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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. 4 hours ago, AHF said:

    Not sure how many times I will repeat this but I love Sheppard.  The issues for me are about team needs and fit.  If there isn't a guy in the draft who fits our needs and has comparable talent then absolutely pull the trigger on him.

    Your post mentions trading Trae to make room for Sheppard.  That is fair because I think it is very likely that he and Trae would be too small (again) in the backcourt.  

    You've posted numerous times about how Quin's mission is to make the team longer and bigger.  Sheppard doesn't do any of that.  He makes the team smaller if he is playing the 2 and if he is backing up both guard spots then he is coming off the bench for you long-term  which seems more of a luxury for this team which has huge needs in the frontcourt.  

    So, again, I'm almost always behind BPA for max value in the draft but this one is a hard fit assuming the team is building around Trae (and JJ, etc.).  

    The best thing abut him is his instinctual feel for the game.  It lets him stand out on both sides of the ball even if he doesn't quite have his Dad's athleticism. 

    He would also be a legacy for us which would be fun.


    home from hockey game, we won 4-3 btw, great game...

    I was not referring to you @AHF I was talking about NBA fans in general and the experts sleeping on him. This kid has special ability written all over him. 

    My suggestion about the Hawks trading Trae and going after Reed are my personal opinions and are not in any way what the team will do. Travis got fired for two reasons and one of them was wanting to trade Trae. So that's not happening unless Trae demands a trade.

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  2. 3 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    I'll take Reed in a heartbeat. He just needs three years but in year 4, he will be amazing. 

    Kobe is basically a bad team stud. He will be our next Jason Terry 

    Reed is the rare once in a generational player that just needs time to adjust. A scheme like Quin is a perfect fit. 

    I will get stoned for saying this and I realize it won't happen but...

    Reed has elite hands and shooting ability. He's a good passer. He's a good defender because his hands are f***ing amazing. He has the best defensive hands I've seen on a PG since Rondo. Always active. His footwork is terrific.

    I would draft Reed and trade Trae for a long SG to put next to Reed.

    Yes, I realize this won't happen. But good grief are people sleeping on Reed Sheppard. 

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  3. 38 minutes ago, theheroatl said:

    Knicks have worthless players


    I don’t want to see their trash anywhere near this team

    They have players with value and are good. Saying a playoff team has nothing but worthless players is not logical. The question would be is what are they willing to give up for Murray or anyone else on our roster. Fornier is a scrub at this point in his career but guys like Grimes have real value.

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  4. 6 hours ago, JTB said:

    @Mikey @NBASupes @Sothron @Vol4ever


    was just wondering…all the insider info has been saying Siakam wants to go to Philly but I’m curious does Philly (or really Morey)…want Siakam too ?…to a point where they’d pay him big money or again does Philly even want Siakam at all ?


    im wondering if spicy p is going to get a wake up call when he hits free agency that his value isn’t as high as he may think . If Philly rejects him, where does that leave him?


    if I’m Philly and I have cap space (I believe that’s the case for them)…I’m not thinking about Siakam as my first choice of putting talent around Embiid and Maxey,

    It is interesting. Siakam either knows Philly wants him, which is all I've heard is the interest is mutual, or he's one of the dumbest players ever. He had at least two teams that would have given him extensions in Atlanta and Sac and he blew both of them off. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    Anyone reading a piece data and giving their opinion on the Hawks is instantly banned to me. 

    he made some good points. It was nice having an outside perspective that didn't just auto dump on Trae or the Hawks.

    • Like 4
  6. 2 hours ago, Spud2nique said:

    Yo Soth, can we talk? {pulls Sothie aside}..
    Hey brother the Hawks side chicks being the Nuggets and Wolves were known but the Pels? You can’t have 4 teams I’m sorry that’s like loving the NBA bro. 

    In fact, I’m gonna dock you points on the Nuggs winning thinking you only had them the wolves and the Hawks but you bangin a forf bro. It’s time to choose man you can have 4 wives unless you built something real sneaky in a cul de sac like a guy I know. 😐 

    When teams build teams the right way and play the right way I can't help but support it. There's very few teams I just don't like. 

    Hawks>Twolves>Nuggets>anyone else if that helps when it comes to my teams bro 😄

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