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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. Actually what I said was "This is the first time in a long time I'm felt this good about the team" so get your facts straight before you want to flame someone. That is a COMPLETELY different sentence and meaning than what you made up to fit a flame. I can not remember the last time I've felt this good about the Hawks. It was probably back in the "playoff guarantee" season.

    That has nothing to do with "I HAVE NEVER FELT THIS BETTER ABOUT A TEAM". The last time I felt that was right before we traded 'Nique in 1994 and I thought, as did a lot of Hawks fans back then, that our team was going to finally win the ring.

    Feel free to make up more crap though. tongue.gif

  2. Quote:


    Knight has been here 2002. That is more than enough time to produce something more than the slideshow of 6'9" wunderkinds who can't even win thirty games. As Texas Pete and myself have said previously this man has blown picks by taking decent players when we could have had much better.

    Mrhonline, I did not say the Joshes and Marvin were the absolute worst picks. Reread my post prior to this one. I said that just because he did NOT make the absolute worst picks does not mean he should be kept.

    If peddling mediocrity is sufficient for most of you then Pete Babcock never should have been fired. Pete at least managed to put together 50+ win teams to his credit. Using the new Hawks fans criteria that should put him somewhere between God and Jesus.

    can we say record flip flop this was from the thread this afternoon were Softy and Texas made it sound like the Hawks had no chance of being decent and we pissed away our future with Billy.

    In a matter of 5 hours one can go from complete wretched hate for the make up of the team to quote " Never felt better about a team"

    What do you expect out of someone that in the thread said Billy has had six or seven years to turn this around? way to pay attentoin and welcome to the bandwagon, you sir are the first to hop on from the otherside.

    The new rules on this site prevent me from telling you where exactly you can stick that post. I have been a Hawks fan longer than you probably have been alive let alone figured out how to work a computer to come insult people on it.

    You'll forgive me if four years feels the same as six or seven. Or that Knight's bumbling has cost us the chance to draft better players. We could have a better team already instead of hoping enough lottery picks on the bench (two so far!) can produce enough to break the THIRTY WIN mark.

    I am kind of glad you posted that flame actually. It saved me a chance to create a topic where I was going to admonish everyone here, myself included, that we are ALL Hawks fans and we ALL want to see this team win. I don't care how we win a title. I would kill to see the Hawks be pronounced as the NBA world championships.

    If anyone on this site would rather see our team fail to prove a god damn internet argument then they need to be banned or the site taken down because the whole POINT of this place is for FANS to come together, talk about and ROOT for the team. If we have message board warriors who want to do something besides that then please quietly leave or hopefully change your attitude.

    I have several valid criticisms of this team and the direction it has been in. I will absolutely continue to criticize the general manager, the coach and the players. I will absolutely ROOT FOR THEM and hope we WIN and have a chance to win a TITLE. If that makes me a "bandwagon" fan as a former season ticket holder whose father took him to games when Fast Eddie Johnson was here then call me a god damn "bandwagoner" all you want. I don't care. If the Hawks win, that's all I care about.


    Edit: mods feel free to delete or modify this post if you feel the need.

  3. Paxson was not the GM for all 7 years of their missing the playoffs. If Krause had not been an idiot the Bulls would right now be the best team in the NBA if Elton Brand was still there and with Ben Wallce on the team as it currently stands. I still can't believe they traded Brand away for Chandler because Brand was "only" a 20/10 PF.

  4. Quote:


    Dedicated (??) Hawks fans eat a corn dog to insure that

    the Hawks win!!

    Apparently, the more you eat, the greater the victory!!

    Kinda like breaking a mirrow is 7 years bad luck.

    Or a black cat crosses the road in front of you.

    Or walking under a ladder.

    Eating Corn Dogs before the Hawks game = Victory!!

    If you REALLY believe this, better grab a Corn dog or three!


    I had two corn dogs for lunch at work and usually eat them at least once a week for lunch. Perhaps this magical consumption will see more wins this season...

  5. I might be crazy but anyone who posts on this board is a Hawks fan. Anyone who cares enough to debate the team and its GM or coach or ownership is a fan. Some of us may like BK, some may not, but we are all Hawks fans. You don't get a special button for being a supporter of every single move we make nor do you get extra internet cool points for being proven right about a decision over the team.

