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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. I like Josh but he really does need to work on his shot selection. It also seems, and this is just a feeling, that in some of these games we're seeing a really great effort from him in terms of hustle and energy and other nights where its not even close to the same level.

  2. When I've had chances to talk to Lorenzen Wright and Crawford at the games or at fan meets before the games I called them by my pet nicks to their faces and they both had no problems with it. If I get a chance to talk to Shellhead I will have no qualms callilng him that to his face. Its not an insult. What is he going to do, beat me up at the game? lol please.

    And I'm sorry but the "Landlord" is a horrible nickname. He should thank me for giving him a much better and affectionate nickname. No one likes a Landlord but everyone loves a Shellhead! cool.gif

  3. That was a very, very telling answer: from a non-Chad Ford ESPN muppet we now now that anything less than a title will never remove the words "Chris Paul" from talking about Knight.

    We all know who I thought we should have drafted but its insane to say that making the playoffs with the roster as it is now shouldn't cut Knight some serious slack. No GM in sports history AFAIK has ever had to work around court injuctions on player movement. I'm not a fan of Knight but this is insane and unfair.

  4. No, Shellhead is an affectionate nickname for Iron Man just as "Webhead" is the affectionate nickname for Spidey. Excuse me, Spider Man. I don't want to you to be even more offended.

    I believe I have the right to dub players whatever nickname I choose to give them. tongue.gif I am not responsible for why other people would call him that or use other nicknames that make fun of his physical looks. I am a huge fan of Iron Man comics and Shellhead just works for him. No one cares that I call Wright Lo Down, why care about Shellhead? Its just as silly a nickname as most nicknames usually are.

  5. I have a nickname for most Hawks players, especially if they don't have one. When Crawford was here I was yelling Crawdaddy, with Lo Wright its was (and is again) Lo Down and I love to yell "Go down low with Low Down!" when he's on offense.

    Shelden needed a good nickname and Shellhead works on at least two levels. I had to explain to Wright what the hell Lo Down came from and Crawford just laughed at the Crawdaddy nickname because of how obvious it was. If Shelden needs explaining of what Shellhead means I'll be happy to inform him. Its not negative.

  6. Whose heckling him? Haven't any of you guys read Iron Man? You know, Iron Man? The Marvel comics super hero? Shellhead is his nickname. I'd like to see Shelden be OUR Shellhead and our "Iron Man" and it fits the kind of player he's supposed to be: tough, rugged and always there.

  7. I think he actually liked it. I was using it in support of what he was doing, like "Good board Shellhead!" or "Nice pick Shellhead!" and if anything he might have glanced in my direction with a confused-but-in-a-happy-mildly-surprised way. The other fans seemed to get a laugh at it sitting around me.

    If he does indeed go Chuck Norris on me at some point though there is a cherry of an Alienware I've been scoping out that he would in fact be buying for me. laugh.gif

  8. Quote:


    The difference is the Crawdaddy would blow out his knee and miss the entire year more than once. Speedy has had one 30 game year as best I can tell and the other years he's playing 75-80% of the games.

    Speedy missed all of the 01-02 season.

    Thank you for correcting that before I could. And if my foggy Sothy memory works Claxton tore his ACL that year as well.

    I don't see how anyone can disagree that this guy is injury plagued.

  9. Quote:




    I think Claxton got a 4 year deal with around 6 million per just off the top of my head without googling it. I'm glad to see others are questioning why we wasted cap space on him though.

    Claxton got injured. it was a freak occurence. all of a sudden the Hawks "wasted" capspace?


    I invite you to look at Claxton's injury history over his career. If he doesn't fit the description "injury plagued" to a "T" I will eat Walter's hat. tongue.gif

    a broken hand though? freak occurence.

    And his knee right now. And his being out of condition. And the fact its something new to be injured every season. This guy is injury plagued. It happens. Remember Crawdaddy? Poor guy. He gave it everything he had...and every year he got hurt. You just don't give those kind of guys 24 million over four years to be a nice name on the IR list.

  10. No one should be ragging on Bozeman. Anything we get out of an undrafted player is a positive and should be treated accordingly.

    However, correctly pointing out that signing Claxton with his massive injury history was questionable is a different matter. Hopefully he somehow finds a way to stay healthy and shoot better than a one armed grandmother. We need it.

  11. Quote:


    I think Claxton got a 4 year deal with around 6 million per just off the top of my head without googling it. I'm glad to see others are questioning why we wasted cap space on him though.

    Claxton got injured. it was a freak occurence. all of a sudden the Hawks "wasted" capspace?


    I invite you to look at Claxton's injury history over his career. If he doesn't fit the description "injury plagued" to a "T" I will eat Walter's hat. tongue.gif

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