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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. C- from me.

    Drafting Shellhead at #5 was a mistake. Unathletic player who was dominated in college by true big men. 6'8" PF with arm reach four inches shorter than Marvin Williams. Extremely limited offensive game at the pro level. A complete dud in the summer league. Was predicted to go from 11-16 in predraft mocks. Only the Hawks saw him as a #5.

    Not trading Harrington at the deadline when he was warned about the possibilities of the summer blowing up in our faces.

    Only getting a lottery protected first for Harrington. We could at least have gotten a center project out of it.

    The ownership situation. It dwarves everything else. No matter what spin they try to put on it, the AS is not going to spend beyond the league salary minimum on the Hawks until Belkin is dealt with. Or even worse for Hawks fans, Belkin wins and keeps control of the team. Welcome to Donald Sterling 2.0 in that case.

  2. People who claim Paul is "average" on defense clearly did not watch any game the Hornets played last year. He was horrible. He was routinely outmatched, outmuscled and outplayed by his man. Offensively he was given a free ticket to do whatever he wanted and he did well with the freedom.

    Contrast that with Deron Williams who had to play under a coach notorious for not playing rookies in Jerry Sloan and a much more controlled and half court tempo offense than the freewheeling Hornets offense. Deron battled through injuries last year and had to get playing time when he could get it. It reminded me of the way Lenny treated JT his first season in the L.

    Deron has a great stroke and has great handles. He will always play at a consistent level on defense. I would most definitely still take Deron over Paul. Notice Utah doesn't get any media scrutiny over taking Deron over Paul.

  3. I agree about Diaw. He had already informed the Hawks he was going to go back to France so trading him was getting something out of nothing. You could put Ed Gray next to Nash on that Phoenix team and watch him put up some numbers.

  4. Al was going to go wherever paid him the most. Let's just be real about that. He was slobbering over the Warriors and they haven't made the playoffs in 13 years.

    This deal is sadly the best we could have done with the ownership forbidding BK to take on more salary. I'm honestly surprised we got a 2007 first rounder (lottery protected) out of it since Indy absolutely knew what our handcuffs were in this deal.

  5. It means Al gets to try the new CBA and he'll try to cash in again.

    I have not heard what year the first rounder is or what protection its going to have. The last I had heard on Saturday was that it was a 2008 first rounder, not a 2007 first rounder but that may have changed. Or may not. We'll see.

    Very disgusted at the ownership situation that has seen us get taken advantage of from all this.

  6. That would really help season ticket sales:

    "Hey fans. Our legal team was a bunch of morons who left a loophole for Belkin to steal the team away from us. Out of the ongoing legal battle that may see us lose everything we are forced to keep expenses down and can not spend real money on the Hawks.

    Keep coming out and let's RISE UP together!"


  7. I love Holyfield. Always have. But it should be criminal to allow this man to fight anywhere in the world. It is so obvious listening to him speak that he has reduced mental capabilities due to the head damage he's taken over the years. Its a disgrace anyone would let that man fight just to make a quick buck off his name and history.

    Evander, please retire for good. You have half your life to live yet. Don't ruin it for some daydream of returning to former glory.

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