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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. I was actually saying much of the same against Paul on realgm. He *is* too short and small to be an effective defensive player and his horrible play on defense last year proved it. I still believe we should have drafted Deron Williams. But that's not here or there.

    I would rather take on a legit seven footer with a big body and athletic ability whose shown he has some "fire" with his dunk and attitude against Shaq than a guy whose mediocre and will never get better. Mihm won't do beans to help this team with Wright on board. Bynum? Who knows. Maybe he's just another Priest Lauderdale. Maybe he's Moses Malone. Maybe he's somewhere inbetween. Either way its better than what we have now and its a cheap salary to take on to see.

  2. I would rather convince Rickey Proehl to come out of retirement to be our #3rd WR. He's a perfect guy to coach up White and Jenkins on the field and he's a very reliable guy to get the marker when its 3rd and long. He can do it. He'd also be much cheaper than either Jerry Porter or Lelie.

  3. It wasn't SAR's fault. He gave us exactly what we asked for: the best low post scorer on our team since Kevin Willis and a solid rebounder. He held up his end of the deal. The guy is a total class act and one of the NBA's best citizens.

  4. I think it doesn't do anything to insult people because you disagree with them. Camby is injury prone and so is Claxton. I didn't see too many people talking about how injury prone Claxton is.

    Camby, if healty, would be a perfect fit on our team. As it is I do not know if I would feel comfortable adding a 32,33 year old player with 4 years left and an always injured body on my team. When healthy he is an outstanding center. But that healthy part is the key.

  5. Quote:


    They traded 3 lottery picks (if you include Sweetney) for the *right* to make Eddy Curry their personal albatross.

    That has an outstanding chance to go down as the absolute WORST trade in NBA history. I'm not even close to exaggerating here.

    I wouldn't go that far. The absolute worst trade in NBA history would take something like the Bulls landing Oden and both Oden and Thomas panning out as expected and leading to multiple championships.

    You have to beat out the JBC for McHale/Parrish among others.

    Nothing repeat NOTHING will ever eclipse that McHale/Parish highway robbery deal. The Celtics won every single one of their titles and dominated the EC for the entire 1980's based on that one trade.

  6. I agree that Darko is a lot better than people give him credit for. Once he got some steady minutes in Orlando he started playing with more confidence and you could see it on defense especially. Darko and Howard could be a terrific 1-2 punch in the paint but I am really hoping that in two years Dwight decides to return home and signs a max offer sheet with the Hawks.

  7. Yeah, its not like Howard is thirty years old and has been in the league for 11 years now and is completely developed as a player. If only he was an extremely young player straight out of high school who already has excellent rebounding and defensive instincts and is working on his offensive game. If only! crazy.gifcrazy.gif

  8. Bird/McHale/Parrish is the greatest frontcourt in the history in professional basketball. The only reason they won titles in the 80's and were as great as they were was due to that fact. They had good guards in Dennis Johnson, Ainge and some good parts in Cedric Maxwell, Bill Walton etc. But without that frontcourt? Please.

    McHale is considered by just about every coach, player and expert as the greatest low post scorer to ever play the game. The guy was unreal in how he could move his body and still find a way to kiss the glass or rim and get the ball in the basket.

    Parrish was consistent. He could rebound, score in the paint and more than anything he was very good on defense. He could make great centers work for their points.

    Bird goes without saying.

  9. Again, I said I am not excusing McHale. I also think it is worth it to take into consideration Minnesota has also just been unlucky in terms of a promising young team breaking up, losing three years worth of first rounders, a promising young player dying and one aging "star" player going slap nuts silly in turning down a good deal (Spree).

    Trading Cassell was a gigantic blunder. He had almost a MVP season last year giving the Clips leadership and steady PG play. Jaric is not a bad player but he's not worth what Cassell brings to the table. Wasting cap resources on guys like Jaric, Hudson, Madsen, etc. when you KNOW you only have so much cap room around KG's deal is just foolish.

    Shaq was lucky to have Kobe develop as he did. Two superstars you can overpay to keep. All they did was surround them with affordable veterans who just wanted to win titles. KG does not have a Kobe next to him that came in on a rookie scale contract and could be resigned to exceeed the cap.

  10. The T-Wolves told Joe Smith to sign a one year deal with them and they would "reward" him with a bigger deal since they would have his old rules Bird rights at that point. He agreed. Somehow this was done on paper and it was a major no-no even though it had been done before in the past. Just no one except McHale was stupid enough to get caught. That situation helped lead to the lockout as well.

    They traded Cassell to get Jaric. They don't have that much room under the cap thanks to KG's salary. It definitely has made trading to bring in people difficult or bringing in FA that are better than just MLE type deals (Jaric, Eddie Griffin, eventually Joe Smith).

    I am not excusing Mchale, he has made some very bad mistakes (Troy Hudson, Jaric) in terms of managing what cap room he does have left around KG but that team has been just flat-out unlucky as well. Malik Seeley (I probably butchered his last name) dying when he finally was doing well for them, the whole Marbury/Googs fiasco that broke up a young promising team, Cassell being injured against the Lakers and another one of their guards being out, I think it was Hudson? in that series...its tough. They had to grossly overpay KG to keep him from hitting the FA market and its been downhill since then.

    I do not blame KG for their problems outside of the fact his contract in very real terms hinders player movement around him. He does his part, the Wolves just can't keep a team around him.

  11. The health concerns about Okafor (which btw are proving to be legit) scared them off enough to draft Howard. I can't blame Orlando after the Grant Hill debacle. I do know that Howard was expecting at first to drop down to Atlanta's pick but it did not happen. Somehow the expectation has settled in that Dwight doesn't want to leave Orlando but that's not all what I've heard.

  12. KG's contract has kept Minnesota from keeping people. People forget (or are too young to remember I suppose) that Minnesota used to have the next "Big 3" in the NBA with KG, Marbury and Googs. Marbury wanted $$$ and to be "the man" on his own team so off he went. Googs left for less money to go a team he felt was closer to winning a title and several knee surgeries and one freak condition that almost killed him and we know how that worked out.

    Minnesota knew the Bulls were going to throw the bank at KG so they made him a gigantic offer and he took it. Now with the cap as it has been since his deal (which btw is one of the main reasons the 1997 lockout happened) it has kept Minnesota from really putting together a team around him. Not to mention the whole Joe Smith fiasco which cost them first rounders for years.

    If Minnesota had not choked against the Lakers they probably would have won the title that year. But they traded away Sam I Am and Spree went insane thinking he was worth more than he was. So that team was broken up.

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