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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. I do not believe that story. I have talked to Levenson and other people inside the team personally, let alone talked with Jaywalker, and that flies in the face of everything I've heard. It is true that Belkin did not and does not want to spend any money on the team but I've never heard the other owners used the JJ deal as an excuse to cut him out.

  2. Babcock does not get appreciated enough. The only aspect he was truly inept in was the draft. In every other aspect he was more than good. Most of his trades were great for this team and even at the end when we were struggling he still maintained future cap flexibility by getting guys with short lengths left on their contracts so if they did not work out we could either move them as an expiring deal or let them walk.

    BK gets a big, fat 0% for public face. He insults the fans, refuses to communicate and for two months before the draft everyone in the world knew we promised Shellhead to draft him w/o even working him out. Great job Knight.

  3. Quote:

    Sothron, you want to see Smitty and Long as an announcing team wow. That might be the most retarded thing i've ever heard. I don't know,,,,,best no name Hawk, I didn't see the name Ken Norman out there. He wasn't too good though

    You might want to get out of your parent's basement if that's "the most retarded thing" you've ever heard. tongue.gif

    Smitty and Long both did good jobs as announcers and an empty beer can could do a better job than Bob Rathbun.

  4. Quote:

    AND GS drafted a center in the lottery. That tells me that Mr. Biedrins might have potential but even GS is FAR from convinced that he will ever amount to anything.

    Its Golden State. How many young players did they give up on that turned out be good?

  5. Quote:

    I remember the year that Nique went Down. Plastic Man carried the team. He couldn't shoot, but that joker knew how to get to the rim.

    IF you want to talk about Bust of a pick... the original AK47... Adam Keefe!

    Now I am having shaking spasms at my desk at work remember the 1990's Hawks drafts. I have never seen a GM like Babcock: he could outright rob a team in a trade, could sign big free agents, great to the fans but couldn't draft at all. Its amazing we did what we did in the 90's with our drafts providing zero bench help or youth movement.

  6. Quote:


    With the $3 million, although it doesn't create more cap space, it might indeed influence the owners approach to spending more money.

    Unfortunately, it also showed that the owers were ready to spend all the money upto $3million less than the cap space.

    They don't even want to spend all the money they are allowed to spend to make this team better. Can you ever imagine them going over the cap like the elite teams to make it a championship team. Where is the Mark Cuban of Atlanta?

    I really wish Ted Turner would buy back the Hawks, Braves and nab the Thrashers and spend money on the teams like he used to do.

  7. Grant Long was another good one. I'm just confused as to where "No name" applies. Long was considered a good hustle man and fierce defender for years in Miami and Atlanta.

    I also liked him as an announcer. I'd love to see him and Smitty together as the announcing team.

  8. I liked Moses, he gave us what was left in his tank. Unfortunatley it wasn't enough. Theus, ugh, never liked him as a Hawk and I always thought he was overrated. I still remember my father almost heartbroke when they let Carr get away. He loved him more than he did 'Nique and what he brought to the team.

    Fratello was the last Hawk coach I've liked. Yes, that includes Lenny although I think he did a good job with what we had. If Corbin could have hit a little better from outside those teams in the 90's could have advanced beyond the 2nd round.

    Why didn't the Spirit go after Fratello when he considered the Grizz job? I know no one here knows why but I really do think he would have done a great job with our young guys.

  9. Quote:

    Man! That was the team!

    Doc Rivers

    Randy Wittman

    Dominique Wilkins

    Kevin Willis

    Tree Rollins

    Spud Webb

    John Battle

    Cliff Levingston

    Antoine Carr

    Forgive me if I don't include Jon Koncak, because he is the one Hawk that I absolutely could not stand at all.

    That was when I first started watching Hawks basketball.

    That is still by far my favorite Hawks team. I was old enough by then to really "get" everything about the game and was just in love at how balanced our roster was. Fratello never should have been fired and when he even thought about coaching again with the Grizz we should have jumped all over him to come back to Atlanta.

    Oh well. I agree about Koncrap. I still hate that man (as a player not the person) all these years later because of how he made our offense 5-4 against us.

  10. I loved having Cliffy and Battle coming off the bench. There was a time when the Hawks had the best bench in the NBA. I'm glad Cliffy got at least two rings with the Bulls, too bad it was not with us though.

    Randy Wittman was a good choice, he made our offense work much more smoothly with his outside range. I'd toss in Antoine Carr but he shouldn't be a no name. Players like Battle and Levingston would qualify though.

  11. Any Hawks fan worth his salt should know him. He was an excellent defensive player, one of the best team defenders in the NBA for at least twelve years or so. I just wish his jumper was a little bit better. We could have used that offense in the second round of the playoffs for several years in the 90's.

    Cliff Levingston? John Battle?

  12. Quote:


    ...I'll bet that we probably like Foster, but Indiana also realizes they have a solid performer in a nice contract and are in no hurry to part with that.

    My guess is JO doesn't want anything to do with playing center if he can help it. A front line of Foster, JO, and AL will be pretty nice for Indy. JO can help cover for AL's defensive deficiencies and AL can take some of the scoring load off of the others.

    O'Neal has said several times he does not consider himself a center and does not like playing the position.

  13. Quote:


    Ugh. I'd have to say choosing between Wilcox or Dalembert would be like picking between urine or feces for the second course.

    I know we both agree about Dalembert but Wilcox IMO is even worse: he's a guy with only 28 games of doing anything worthwhile in the NBA and he's trying to get 60 million bones for it. I well remember being snowballed by Hendu into thinking he was worth that kind of money and once he got his contract he was MIA as far as heart and drive were concerned.

    No thanks to Wilcox or Dalembert. I want us to keep our cap space to go after Kirk Hinrich, Chris Kaman or Ridnour in 2007 free agency.

    Oh I get it now...you want to spend our cap money on a white dude.

    lol honkey power! tongue.gif

    Seriously though Kirk Hinrich or Kaman or a Ridnour would make us a much better team. Especially Hinrich and Kaman.

  14. I do think that Hinrich and Kaman are not going to sign extensions. Both the Bulls and Clippers are not going to pay luxury taxes and I think they are not going to give those guys a max deal or more than 10 million per to get them to stay.

    I would kill to bring in say Kaman and Ridnour on this team. Ridnour would start over Claxton, Kaman would be a young center who can give us a low post scorer we haven't even come CLOSE to having since SAR was here and he can board, block, etc.

    Blowing our cap space now would mean giving up on the chance to outspend those teams for those players.

  15. Ugh. I'd have to say choosing between Wilcox or Dalembert would be like picking between urine or feces for the second course. tongue.gif

    I know we both agree about Dalembert but Wilcox IMO is even worse: he's a guy with only 28 games of doing anything worthwhile in the NBA and he's trying to get 60 million bones for it. I well remember being snowballed by Hendu into thinking he was worth that kind of money and once he got his contract he was MIA as far as heart and drive were concerned.

    No thanks to Wilcox or Dalembert. I want us to keep our cap space to go after Kirk Hinrich, Chris Kaman or Ridnour in 2007 free agency.

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