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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. The Thrashers (of which I am a passionate fan as well) already had their payroll set before the Belkin situation broke out. Keeping Ilya and bringing in Hossa were absolute needs to keep the franchise viable. Unlike the Hawks where spending to the cap is not a necessity and with the Belkin situation simply not going to happen until it is resolved.

  2. The only two words I heard were "financial difficulties" but the context in which it was said made me think they really meant "financial irregularities" in regards to Miller handling Al's money.

    Princess might be able to clarify further.

  3. I posted it in another thread but I've heard from reliable sources (you can guess who one of them is heh) that the AS ownership had told BK to spend up to the cap before the Belkin situation. Now those funds are frozen because they (AS) is not going to spend more money on the Hawks than they have to with a real risk of losing everything to Satan er Belkin.

    So yes, BK is handcuffed here. Other teams know the real reason the team won't take back salary and are putting BK over a barrel over it. Or attempting to do so. You have an ownership that only wants to meet the NBA minimum payroll until the Belkin situation is finally done (which can take another two to three years I might add) and they know where they stand.

    The Hawks are literally screwed from top down. Think how many times Sekou Smith inserts a comment about the ownership situation affecting our team and this Harrington deal. He knows. He's just not going to report it as it really stands. The Atlanta Spirit publically will say they have told BK to spend to the cap limit which WAS true but is not any longer. Unless they change their minds in regards to Belkin this team won't be spending much money.

  4. I keep hearing rumors that we are at least considering Brenson Buckner or Grady Jackson to fill in the big NT need we have. Our first preseason game had our interior DL getting nailed and moved around badly by the Pats and letting their guards or FB get clean blocks on our LBs. We can't have that and expect to win games.

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