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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. Chill is one of the first names people bring up in trade discussions with the Hawks. We have to face the fact that Chill and probably either Smoove or Marvin are out the door if they can not start here. Some other team will give them the starting spot and money to go somewhere else.

    Call it an educated guess if you will. Dion Glover never showed what Chill and Smoove have at the NBA level.

  2. There's no chance Childress stays on this team if his role is still as a bench player. Some other team will offer him a starting job and the money that goes with it. We aren't going to tie up our cap in a bench player nor do I think Chill as competitive as he is sees himself as a career backup on a lottery team.

    Could be just me though. tongue.gif

  3. The article is right about the first item. Everything after that is moot until the first item is settled. They are not going to spend the money to get a "superstar" until the ownership situation is settled. Period, end of story.

    As for KB21/Walter, I do have to say that I can not recall one time where KB21 offered a specific player or plan of action for the Hawks. Although to be fair at this point there's almost no need to speculate since we won't be adding salary.

    It is funny though to see how blatantly he contradicted himself in the past.

  4. Nope, I am still bitter than Smitty was traded away for that POS garbage in Rider. I know Petey only wanted to do it to get out from under Smitty's contract and it was unlikely that we would resign Rider but still...that whole season started the ditch we have found ourselves in for almost a decade.

  5. You can certainly have a high opinion on him if you want. I am not trying to keep you from that opinion. I just don't understand the description of quickness when the last game action he was in against semi-NBA talent he was universally described as "lumbering" and the slowest player on the court.

    Hopefully Shellhead works out for us but we could have easily traded down five, heck ten spots, and still gotten him and picked up more pieces at the same time. We did not even work the guy out to see if he held up against better competition since at Duke he was simply manhandled by legit big men.

  6. Again, I'm not sure where you are hearing anything about his quickness. All of the scouts and media that were reporting on the SL came back and reported how slow Shellhead was and how he lumbered up and down the court. He was reported by several sources as being the slowest player on the court. Where exactly is "quickness" coming into that conversation? confused.gif

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