Hawks table this until the offseason.

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  6. This is what I always wanted him to be. He has improved his defense dramatically last season and especially this season. He's shown maturity when he's being robbed at gunpoint from the All Star game. Said he would take an injury replacement if offered which, from what I've been told, he has been offered in the past and refused because of his hurt feelings.

    I love this kid. You can't bitch about his defense and that was the only real thing you could ever bitch about with him. He's Two Way Trae now.

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  7. 1 minute ago, theheroatl said:

    Tell me how in the world you know this as fact. Did DJ confirm to you in person? You seem so confident.

    it has been reported elsewhere it was written a few weeks before it was leaked. But to answer your question, yes, I know this is real. That is his official twitter account and that DM is legit. It is why he deleted his twitter (again) after it was leaked. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Diesel said:

    You telling me that DJ typed this whole diatribe filled with punctuation and emoticons and nothing misspelled .. no errors... in 1 Minute???

    Yes. It was written I believe a few weeks before it was leaked. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, JeffS17 said:

    It's a real post.  He's had more immature fan interactions on Twitter in the past in addition to this, and even more from his Spurs days.  I see no reason to resurface those, for the same reason I intentionally ignored your request to post this one, which is that I take no joy in bringing up dirt on our current players.  And the message is not fake -- everything is not a conspiracy.  @Sothron already confirmed it's a real DM (although he also did not speak on it much other than confirming it, presumably for the same reason I'd rather not belabor the point).  Everything he says in the message tracks with his behavior on the court, what his dad tweets, etc.  No real reason to question the authenticity of that one.

    That was a real DM sent from DJ's real twitter. It is real. It also was sent earlier than when it was leaked. I have suspicions why it was released when it did but I'll keep that to myself.

    But it was 100% legit from DM to a fan. He also had back and forth DMs with Spurs fans when he was in SA. This isn't rare for him to do that.

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