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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. 6 minutes ago, marco102 said:

    Man, reading through this thread today has been an experience to say the least.  We do have assets, although middling.


    Two draft picks this year.  The pick swap in 2026 with San Antonio doesn't bother me too much either.  It's not the end of the world.  We can make some trades to get some first round picks for 2025 and 2026 potentially. They won't be unprotected like our front office did, but first round picks are much more valuable with the new CBA. 

    I honestly don't know how to fix this team.  If the Hawks could some how get a competent big on both ends in one of these trades, that'll go along way with helping them.   Also need some defensive talent in every position.

    Trading Murray for KAT would have solved issues for both teams but that would have to wait until the offseason. Team is more interested I think in moving DJM now than later. I do think the idea is tank the rest of this season because we have a window for it and then use assets to upgrade the roster in the offseason.

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Phunkabilly said:

    Is the current iteration of the trade at least better than the initial one you guys were hearing?  If they made a big stink about so many teams being interested and then end dealing DM for junk, I'm going to be extremely irritated at this FO. 

    Yes, the interest in Murray around the league as well as the other offers for our other players has increased the value of the trade offers. I can definitely verify that. 

    I'll add this: if we had our own first rounders there's no question in my mind we would do a complete rebuild in the offseason. We do not have our first rounders so I don't see that happening. Unless we trade with the Spurs and get those picks back I just do not see it happening.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, akay said:

    If we're getting picks back, I hope it's because we have plans to flip them for productive players. We need some vets on this team :search:

    my guess: we get the picks, tank the rest of this season and use the picks in the offseason to bring in someone.

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  4. 1 minute ago, capstone21 said:

    Lame … what a waste

    Not trying to bring anyone down or make folks upset but not going to sugar coat things either. I see that @Mikey is apparently hearing the same thing in terms of a return from his source. 

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  5. Updates:

    Other teams jumped in on the 15th. We have a framework for a trade in place, just depends on the other team willing to pay the price for Murray. 

    Other teams jumped in on Murray as well as other players. I do not think hawks fans will love the return on the players I'm hearing the most about being moved (DJM, Capela, Hunter)  because it definitely sounds like first rounders and not actual real talent is coming back in trades. More like expiring contracts tied to first round picks. 

    Late pushes include Detroit, Knicks, Nets, Kings and two teams not allowed to name in public.

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  6. They won't do this but I would honestly ask the Spurs about a Trae trade instead of DJM trade. Get all our picks back plus some of the ones they own. Do a true rebuild with JJ sticking on the team. 

    Again, this isn't going to happen but it is what I would do. We've had six seasons to build a team around Trae and between Ressler's interference in basketball operations and refusal to pay the luxury tax look at what we have to show for it. 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    I am done with low BBIQ players. 

    It is funny, speaking of the Bud's Hawks, I still believe if we gave Horford the chance he would have put up some crazy efficient scoring for us with how smart he was at getting to good spots on the court for his shot. Using his body to free up shooters and little touch passes for a hockey assist as well. We miss that guy.

  8. 2 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    He's gonna take some time like Haliburton did. He gonna have to adjust and he's not selfish so he wants to play the game, the right way. 

    Exactly. I love that kid. Give me a two way PG with hands and instincts like that any day of the week. I'm trying to find comparisons that aren't extreme in either way. Chris Paul with better shooting and not as good passing vision? Rondo with a jump shot and less flashy passing? 

    I hate the "you have to compare players by skin color" thinking with the NBA. Reed  has a great mix of several guards in him. 


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  9. 2 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    If I am Quin, I'll trust myself.

    Get Reed Sheppard and Ausar. Two kids who are relentless defenders who know how to play Basketball. 

    Get a big wing who can shoot threes and defend. 

    Keep JJ and OO. They are fine. I am okay with them long term. 

    Get rid of everyone else. They don't know how to play in a real system and they don't know how to play basketball outside of 12 but 12 is injury prone. Let him go shine somewhere else. 

    I'd add Bogi in the "knows how to play" but I'm fine with this. It won't happen. I realize now that people think everything I post is somehow from a source but it isn't.

    My honest Hawks thoughts: I would have traded Trae after the All NBA season. I love Trae. But this team is not going to be able to put that other alpha guy next to him. I'd rather keep Murray with his size at PG on a good deal and trade Trae for a bonanza of players and picks. Build that way. 

    It won't happen but that's what I would do.

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  10. 4 hours ago, AHF said:

    Not sure how many times I will repeat this but I love Sheppard.  The issues for me are about team needs and fit.  If there isn't a guy in the draft who fits our needs and has comparable talent then absolutely pull the trigger on him.

    Your post mentions trading Trae to make room for Sheppard.  That is fair because I think it is very likely that he and Trae would be too small (again) in the backcourt.  

    You've posted numerous times about how Quin's mission is to make the team longer and bigger.  Sheppard doesn't do any of that.  He makes the team smaller if he is playing the 2 and if he is backing up both guard spots then he is coming off the bench for you long-term  which seems more of a luxury for this team which has huge needs in the frontcourt.  

    So, again, I'm almost always behind BPA for max value in the draft but this one is a hard fit assuming the team is building around Trae (and JJ, etc.).  

    The best thing abut him is his instinctual feel for the game.  It lets him stand out on both sides of the ball even if he doesn't quite have his Dad's athleticism. 

    He would also be a legacy for us which would be fun.


    home from hockey game, we won 4-3 btw, great game...

    I was not referring to you @AHF I was talking about NBA fans in general and the experts sleeping on him. This kid has special ability written all over him. 

    My suggestion about the Hawks trading Trae and going after Reed are my personal opinions and are not in any way what the team will do. Travis got fired for two reasons and one of them was wanting to trade Trae. So that's not happening unless Trae demands a trade.

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  11. 3 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    I'll take Reed in a heartbeat. He just needs three years but in year 4, he will be amazing. 

    Kobe is basically a bad team stud. He will be our next Jason Terry 

    Reed is the rare once in a generational player that just needs time to adjust. A scheme like Quin is a perfect fit. 

    I will get stoned for saying this and I realize it won't happen but...

    Reed has elite hands and shooting ability. He's a good passer. He's a good defender because his hands are f***ing amazing. He has the best defensive hands I've seen on a PG since Rondo. Always active. His footwork is terrific.

    I would draft Reed and trade Trae for a long SG to put next to Reed.

    Yes, I realize this won't happen. But good grief are people sleeping on Reed Sheppard. 

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