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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. Yes, some of the realgm.com posters have maintained this theory for two years now that drafting Marvin meant we would go after JJ and if we drafted Paul or Deron we would not have went after him. It still makes no sense to me in two years. If JJ was a true point guard it would but he's not and no one has ever considered him to be anything but a two guard with good ball handling skills.

  2. And to add: I don't know how much blame we can hold against BK for Ellis. Obviously Ellis is an outright steal for a second round pick but almost all second rounders are flakey. I wish BK had taken Ellis OBVIOUSLY but how many NFL teams wish they could have taken Tom Brady before the 5th round?

    I'm not going to hold Ellis too much against Knight.

  3. With Deron Williams being the MVP of the league so far, and no I'm not joking, that mistake looms large right now. I don't think anyone here can say with a straight face that they would rather have Marvin over Deron or Paul at this point. I'm not knocking Marvin, he didn't draft himself, but with our gaping hole at point the error is just magnified.

  4. Smoove, I know some are going to flame me for this but wtfever, really needed to go to college for at least a year. He has some confidence issues in his offensive role that I think a year at college would help. Look at Marvin: he knows his role, he can create his own shot, has the range and athletic ability to attack the rim or work the perimiter with his jump shot.

    Smoove simply can not do that. Maybe in 3 years he can but Marvin is our second scoring option.

    I agree with ya Gutzy about Speedy. I was very hesitant about his signing because of his injury status and the fact he is a HORRIBLE and I mean HORRIBLE shooter.

    But all this talk about trading for guys is just not going to happen. We have the judge orders against us and the inability to go over the cap. Plus who are we going to get? We really only need a low post scorer and a real point guard that can stay healthy. Who are we going to A: get that from and B: what in the hell are we going to give up for it?

  5. I hope Marvin can be an All-star small forward because if he's anything less than that BK made a gigantic mistake in not taking Deron Williams or Chris Paul or Felton.

    Marvin is the second scoring option our team has been missing this season and once he's back I think he can fulfill that role.

  6. I'm scared that hawksquawk could be next but realgm.com had some kind of virus in a popup ad and while it was blocked by the company's virus protection it happened so much that I got a not so nice email to stop posting there. Since I need my job lol I had to stop posting there. I work at least 70-80 hours a week and its hard for me to remember to go by there at home and post with you guys again.

    Its also nice to come post here and not have all those idiots from other team's boards screaming "You guys got ripped off for JJ! HUHU!" heh.

    That's fine with me that you don't agree with all my posts about BK. I also know from realgm that you were 100% in agreement with me that we should have done more over the years and I know you didn't want Shellhead either in the draft. Now I know I kinda lost it that draft night but I'm honestly pulling for Shellhead to "own me" in real life by being the best damn power forward in the NBA. I'd much rather have me think badly of a Hawks guy and have him do well than for me to be proven "right" on the internet.

    To be fair I have never said that BK was the worst GM in the NBA. I think he's made some big mistakes over the years. I wish we had gotten more from trading SAR/Theo. I wish we had kept Pyrzbilla. I wish we had not resigned Collier (RIP). I wish we had gotten more out of trading JT. I wish we had drafted Iggy or Deng over Chill. I wish we had drafted Deron Williams and then drafted almost anything else this year at #5. I wish we had not signed Claxton with his injury record. I wish we had gotten more from trading Harrington.

    These are as far as I remember the only things I've criticized Knight over. I know for a fact I'm not the only person who feels the same way over the same things. Not once have I ever "flip flopped" on those opinions. Not once. If you want to ask me a specific question about each issue or whatever then please do so.

    What I don't appreciate is some guy coming out of the woodwork and in every.single.thread. I post in bringing up some old up crap and wanting to rehash the same arguments over. Its just ..silly. We both know where we stand so why keep arguing about it? Its a waste of time and its taking away from other people's enjoyment of the site obviously by the other people saying "please stop guys".

    So I'm trying to stay above it and I've put him on ignore. If he's not a dummy troll account it will reveal itself over the season. If I think he's a real poster and he can show the ability to not bring up old crap to constantly rehash then I'll probably unignore him. We'll see.

    I'm done talking about this unless someone wants to take it to PM or start another thread asking about my specific issues with Knight.

  7. Quote:

    What makes you think he has a dummy account? I don't understand why your bashing him all of a sudden. All he did was refute your stupid bashing of BK and his moves. Your the one who needs to quit the needless name calling. You got schooled so just admit it. Its alright! Otherwise comeback with some decent arguements instead of the dumb name calling .

    Dude, do yourself a favor and do some research. I know I can't be there on realgm.com to save you on other team's boards like I used to do (my workplace banned realgm.com) but please. This guy only posts, nonstop I might add, to go back and find some old quote from me to try and start a flamewar. I don't go digging through his old posts to find something to flame about. If you don't see the difference then I don't know how to explain it any better than that.

    As for the "getting schooled" did you even read his posts? He would take a post of mine and distort it completely out of context to try and "prove" a point and when I showed him that he was completely offbase on what he wrote he didn't even have the guts to respond because it was so obvious.

    He's not worth my time or energy to keep getting into flamewars when I post on this site. And yes, there's no doubt in my mind he's a regular member's dummy account so they can stalk someone on the board and not get the axe from the mods. Its gutless. Just like his posts when he's proven wrong about something I wrote.

    So its over. He's on my ignore list so we can get back to talking about the Hawks. Y'know, the reason we all post here? smirk.gif

  8. I have to say in my own defense that this troll only started posting in response to me. Every single thread I've posted in over the last week or so has had this troll show up and try to start a flame war. I'm not the one stalking another poster on this forum. tongue.gif

    He's now on my ignore list and once he comes up with another alias to do the same thing I'll dutifully put that on my ignore list as well. I think its rather sad that someone would resort to using a dummy account because they can't handle criticism of Knight.

    But regardless, he's now ignored so hopefully the stalking will go away.

  9. He is obviously someone's troll alias they made two years ago. He has just over a hundred posts in two years and I am willing to put money on well over half of those posts are from his stalking me in every thread I post in. Its stopped being comical and has become annoying. The next step is creepy.

    Is there an ignore featue for this site?

  10. Now guys you can't question BK for signing a guy who has an injury record longer than Diesel's post history. We all know Atlanta has the magical healing elixir that we give out to our players. tongue.gif

    I hope Speedy can get better soon and start staying healthy but I don't know if he can do it. Some guys for whatever reason are just injury plagued (remember Crawdaddy?) and there's nothing that can prevent it.

  11. This troll can't even read English. He spends hours trying to find quotes from me and can not even provide a good flame from it because he doesn't even understand what I said in the first place to try and flame it.

    So if "owning" me is to utterly be without the ability to comprehend English then yep, this troll sure has "owned" me. crazy.gif

  12. Please keep stalking me you are just making my case for me.

    And FYI: I know how long BK has been here (sadly). At that particular time I did not remember. You ever have days where you can't remember something right off the top of your head?

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