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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. I don't think anyone will be happy with the return for Murray. If you think Grimes and two firsts is bad the lakers trade that @thecampster has heard from his source is far worse. There isn't even a playable guy for our rotation in that trade. Rui and Dlo? God no. At least Grimes is a legit two way player and POA defender.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Mikey said:

    That was the deal I heard very early in the sweepstakes. AJ wasn't mentioned to me at the time. Definitely think something like this is could happen but they are actually the team I mentioned the other day that was back in and the deal was different then this. It also included clint

    this is what I have heard as well. capela was included in this proposed scenario not AJ. hawks want Grimes and that interest is very real.

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  3. Yes @JeffS17 you have summed up why KAT is going to be traded. It is just a question of where. He knows it. the entire MIN fanbase knows it as well. It sucks but it is what it is. The 2nd apron is death to any franchise especially a non major market one.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, NekiEcko said:

    Yeah, I think I will nominate @NBASupes and @Sothron for the positivity box next.  Yall two have been so negative lately and If our insiders are negative like that, then there is no hope for this site.

    Here is some "The New Day" gif to cheer yall up


    Not sure how I've been negative? If we make bad trades then it deserves a negative criticism. Hopefully that does not happen.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:


    A-Rod is not going to sell off KAT, if they make the NBA Finals.  They'll find a way to deal someone else ( namely Gobert ), and stay out of that 2nd apron.

    I would like for the Hawks to take a shot at Naz Reid this summer . . or maybe before the deadline.

    They are not trading Gobert. I have a Twolf source. KAT is the one that will be moved. If we can wait to the offseason to make big trades I'd send Murray plus whatever to get him.

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  6. 1 hour ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:


    They're going to keep KAT.  Gobert will be the one likely to be gone.

    And I fully expect them to bit the bullet next year from a tax standpoint, if they get to the NBA Finals or win a title.

    Everybody isn't scary or operates on the cheap, like the Hawks tend to do.


    They didn't give up 5 first round picks to trade Gobert two seasons later. I know you are in your feels right now but KAT is the only logical person to get moved out of Minnesota.

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  7. 2 hours ago, TheNorthCydeRises said:


    KAT is not going to be available.  Not with the ownership group they have in place right now.

    Their top 4 guys ( Ant, KAT, Gobert, McDaniels ) are locked in through 2026, unless Gobert opts out and tests the market in the summer of 2025.  If not, they're good through 2026.

    Conley drops off the books this season, and may re-sign with them at a far lower price if the demand for him is low this summer.


    There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why Minny would trade KAT, outside of a 1st round meltdown in the playoffs.


    The second tax apron on the LT is terrifying. Minnesota, let alone any other NBA team, is not going to hit that if they can avoid it. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, macdaddy said:

    I'm going out on a limb and say fans are going to be disappointed and any trades we make will be "about the future" not this season.  

    I can guarantee people are going to be disappointed. We gave up 4 first round picks for Murray. We aren't getting that back even though he's now signed to a very team friendly deal. 

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Spud2nique said:

    Jacquez, Jovic and 2 firsts for Murray. 

    Then can we get Butler? 🧐 😆 

    I'd do the first one for Murray. 

    I hate Butler like how you hate the Dubs. He f***ed my Twolves so badly I will never, ever forgive him.

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  10. 11 minutes ago, parfait said:

    Hey @Sothronand @Mikey now that the 15th has come and gone, what timeline do you think we're looking at. Pretty much the trade deadline?

    We have a deal in place for Murray but the other team is dithering. We had more offers come in so the FO is taking time to see if they can pair up some guys in deals for higher returns or possibly a name player coming back. Doubtful but they are doing the due diligence on it.

    I hate the perception is the FO is clueless. It isn't. It is just handicapped by an owner that can come in at any second and take over negotiations or nix a trade from happening. 

    3 minutes ago, HawksNWaffles said:

    @Sothron also how did your Warhammer session go ? Funny enough someone invited me to try blood rage 😂

    It was a blast! We are playing again Thursday. It is this horde game mode one friend found online. Basically 3 of us each have 1000 point armies working together against a horde of bad guys coming in waves.

    • Thanks 3
  11. 7 minutes ago, ShooterSays said:

    That’s exactly what we need. Really any team should want that.

    Whats the catch then? Why is NY looking to trade him? Seems like that should be a good fit in between Brunson and OG.

    Paying him down the line plus if they get something worthwhile in terms of a contract it helps them use it for salary match in the offseason plus their first rounders to get another star player.

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