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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. 28 minutes ago, NekiEcko said:


    I am sorry, but I dont think we are going to do a "Nique for Manning" trade for this.  Right now, we are about to go against some very heavy hitters and we could be 10 games under .500 and I dont want to trade for somebody that is going to leave and we get nothing to show for it.

    I don't *want* us to trade for Siakam, frankly, unless he agrees to sign an extension to stay. I want this team to do a soft rebuild or at least wait for the offseason to unload guys and get a third star.

    I also have to be honest with what I'm hearing from my sources. It isn't the same as my opinion on things.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Wretch said:

    I know we are getting conflicting reports and whatnot...but I really want this to be true and I want it to turn out for the best.  It sucks watching one of my favorite Hawk teams slide into mediocrity and get pulled apart piece by piece. 😔

    They aren't going to hand anyone away. If the FO had its way they would flip Hunter/AJ for Siakam and keep DJM both now and long term. Capela will still be moved but that's more due to avoiding the LT than the team wanting him off the roster.

    • Like 4
  3. 1 hour ago, Packfill said:

    I don't understand why the Knicks would want Dejounte.  Even with OJ they need another big wing, not a smallish two guard.

    They want to pair him up with Brunson. It is basically the same mentality the Hawks had with pairing him up with Trae. They believe they can give us an expiring deal in Evan and some of their firsts and we will take it.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Diesel said:

    Rebuild is the plan of the planless.  Just going back to the old playbook.  It makes no sense.  It should be easier to use our capital (players) to find a player that will make us better.   Period.   The time will come for that.   We just have to be patient and strategic.   You would think that the Hawks never had a star player before. 


    We're not doing a full rebuild. The only way to even do that properly would be to trade with the Spurs to get our firsts back. I don't think they would give them back for DJM. So on that front that's not even a feasible option.

  5. 1 hour ago, Vol4ever said:

    As bad as I hate to say it, they just need to blow it up and be sellers.  I think the  front office needs to be cleaned out, the GM doesn't have a clue.  

    We are in the same boat the Nets are in: you literally can't go for a full rebuild because you don't control your own firsts for three straight years. The Spurs raped us on the DJM trade. Giving up two unprotected firsts for a non top 15 player plus a pick swap was madness.

    • Sad 1
  6. So in my head and not using google the worst drafts in talent (not talking about drug use ruining careers) was 2000 and whichever draft had Anthony Bennett as #1 in it. 

    This 2024 draft class looks very weak. That white kid from Kentucky looks like a shorter Alex Caruso, a fun kid no doubt to watch play, but the fact he's now a 6-10 projected pick speaks VOLUMES about this draft.

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