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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. I completely agree. I have lost a lot of my interest in the Hawks frankly know just how cheap Ressler is. This team under him will never pay the luxury tax. They will never put together as a result a roster that is actually capable of winning a title. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Vol4ever said:

    Hope yall feel better soon.   There is a B strain out there that the flue shot is not effective for.  

    we both got the flu shot last Oct so we're kinda shocked at how badly the flu is hitting both of us. It might be that B strain we have.

  3. 2 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    Get well soon. I got food poisoning and it's ruined me. My body is in so much pain. I used to be able to shrug it off but not anymore. I break into cold sweats and struggle to move of late. It's bad 

    you might want to go to urgent care or the ER. I almost died from food poisoning on Christmas eve/christmas morning because I vomited non stop for several hours. I legit thought I was going to die. They had to put all kinds of IVs in me to keep me alive. 

    Praying for you supes.

    • Like 3
  4. 37 minutes ago, RedDawg#8 said:


    Yall are funny and I deserve it lol

    Nah, it’s a weeknight, adults have busy schedules. Sometimes you just have to stay home and catch up over the phone when you can’t get together in person lol

    My chat game is legit, laying the groundwork for in person over the weekend. If you must know!

    I hope it works out for you. I had to talk to Mrs. Sothron for several months in a chat room and emails before we even met. 

    • Like 3
  5. 17 minutes ago, RedDawg#8 said:

    Great win, I had a hot phone date but kept the game on in the background.

    We have a lot of areas of improvement, even in a win. Lakers are just as dysfunctional as is but a win is a win, and beating Lebron is never easy.

    Happy to see Kobe and AJ out there. One would believe that they would get more minutes with how much we struggle this season. But hopefully they are promoted next season to the rotation.

    Go Hawks!

    okay I'm old sure but what is a hot phone date? I remember the old party line 1-800-SLUT or whatever

    • Haha 2
  6. 4 hours ago, theheroatl said:

    Why would we trade him for trash anyway.

    He is our second best player. Can we not use some of these other useless players to get some defensive upgrades?


    The whole fake trades and nonsense rumors out there have been flat out lies.


    some note is gonna come out in March that the lakers just “checked in back in December on a couple players” but nothing was ever discussed

    The lakers interest in DJ is very real. they just don't have a trade package good enough to get him. I'm praying the Hawks are doing what @NBASupes is hearing and going into shut down mode except for Bey for trade offers until the offseason. Much easier to make trades then.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Phunkabilly said:

    I'm mainly addressing this to the Hawks' insiders, but what is happening in practice that isn't happening in the actual games?  From DJ's comments, it sounds like the team is working well together in practice.  What is being changed during the game, and why?  Is he saying that he's allowed to be more of a playmaker in practice, but not during the games?  Has Trae been playing off-ball more in practice?

    Dj runs the 2nd team unit a lot or they switch things up. They practice more ball movement and guys coming off screens to get open shots (like Trae). It isn't really translating to being done in the actual games as much as the players want.

    before someone asks the logical next question...I do not know why this is happening. I know Quin wants a major roster overhaul and the FO has come around to his way of thinking over the course of the season. I don't believe in coaches making statements to a FO through games or practices or how he handles players. I don't know if that is what this relates to but it makes me wonder.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  8. 2 hours ago, Wretch said:

    A few local articles picked it up. They note that he had social interactions like that with fans in San Antonio and he's deactivated his Twitter(?) account. It would makes sense for DJM and the team to publicly address it with a denial and it is curious that it's out there still.

    I can't say that I believe it's 100% genuine, but it does line up 100% with our performance, Dejounte's father posting things, and all the trade back chatter.

    Lastly, the message was in response to an exchange between that user and DJ's dad who has since deleted his tweet. 

    Lots of smoke there, if not a whole fire.

    That is 💯 legit tweet from dj 

    • Thanks 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, kg01 said:

    Starting to wonder if I shld 'shelter in place' here.  Can't deal with some of the noise and nonsense.

    Ayo @Sothron, between this and GT, we might need to form a support group. 😢 

    We had so much hope to start the season but now....yeah.

    God I just realized that applies to both teams but I meant it for GT.

    • Sad 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    He will get his wish during the draft once KAT is available. 

    I already made that trade, I did the trade you proposed a couple weeks back that sent Capela to the Mavs as well in my NBA 2k current era franchise for the Hawks. Trae and KAT are insane together. 

    I just hope we can make it happen IRL.

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