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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. We already missed the chance. We should have been involved to absorb Andre Miller his contract is not that bad and its only got I believe 2 or 3 years left on it. Andre Miller is exactly what this team could use at point guard. The only other glaring need would then be a defensive center/low post threat at ANY position frankly and we'd be good to go with anyone in the NBA.

  2. I agree that someone will vastly overpay for Zaza. He's a young big with some offensive ability and decent hands. He really needs to work on his defense but there's no doubt someone will overpay to get him. I'm not sure if its 60 million but the bargain deal we got him at will be nowhere near what he gets as a FA.

  3. Quote:


    Once the ownership situation is settled, either way, it means Woodson *at least* is gone. That helps bring me peace.

    Agreed. Unless we are just kicking arse, Woodson will be gone when the ownership situation is resolved. And if we are kicking butt, then there will probably be fewer complaints about Woodson anyway!

    That's what I like to call a win/win situation. Either the guy continues to flounder and gets canned or he finally leads the team to a winning season. Either one is good for this Hawks fan.

  4. lol I'm not the Buddah tongue.gif

    I just honestly have looked at everything and have shrugged my shoulders mentally so to speak. Everyone on this site knows how I feel about Knight and Woodson. Everyone on this site knows that I wanted Deron over Marvin or whatever other transaction is topical. Why keep repeating the same mantra?

    I know, and I mean KNOW, that Knight and Woodson are locked at the hip until the ownership situation is final. There's just no logic to work up a lot of angst over them when it has no effect or even has the "haha I was right!" feeling when they do both get canned. Ditto for the draft picks...we can't redo the drafts. We know who blew them. We know whose on the team as actual Hawks too. I can either continue to hold a grudge on some level against them because they weren't "my guys" or I can fully support them and hope they prove me wrong and do something great. I don't think its going to happen but at least its something more positive to dwell on.

    I speak for no one but myself and cast no judgements on others. I just don't see the point in living in the past or in denial of the reality of the current ownership situation. So I choose the "Zen" approach.

  5. Trying to insult me doesn't change reality. I HATE Billy Knight and I HATE Mike Woodson and that will do JACK [censored] in seeing them gone from this team. The owners are NOT going to make those kind of changes until the legal battles are over. I really don't see how you can't understand that.

    But hey, flaming other people on the internet must sooth your shattered ego somehow. So keep insulting me. You can start with my ugly e-mom or my small e-wenis if you want. My e-feelings will be appropriately insulted.

  6. The current owners are not going to spend any more money on the team than they have to spend because of the fact they could easily lose all their money invested into this team for almost no return. It would not make good business sense to do it. Just like why they won't fire Knight or Woodson or bring in guys with big salaries like Iverson. Its not going to happen, at all, until the ownership situation is finished. I know it sucks, trust me, it kills me too but its not going to go away because the fans are tired of it.

  7. Quote:

    i saw him play when he was on TV playing the clippers. he was very good and did decent against chris kaman. brand got him a couple of times though. wither way he would be an upgrade from lorenzen. problem is though is that he is loyal to the team that pays him and wouldn't ask for a buyout. really it would have to be us giving CSKA an offer they couldn't refuse which isn't going to happen while this ownership battle is still going on.

    that is all that needs to be said. There is no way he comes over here until the ownership situation is settled. How many times does this need repeating? We seriously need a stickied post explaining the limitation of our ownership and personell decisions.

  8. Yes, no city has NEVER paid a relocation sum to the owners of a team to get them to move. NEVER. crazy.gif

    Belkin lost the Celtics and Bobcats because he did not have enough capital to buy AND OPERATE the teams per NBA accountants who went through his records. The only way he had a chance to buy a team was in a large ownership group like the Spirit.

    The only way he COULD have the money to run the team would be to relocate the team and have tax breaks/free public arena/novelty of new team to buy tickets. And even then he wouldn't have enough money to operate it outside the bare salary minimum. The Bobcats currenty principal owner is exactly the same kind of owner. You really want that?

  9. Let me repeat this to you JB: Belkin has nowhere near the personal capital to buy the Hawks let alone have the resources to pay a NBA team salary year in, year out. The only reason he is proceeding in legal battles is his hope he can buy a NBA and NHL team and an arena for a very cheap price ...which he can then sell out to someone else or move to Las Vegas.

    Belkin is not the answer.

  10. Don't be absurd. Belkin has tried to purchase teams before in the NBA and he never has had enough money to do so. There is simply no way he could afford to run a NBA team and keep even a regular payroll let alone paying luxury taxes. This team would be the Atlanta Clippers, probably soon to be the Las Vegas Hawks.

  11. I'm not defending Woodson in the least but there's honestly no need to get upset over it. There's no chance of Woodson being fired until the ownership situation is finished.

    On the same wavelength I've reconciled the fact we've blown three drafts under Knight. There's no need to constantly dwell on who we could have drafted.

  12. I keep telling you guys this...there's no chance we fire Woodson who is on a cheap contract while the ownership situation is what it is. NO and I mean NO real head coach is going to want to step into this mess and Woodson's pay is so cheap that its a positive even if by this point it is OBVIOUS he is not a real NBA head coach.

  13. If Greg Oden is going to be as good as advertised and we could guarantee the Hawks could get him by losing every game the rest of the year...hell yes I'd love to see that happen.

    But the lottery does not work that way. And we have no idea how good Oden really is going to be. I'm not dogging the kid, I'm sure he'll be great, but since there is a lottery in place tanking a season really doesn't help you all that much.

  14. There is simply no other way to put it. That kid is killing me for real. When he's on like tonight he looks fantastic and he fills up the stat sheet with his all around contributions. Its games like tonight where he could be the most complete player in the league...until he has the next few games where he still looks like a 19 year old teenager fresh out of high school.

    I would kill to see Smoove be anything close to consistent. And I mean consistent either bad or good. Because right when you think he's never going to get it...he gets it and has a great game. And then he just loses it until he next big game.

    I don't know how much blame the coaching staff has to take for this but its quite obvious that as Smoove goes, the Hawks go. Joe Cool can't be our one man franchise. Marvin is just now back from injury. Chill is a decent starter/great backup role player. Zaza isn't the guy. Neither is Lue or Speedy. Its all on Smoove. If he can somehow become more steady and put up games like tonight against Memphis this team could be a really dangeous team at some point.

    But the more he's not, the more its killing this thirty year old fan. He's like an enigma wrapped up in a riddle. That's why he's the X factor. I just want the "X" to stop here more often than not.

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