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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. We need a run stuffer STAT on that defensive line. Holy God they just got dominated against the run tonight. The only one that did anything at all was Jackson. We need a big veteran fat body on the DL that knows his only role is to fill space and let the other 3 do their thing in pushing upfield.

    Am I the only that wonders why Jordan Beck isn't being considered or at least given a chance to start at MIKE and Hartwell let go? Where was Hartwell at all tonight?

  2. I think its a sad statement when our GM can only get a 2007 first rounder (protected I'm sure) IF that for a 26 year old two position forward who went 19/7 last season. We will get ZERO help for our team and can only hope that when we add yet another rookie and have to find yet even more minutes for one that he pans out.

  3. Harrington was never leaving Atlanta for nothing. He needed the Hawks to get him a six year deal and he wasn't going to take a MLE deal when his pricetage was much higher.

    If the deal is only a 2007 protected first rounder and some chump change to the ownership it is a bad trade for the Hawks and for Hawks fans. Absolutely no help for the team this year and only more of that "p" word for the future.

  4. I still read comics. You can only get them at comic book stores now sadly but feel free to pick them up. Its "not for kids" in that the vast majority of regluar comics are aimed at twenty-thirtysomething audience. Its not full of "mature" content (you can get those comics if you want and some of them are quite good) but it has real characters dealing with real issues.

    I currently read on my "pull" list (ie the comic book store owner will pull these comics down for me and make sure to order at least 1 for me) Moon Knight, Cable and Deadpool, X-men, Excalibur and Iron Man.

  5. I don't know what the PER was and I don't want to get too seriously into stats on two guys who we all know are at least 2 years away from being somewhat developed but Swift looks more solid to me from what I have seen. Petro looked too soft for my tastes while Swift was willing to put his body into it.

  6. I love our front four but I have two concerns:

    1. No run stuffer on the front line. Chad Lavalais (never can spell his name right) is not a good run stopping DT. He's just not big enough.

    2. I love and I mean LOVE the guy but Lawyer Milloy was cut by the Pats almost four years ago due to his losing a step. The Bills cut him as well. Concerning the speed of the WRs in our division (steve smith, galloway, donte stallworth) it has me concerned. I know Milloy will never play man coverage with a wideout but still. I know he's here just to plug the run but eh I'm worried about his age.

    Everything should be fine.

  7. I liked Sene an awful lot and still do. He's extremely raw but he could be something special. Swift isn't as good defensively but he's more polished all around at this point. I'mn not sold at all on Petro but who knows.

    I accepted last year when we traded for JJ that Childress was only a Hawk as long as he was on a rookie contract. He's out of here after that. Ditto for Smoove if he's not starting at the 4. We need to get value back from those guys.

    And yes, I don't understand why Seattle takes 3 big men projects either but that team just got sold. The new management probably won't be that stupid and may be looking to deal at least one of them for something more proven.

  8. It doesn't matter if its "skills" or just "athletic ability" if you take away the best two features of any players game, in any sport, you have gaping holes in how you view them. Howard has at least three years to fully develop his "skills" due to his age before any kind of serious analysis can be done of them. He'd be a soph in college at this point and yet he's averaging a double double in the NBA and led the league in rebounding. Its jawdroppingly impressive to do that at that age.

    I am going to leave this debate and let you and Princess pass away a slow Friday at work if need be but this debate is just silly. A 20 year old is on Team USA and is the envy of every team in the NBA. I'm going to start tossing the word "average" in that direction.

  9. I agree with Diesel...take away Nash's passing and shooting and he's just the worst defensive player in NBA history. Not kidding on that one. Take any players two best features and guess what? A whole lot of average will start poking through. So to say you can't count someone's rebounding when he led the NBA in rebounding is just laughable. This ENTIRE argument has got to be "Its Friday and I'm bored at work" blues or its just too sad for words.

  10. Quote:

    i would send Marvin and Smoove to Orlando for Howard!

    Give me that average guy who dominates the board, lowpost, and game!

    I would try to keep one and sub in Shellhead or Childress but yes, I'd kill any number of small puppies to have Howard on this team.

  11. The people who threw Howard under the bus just made me shake my head and frankly just ignore the rest of that "debate". There isn't a team in the NBA that would not kill to have Howard on their team so this whole thing is a moot point.

  12. I like Zaza but I think he's just a very good BU center that brings energy to the floor. Unless he develops some footwork, low post skills, 10 foot jump shot and any kind of blocking insticts whatsoever to the table he shouldn't be counted on as our starter. I love his energy and his contract and I do believe he'll get better but some people here have an overbloated sense of what he is.

  13. I've lost count just in the time I've been here how many times Diesel and Walter have taken Marvin Williams out behind the shed, put a bullet in his head, dragged the body to a tree, hanged the corpse, dragged it off the rope to crucify the corpse, set the body on fire and then pissed on it to put the flames out.So you will forgive me I give an /eyeroll here.

  14. Quote:


    Indy folks have been hoping for 2 2nds instead of the 1st.

    I would climb on the BK-hate-wagon if that were the deal.

    Me too.

    Count me in. 2nd round picks are almost worthless in the NBA. If we can't even get a 2007 1st rounder for Harrington I will be furious.

  15. They protected that pick extraordinarily well back in the time when lottery protection wasn't as viewed as vitally as it is now. It was good for them, bad the teams stuck with it. Its a useless pick only good for the 1 million cash value it has when it expires in 2008.

  16. The 1991 Braves were special. Worst to First and if not for King of Trash Leibrandt and Lonnie Smith they would have won the Series. That was the first time any Atlanta team AFAIK had ever even **played** for a world title. The whole state and Braves nation was going insane that year. I well remember that.

    That being said, if the Hawks came out of nowhere to win a title I definitely think the fans would come out of the woodwork to support them.

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