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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. Quote:


    Who are your 3 franchise PG's. Roy and Foye arent PG's they are tweeners which with JJ we dont need. Williams dropped for a reason. BK wasnt the only guy to pass on him, the last thing a young team is a pouter and quiter. (hence the salim threads) So what franchise PG did we miss????

    Assuming he means Deron, Paul, and Felton.

    You would be kupo, sir.

  2. Quote:


    Sothron: two corndogs for lunch today at work

    Show your support for your Atlanta Hawks by eating YOUR share of corndogs and adding your name to the list!

    I have been sick all evening. I couldn't go to class, so I'm going to watch the game on TV at home. Even though I've been vomiting, I STILL ate a corndog. Winning is that important to me.

    Kupos to you sir, kupos. A true fan.

  3. You don't have to draft someone to just play hustle. I mean seriously. Its not that hard to understand. We signed Lo Down for almost nothing (NBA salary wise) and he's doing exactly the same thing as Shellhead except didn't cost a huge differential in talent level between being a #5 pick in the lottery and a veteran free agent signing. It was not, at all, a smart investment in that pick especially after one season ago we passed on three, THREE franchise point guards to draft a guy because of "potential". Why not grab someone with a higher ceiling STILL bring in Lo Down to handle the dirty work and see what ya got?

    I'm not trying to sound insulting but it just floors me that you can't see how a huge mismanagement of resources that is.

  4. Charles Oakley is one of my favorite players of all time. You might need to google him since I'm sure you never heard of him. Ty Corbin, another google search for you, is another of my all time favorites. I absolutely love the hustle and heart guys. Shellhead has a long ways to go before I put him in that category.

    So the #5th pick in the draft only needs to take charges and average what is it? 5? rebounds a game to prove his worth on the court. I'm just in awe of that level of play.

    Lo Down is doing more on the defensive side of the ball than Shellhead and we got him for essentially a veteran minumum contract. I think its possible to find that level of hard work without wasting top five picks on it. Could be just me though.

  5. We needed Deron Williams, not Chris Paul. Deron can stop dribble and drive penetration from the perimeter, man up on the post and is an excellent passer, leader, and can score as needed. We made a big mistake in not taking him.

    That being said, the main reason IMO we are doing better on defense is shutting down the perimeter and making teams work to get off outside shots. Lo Down and Shellhead are certainly better than Edwards (laugh) down in the post. No question. They deserve some credit but so do Bozeman and Johnson for their work on the outside.

  6. Quote:

    BK did a poor job trading AL. Getting a mid to late 1st for a guy who scores like that is ridiculous. If BK had been more shrewd he could have cooked up something that would have been a great benefit to the team. He and/or the Spirit chose to only deal with a couple of teams. There were more who were told AL wouldn't be going there...

    It is totally possible to be glad AL is gone and still think BK got fleeced. Whats so hard to understand about that?

    Thank you. When GoDawgs actually watches the games I can respond further. If fouling other players is a mark of greatness, wow, I don't know how to respond to that.

  7. He (Hendu) got that fat contract because he totally outplayed and out*hustled* Laettner and actually earned a starting role in the NBA. I agree with you, I was one of the few people that wondered how he could have been so mediocre until his contract year was up THEN played great and wanted a huge contract.

    I did not want them to keep him. He is my most hated Hawk, even over that insane nut JR Rider who at least has mental issues to excuse some of his craziness. Hendu just has no heart and only plays to make $$$. The fact he ate up our cap space and became an albatross contract for Y E A R S easily puts him as #1 on my Hawk hate list.

    If you guys think I'm tough on Shellhead or BK you weren't around the older forums I was on when discussing Henderson. There's not enough words to adequately describe the degree of hate, loathing and revulsion I feel for that man. Shellhead would have to do the exact same thing to bring out that level of bile. laugh.gif

  8. You are right. If Shellhead gets a new contract and then discovers he has no "heart" for the game then he's the next Hendu. I'll never forget my reaction to that when Jaywalker finally got Hendu to admit to him in an interview that Hendu was literally only still playing in the NBA for the money. Heartless piece of trash.

  9. So Shellhead was guarding those guys exclusively man on man for 48 minutes? C'mon now. Let's don't start cooking up numbers to try and make something more than what it is. Shellhead is right now an average defensive player, which I might add is somewhat generous on my part since he gets no blocks or steals. He can body up on some guys. Meh. We could have drafted someone in the second round and told them to body up on someone.

    I expect more out of that from a #5 pick in the draft.

  10. Not really. You can't say "Haha people wanted "X" or "Y" player instead of our guy!" and then when someone points out that "X" or "Y" are playing better than our guy you don't get to say "Sorry, we're not talking about the past" when its already been brought up.

    Chill's improved play this year just further convinces me that we are going to lose either Chill or Smoove when their rookie deals expire.

  11. BK's failing as a drafter can already be seen. Shellhead has done nothing of note on the court so far and the point guards we have passed up have been absolutely brilliant so far in their careers.

    Has anyone besides me noticed what Utah is doing so far? Has anyone besides me noticed that Deron Williams is leading that team and is playing at an All-NBA first team level? Could you imagine him on our team next to Joe Cool? My God!

    I am just as happy as the next guy that the Hawks are finally doing something but I'm not going to give Knight a blank check for all of the mistakes he's made.

  12. Great game tonight by the team. JJ and Smoove were insane and Chill was very productive as well. Bozeman does a great job in harassing the perimeter. I don't know how many offensive fouls we got called on the Raptors but that was extremely well coached (yes, I can admit that) defensive awareness to take those charges. Great game by the good guys. 4-1 is just mind boggling!

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