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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. I have it from good sources, the same ones inside the Hawks and that Jaywalker used (not all but some) and he (Howard) has always wanted to be a Hawk and he'd like to play for the home team. He's keeping it quiet because he knows he is on his rookie contract and has no chance of leaving for at least a couple of more seasons. But he absolutely is considering Atlanta. I'm not saying its 100% he's coming here but it sure as hell is something he's been considering since he got drafted.

  2. I've read some over the top responses but wow that was something from StoptheHop.

    I do think gsu said something though that deserves repeating: we should all make a better effort to be nicer to one another on this board. We don't get to put points on the scoreboard in the real games or get to go back and redo the drafts or unsign free agents and sign others. There's really no need for some of the personal angst that goes on here. We're all fans of the same team that looks headed to nine straight years of not making the playoffs. Its natural we're going to get frustrated about it. Just don't take frustration out on other posters.

  3. Yep, he plays the game hard core...except when it comes to actually doing things that helps your team win like, I dunno, practice. Do you want that cancer on our team? The only reason this story about Iverson demanding a trade broke is that agents for his own teammates were being told by the players to try and get Iverson off the team because they didn't want someone on the team who didn't want to be there.

    I realize some of you guys love Iverson but I can't stand him or the half ass approach he has to playing the game. If he really wanted to be a winner then he'd cut down on his horrible shot selection and actually care about practice and improving the TEAM around him. Putting that cancer on our young ballclub would be killing our young guys.

  4. Iverson, Starbury and Francis are three players that are routinely linked to the Hawks and none of them are worth their money. None of them play a lick of defense. I'm just sick of having to put up with these rumors linking them to our team.

  5. Quote:


    I agree. Iverson is a ballhog who plays zero defense ...

    Do you even watch NBA basketball? That is the MF-in stupidest quote I have ever seen.

    AI averages more assists than ANYBODY on our current team. So that makes him a ballhog? see TLue. blush.gif

    PS: see steals stats - no AI can't control the phuckin paint. confused.gif

    No, I've been going to Hawks games in person since Eddie Johnson was in Atlanta so obviously I've never watched the NBA.

    Anyone who really watches the NBA knows Iverson is an undersized guard who plays zero defense, has a gigantic ego and only scores points by throwing up a ton of attempts. The fact he manages to scrap out a few assists in his constant manipulation of the ball means nothing to me. Starbury is exactly the same. Do you want him too?

  6. I came to the conclusion after putting someone on ignore that we have an element on this site who care more about winning internet arguments or trying to make "points" off other posters than about the actual team or the games. I think part of this can be contributed to an eight year playoff drought and the ongoing ownership squabble.

    There really is only so many different ways to say "Well, we lost again: whose to blame today?" before you reach the point where it becomes moot.

  7. I just wonder how many people actually watched Marvin, Paul and Deron in college? Seriously? I watched almost all of UoI's games that year (like every year) because my wife is an alumnus of University of Illinois and a huge sports fan. I knew Deron was the truh. Paul I saw a good bit of playing against GT and watching a good bit of ACC basketball. I saw Marvin in the same way.

    It was pretty obvious to me that for our team with a plethora of 6'9" forwards or swingmen that we desperately needed a big man who can score in the low post and be a defensive force in the middle and a true franchise point guard. We couldn't get the big man but both Deron and Paul were top notch franchise point guards ready to be plucked.

    What I saw from Marvin was a raw kid with some good fundamentals for his age and a great pick for about 25 other teams. Not us. Nothing I've seen since then in the real NBA has changed my opinion that we should have nabbed Deron or Paul.

  8. Deron Williams is the MVP of the season so far. He not only does everything Paul does on offense he is about 9123902183082 times better on defense. It was a huge mistake passing on Deron Williams. I don't care about Paul. Never did. He can't defend his man and the Hornets record and points allowed shows it. Just watch their games and you can see how much he struggles on defense. Unlike Deron who has a perfect NBA point guard body.

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