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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. I watched or went to the games for all of Mookie's tenure here in Atlanta. I absolutely would call him a great point guard. He could deny ball entry, he could defend his man, he was fantastic in plying the lanes and snagging balls for steals and racing to the other end for an easy layup or an assist opportunity. The only point guard that is comparable to him (in his prime obviously) in terms of defense was Gary Payton.

    Mookie had good handles. You also have to remember that Smitty got more than his fair share of assists in the slow down half court teams we had with Lenny on board. Mookie did his job extremely well.

  2. I think an 0-82 season speaks for itself. As my father loves to say, "it doesn't matter if you lose by one or by a hundred, a loss is a loss and a win is a win."

    I'm not disagreeing with you that team play is unimportant but while we gave up a big lead we still managed to win by nine points. Obviously something we did was working.

  3. What's even more insulting to me is when the media, especially the NY media, insists that Thomas can unload those bad contracts on teams like the Hawks because...its the Knicks and the other team could use a point guard.

    I could think of at least a dozen other point guards I would want besides those two. I can't even name one team that would honestly trade for either of those guys.

  4. Quote:

    Why would it matter who we play?

    You said yourself that if we played against "Melo and his Mama" it would still count as a win and that is all that matters.

    He's got ya on that one Diesel.

    And no, I would not say the Hawks losing by a point to the best team in the league meant they sucked. Its an 82 game season. If they lost EVERY game like that then yes I'd be upset.

    You would have had a better time trying to make this point if the Hawks had blown the 21 point lead and lost. Not when we survive their big run and end up winning by 9.

  5. Quote:


    I don't like Gasol personally. IMO he is just too soft a player on the defensive end of the court. Remember BIG Dog and his defense?

    Gasol is 50 times the defensive presence that Big _og was. That's not saying much, but still...

    Gasol is not a bad defensive player. I'm not sure if people think this because he's a white Euro player or something but its simply not true. He's not a great defensive player but he's not a liability out there either. He routinely goes up against the best big men in the entire league and handles his job defensively. Heck for that matter Memphis WITH him has had one of the best defenses in the NBA.

  6. Remember when all of the muppets on ESPN and TNT and around the internet were just convinced that the Knicks would trade Starbury or Francis to us? Remember that? They were just 100% convinced that Knight was in such desperate need for a point guard that we would use all of our cap space on retreads like those two.

    It wasn't just talked about, it was almost a given. Now look at those two bumbs in NY this year. Both are clearly has beens of the worst kind: has beens stuck with max salaries. There is no way in the world NY could offer enough to get a team to swallow those poison pill contracts.

    As much as the media muppets love to harp when they are right about something I would love to hear them actually admit all the rampant trade rumors they came up with were nothing but hot air and some writer's imaginations.

  7. Why are you calling me Ron? Should I call you Heavy D? tongue.gif

    If we would have lost that game, as I said in another post, then sure its more than ok to be angry and to post about it. But we didn't lose it. We actually won by a comfortable margin. We're not a healthy team right now and we are still the youngest team in the NBA. I'm just not ready to bash the team for winning a game by nine points. I mean seriously dude just listen to yourself: you are complaining about the team when we WON the game.

  8. What Pete said is true in that Eisley has come out to say no trade but you never know in the NBA.

    I like Gasol. He's a steady player. He is a good low post scorer and if you look at his block numbers he can stick his paw in people's faces decently. He's not a great defensive player but I don't think he's any worse than average for his position. I think he'd give us a good low post threat to pair up with Joe Cool that could really give us a one/two punch we haven't had in years.

  9. I hope BK proves everyone, even myself, wrong by guiding the Hawks to a world title. I'll take whatever crap some of you would want to throw at me. Real life Hawks wins and world titles >>>>> some internet message board.


  10. I really don't know how to respond Diesel when you are complaining about the quality of a win. Yes, obviously, we came close to blowing the game but we didn't. Some of these games are going to be lost after we have a huge lead and in some games we may actually come back and win one.

    I just don't understand being negative after we win a game. Maybe there is something to this site have people that maybe even on a subconcious level are happier when we lose so they have something to post about.

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