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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. Quote:

    Maybe you were not a Hawks fan during the Danny Manning Debacle. However, I don't want to repeat it. Magloire looks like a bad situation. Why do you think N.O. would have rather been without a Center than to keep Magloire??

    I just think they knew that Magloire was going to bolt...

    Shouldn't we have the same thought??

    Moreover, next year is a big FA year, that means that there will be more FAs but it also means more teams with money.

    You can't be seriously asking me that question. Look at my sig. I've been a Hawks fan longer than 90% of this board has been alive. I was going to Hawks games with my Dad before Dominique even came out of UGA lol.

    I remember Danny Manning quite well. That POS assured Babcock he was going to resign with us before we traded 'Nique for him and instead he took a 1 million dollar tender from Phoenix. I did not feel any pity for him when he went on to blow out his ACL in each knee after that.

    We don't know what Magloire will do as a FA. We would have his Bird rights which at least would make him want to use us in a S&T situation. Personally I'd kill to sign Chris Kaman away from the Clippers in next year's free agency.

  2. Quote:


    I don't want to trade Smith or Marvin but Chill is definitely the odd man out here in Atlanta. He will never start over JJ or Marvin so why not trade him for a huge hole at center, upgrade at point or a big upgrade at PF?

    Because there's a chance that Magz will be nothing more than just a one year rental. Whereas Chillz can give us solid production as our sixth man for a few more years.

    That's why we ask for a 2007 first rounder in case Magloire is a one year rental. We would be getting his Bird rights in a trade which means we'd have the choice to S&T him next offseason for players/picks as well.

    Chill will not be here beyond his rookie contract. He's too good of a player to accept being a 6th man on a sub 30 win team for the prime of his career. We'll have to S&T him when his rookie deal expires.

  3. Jason Jackson was by far my favorite personality on ESPN. I would stay up late at night with Jaywalker to watch Hawks highlights on "NBA 2 Night" with Jason Jackson. Dude was hilarious and great to watch.

    The only thing Jason Jackson did was send emails to friends that had some sexual inneundo and out of the blue they fired him. He's working for the Miami Heat as a sideline reporter now.

  4. By far it is Jeff Treadway. I have several things autographed by him. He was high school best friends with one of the owners of the company my father works for and that I worked for years at. I got to meet him and it was a thrill to do that.

    I still have to wonder what in the blue hell Cox was thinking in putting over Lemke over Treadway. Treadway was only slightly less good of a defensive 2B than Lemke and was far and away a better offensive player.

    I was a big fan of Glenn Hubbard and Rick Mahler back in the 80's.

  5. Yes, I know that, but if we can value NOW that can help our team win why not do it? Magloire isn't a MVP but he is a former All-star player whose 28 and if he resigned could give us stability for the next seven years at center. Is that so bad?

  6. I just have to ask why some of you think Chill would take less money and less playing time to stay on Atlanta when several teams would be after him to be a starter with more money on (probably) better teams. Why exactly would he resign in Atlanta? Any player that's not going to stay in Atlanta needs to be dealt if we can get a good return on value.

  7. I have given up on Chill since we brought JJ on the team. He has no starting role on this team nor will he ever start for us. I believe he'll leave as a FA to start elsewhere. It is only smart to trade a backup player if it means we can fill a glaring hole at center.

  8. The kid is 19,20 years old and is a 6'11" big man who thrives on interior contact. He is manic on defense, rebounding and can finish around the rim. He is exactly the kind of 20-22 year old center you would kill to have on your team. The only weaknesses in his game (besides his youth) would be his horrible free throw shooting and he can't make a jump shot past 10 feet from the basket.

  9. Quote:

    At this point I'd be willing to throw in Shelden to get back Biedrins. Harrington and Shelden for Murphy, Biedrins, and a first rounder.

    SOLD! Where do we get Chris Mullin to sign off on that? Bierdrins is a young stud I would love to see in a Hawks jersey.

  10. Actually if we did get Magloire and he played well I would hope we would keep the guy. I just don't know if at this stage in his career if he'd be willing to resign with a team trying to make the playoffs or leave to be a starter on another playoff team.

    FWIW I do not consider Chill part of the long term future of this team. His primary starting position is more than taken with JJ and he's not going to start at SF for us either. We'll have to trade him before his rookie deal is expired to get something back for him.

  11. That effectively sums up my beliefs as well. This "vision" of his hasn't even broken the *thirty win total!* mark yet and all that matters is the W/L column. We have gobs of cap space we never use, we pass up better options in the draft and apparently we can't even sign off on a simple S&T for Harrington.

    I voted for mediocre. I do expect more from my teams than that. If this team does not win at least 35 games this season then Knight has GOT to go.

  12. Quote:

    I don't doubt you were told this, but trading for Tinsley makes absolutely no sense for the Hawks..

    Atlanta just invested 6 million a year in a point guard, I truely can't see them investing another 7 million a year for 5 years in a position that BK has little value for.

    If we were going to take on any longterm contract, it wouldn't be for an often injured point guard with a questionable attitude..Troy Murphy would make more sense for the Hawks than Tinsley..

    I didn't understand the reasoning for getting Tinsley either but as of last Thursday Tinsley/1st rounder was in fact the deal in principle until Atlanta walked away from it at the last second. I don't know if BK thought having Tinsley was protection against Claxton who also is extremely injury prone or what but it was the deal.

    Thankfully we walked away from it.

  13. I imagine they told his agent who then told Tinsley. Tinsley then freaked out about coming to Atlanta (he and Ron Artest used to love taking shots at the fans in the media btw) and told his agent no way. His agent, being in fact his agent, told him he couldn't really refuse BUT if he didn't show up for the physical and "let it be known" he was unhappy it might scare the Hawks away from trading for him.

  14. Btw I'm not defending it just presenting his logic behind it. Tinsley has work ethic issues on top of injury issues. He also is a bit of a prima donna who is a "high maintanence" player and Rick Carlisle/Larry Bird/Donny Walsh are not people who put up with that. Hence why they would love to ship him off to Atlanta.

  15. He's not technically hiding either. What he's doing is refusing be contacted so the Pacers can't say he knew about it and refused to do it or blew off the physical on purpose. Its like hiding in the office when you know your boss wants you to do something bad. If he can't actually find a way to contact you...how do you know what he wants?

  16. Quote:


    it also remains to be seen what sort of durability paul will have over time

    Isn't that true for any player?

    True but Paul is small and slight without much of a frame. He could be (I hope not mind you) injury prone if he has a lingering or significant injury.

    I hate to say this but look at our own Speedy Claxton. They are basically the same size and build and we all know Claxton is going to miss 20-35 games a year.

  17. Technically Tinsley isn't refusing to be traded he simply has went into hiding to avoid taking the physical. Its his way of protesting the trade without doing something actionable against his contract. It also lets the Hawks know he has zero interest in playing for the Hawks and Tinsley already has a rep for his fueds with Carlisle. We wouldn't want to bring in another malcontent player after living with JR Rider that one season.

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