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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. 21 minutes ago, JeffS17 said:

    Draft heavy would indicate we're rolling the dice on someone like KAT being available this offseason after a disappointing TWolves playoff run.  Trae might be willing to wait it out half a season but if we aren't able to significantly improve the roster in the offseason, I'm sure the chatter will start with him.

    KAT's contract is not something they can afford starting next season. Everyone here knows I'm a Twolf fan as well as a Hawks fan. Trading for Murray helps both teams but I don't think they are going to go that way with a DJM trade.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, JeffS17 said:

    It is technically a retooling.  Rebuild implies you're getting rid of your core pieces and starting from scratch.  I don't think it really qualifies as a rebuild unless we move on from Trae.  

    this is true. It is however telling that just on this board which has the most in the know Hawks fans in the world that several people think we are rebuilding now. Retooling is literally what they are doing with the roster. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    The only way this makes sense is if it's a 'recoup picks from the Murray trade' deal and not so much about uncourt re-tool. But that needs to be clear from the front office.

    I'm gonna be greedy here and ask for the following real picks along with Grimes.

    Knicks 2024 1st (currently #18)for taking on Fournier's bad contract (needed for salary filler). His last year is a TO so we can release him.

    Dallas 2024 1st (currently #22)

    We most likely won't recoup 2 unprotected picks, but I'd need at least 1 unprotected Knicks pick in 2025 or 2027.

    No interest in the Detroit, Washington or Bucks picks with their many protections that become 2nds.

    Yes. That will leave us with four 2024 1st round picks that includes the Kings pick (currently #23) and our own (currently #7).

    We can consolidate those picks to move up in draft, trade 1 for a future pick with additional compensation, trade 1 or 2 picks with a player for a better player. 

    I just need the plan clearly stated.


    They will use the word retool so much when these trades start happening that you will think we were Home Depot. They do not want the fans to believe this is an outright rebuild.

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  4. Just to add my own thoughts: FA is not what it used to be. Star players sign extensions, see how it plays out and then demand a trade or buy in with their existing team. The only players reaching FA are the guy who want more money than they are worth or veteran guys willing to take less to play on a contender.

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  5. 15 minutes ago, AHF said:

    I consider this is definitive confirmation we are not dealing DM for Grimes and picks.  That would be a tanking/rebuild trade.

    I can't speak on that. I wish I could. I will say though that Grimes is a good POA defender and would be a definite upgrade in backcourt defense on this team plus he can hit threes. That is NOT me saying that is the trade, just offering an opinion on that player.

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  6. 1 hour ago, warcore said:

    I really want Herb Jones with any deal involving DJ... and it sounds like that's not the deal that's being made. 

    Prepared to be disappointed. 

    I love Herb Jones (I kinda have added the Pels to my watchlist of teams I cheer for last season and this season) but there are other good defensive starting caliber SGs we could go get. Grimes from NYK is one.

    • Like 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, AHF said:

    But Reed is smaller than DM.  Didn’t we learn our lesson that a tiny backcourt isn’t going to work?   Again, I’m a fan of his but expecting him to step in at a SG seems like setting him and the team up to fail.  

    I can only tell you what I'm hearing my man. I do think size isn't what it means due to how defense is played. Reed has super active hands and feet. He also can shoot the daylights out of the ball. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, capstone21 said:

    Tre Murphy III … 6’8 3 and D shooting guard.  New Orleans needs a point guard … we need a shooting guard who defends and has size.

    I know we had talks about Herb Jones/Murphy and the lakers 1st for DJM. I'll address this whenever the DJM trade is made official and we all know what the deal is.

    But yes, I would love getting him and Herb Jones.

  9. 2 hours ago, AHF said:

    How does a Kobe have enough size when DM clearly didn’t?  It is one thing to make the mistake with DM.  It is another to go all in on a guy without a single meaningful minute of NBA play who is the closest thing going to the guy who just failed to fit.  

    Man I hope I am so wrong on him.  I want to bang my head against the wall hearing we plan to use our lottery pick on a backup PG.  just *{%%ing pay Delon Wright.  Get us the big men and wings we need.  And I say this as someone who loves Reed Sheppard.

    We may have more than one lottery pick. Reed is projected as a 6-10 range player. It wouldn't shock me if we took him that they put him in at SG. He has defensive chops and insane shooting ability.

  10. 1 minute ago, AHF said:

    Please tell me that after figuring out that DM is too small to work with Trae that we aren’t imagining that Kobe will be our future SG.  That is doubling down on stupid.  DM had an all-NBA defense selection.  Kobe has a few nice G-League games.  If Kobe can’t fill backup PG minutes what is he going to do?  Why would we ever use our lottery pick on a backup PG?  We have screaming needs at positions other than PG.

    As for trading DM, we absolutely need to mail this trade.  We have a handful of valuable assets.  He is one of them, maybe at the front of the line as far as guys with whom we are willing to part.  He is under contract at a good price for years.  Even if everyone knows we are trading him we should have leverage because multiple teams will want him.  That should mean a bidding war.  While we will not recapture all the value we unloaded in the trade, we need to get as much as possible.

    There's been multiple offers for DJM. This is not a need to dump due to LT situation.

    Kobe was brought in to be DJM leaving insurance. Kobe has enough size to play SG if they go that route with him. 

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Spud2nique said:

    I get the info you give us but was this necessary? Or are we being dramatic like 🎥?


    And if you don’t then what? They gonna kidnap @kg01? Threats, all threats. 


    They don't have to speak to me at all, quite honestly. If they ask something reasonable like deleting a post I might have talked about too soon then it is a small price to keep a good relationship with the source. I'm not media or a talking head. Just a guy on a message board. 🙂 

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