    And just for Dr. Z...kupo.

  6. Quote:

    I was listening to Paul Hewitt talking about Chris Paul on the radio. The host said the Hawks must have scouted Paul when he played Tech because Tech manhandled Paul usually. Then Hewitt said that he wouldn't be surprised if Paul wasn't on the Olympic team in 08 because he couldn't man up with bigger guards.

    You wonder what Paul's legacy will be in a few years.

    When I posted at realgm before it got banned by my workplace about how poor of a defensive player Paul is the posters would go, to excuse the phrase, apesh!t on me and flame me to a toasty kupo. Paul is simply a horrible defensive player whose small body and frame will always be a defensive liability. Contrast that with, say, Deron Williams who has a NBA body and is very good defensively. I would much, much, much rather have Deron Williams than Chris Paul or Marvin Williams (sorry Marv).

  7. FWIW I was, and still am, on the Deron Williams bandwagon. I wanted us to draft him second. He has outplayed Chris Paul to me so far in their careers since Deron can actually play defense and isn't small enough to just be pushed around like Paul routinely is.

    And Knight's hands have been tied. The ownership won't spend over the salary cap and that was before the ownership fiasco. The only defense of Knight I will ever accept is in fact the ownership situation and its impact on his ability to alter the roster.

  8. Er, no guy, the first thing you asked was for examples of individual GMs that fit my "good gm" criteria and I gave you several of them. Don't go changing the questions because you can't handle the answers.

    And again I ask you and the other guy who piped up, so what? Knight makes some mediocre draft picks while passing over better talent and that's supposed to be a good thing? I mean seriously. No one has said Knight has to make the perfect pick on every decision. That's not realistic. But when he has yet to get one pick right (Smoove) in relation to where it was taken...you have to start demanding better from your general manager. Especially when he knows as we do that the ownership situation keeps him from bringing in real free agents.

    We as fans should demand more than a bottom five general manager.

  9. Yes, I'd rather have taken a chance on POB than settling on an undersized and old (for a rookie) 23 year old with limited upside.

    You want a list of good general managers? Jerry West tops that category. Greg Popavich would be second. Don Nelson Jr or whoever runs Dallas would be third. I love the job Charlotte has done in the draft and Orlando has two young studs in the making with Howard and Nelson. The Bucks GM has done a good job and isn't scared to make trades to bring in better talent. Jerry Colangelo is off to a good start in Toronto. The Phoenix GM is good. The Nets guy, Rod Thorpe? doesn't get enough credit. Kiki Vanderweighe did a good job in Denver. Joe Dumars has been very good in Detroit.

    I can keep going here. There's at least twenty general managers in the NBA I would list above BK without breaking a sweat. The only GM I can categorically put below Knight is Isiah Thomas.

  10. Knight has been here 2002. That is more than enough time to produce something more than the slideshow of 6'9" wunderkinds who can't even win thirty games. As Texas Pete and myself have said previously this man has blown picks by taking decent players when we could have had much better.

    Mrhonline, I did not say the Joshes and Marvin were the absolute worst picks. Reread my post prior to this one. I said that just because he did NOT make the absolute worst picks does not mean he should be kept.

    If peddling mediocrity is sufficient for most of you then Pete Babcock never should have been fired. Pete at least managed to put together 50+ win teams to his credit. Using the new Hawks fans criteria that should put him somewhere between God and Jesus. tongue.gif

  11. Why not? He's 6'9" and can play either forward spot and can't pass. He'd be a perfect Knight lottery pick.

    Mrhonline, you'll have to excuse me I expect more out of our general manager than "Well he didn't pick the absolute worst pick every single year, just near the bottom every year". When you have a general manager in what six years? seven? that can't put together a team that can surpass thirty wins more than deserves firing.

  12. So at what point of passing over better players does BK need to reach in order for him to be fired? What's the magic number here? We've already seen Paul, Felton, Deron, Roy, Foye, Gay, Ellis, Deng, Igoudala (sp?) and who knows who else in just the last two seasons.

    Knight will remain as long as the Atlanta Spirit is fighting wtih Belkin. Which may last until next season. crazy.gif

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