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Posts posted by Sothron

  1. Quote:


    It was on Atlanta's end by the end of the workday on Thursday that things went screwy on our end.

    That very well could have been Belkin...

    ...Taking on Tinsley would have been a huge mistake IMO, so I'm glad it fell through.

    Thanks, Sothron.

    Again, no problem and most welcome. My friend would hit the roof if he knew I was reporting this but all Hawks fans deserve to know what's going on IMO. Its nice to see another "insider" on the Pacers Digest also has heard the same things regarding Tinsley to Atlanta.

    FWIW if Tinsley was not a guaranteed 30 games a year IR stop I'd like to see him in Atlanta. But that's neither here nor there...just like Tinsley, whose ducking the Pacers to keep from taking a physical lol

  2. I hate to say it but I do believe that Belkin was the one who at the last second looked at Tinsley's contract, injury status and attitude about being a Hawk and nixed the deal by refusing to sign off on it.

    It also may have been BK vetoing the Spirit owners as well. Remember two months ago when it was leaked that the Iverson to Hawks rumor came from two of the Spirit owners throwing the idea to Knight and BK shooting it down? I have to wonder if the Spirit wanted an "impact" player at a position of weakness and wanted Tinsley and it was BK who said no.

    The fact is that Bk has presented Indiana with at least three different scenarios and has backed out of all of them to date. The Pacers internally believe some of this at least is due to the ownership squabble. But since BK is who they are dealing with they are fixating it all on him.

    Take it for what it is worth. Either: Knight just keeps getting cold feet; Belkin at the last second refused to take Tinsley; Knight vetoed Spirit wanting Tinsley; there is a third team involved in this (just a thought of mine, not reported to me) or we are waiting for a signed player/draft pick on Aug 10th to become legal to trade for (another thought of mime, not reported to me).

  3. That is what he told me. He broke the Stephen Jackson for Harrington deal three days prior to it being announced in the media two years ago. He did not understand, as we do, why the Hawks would want Tinsley but he said the trade was cleared and paperwork signed on Indiana's end. It was on Atlanta's end by the end of the workday on Thursday that things went screwy on our end.

    As far as the court order he had heard that there were no legal or ownership objections (that includes Belkin) to getting Tinsley/1st round for Harrington. He does not know if Tinsley's injury history and refusal to take a physical was the reason we did not sign off on it but Indiana internally believes that to be the case.

    His own trainer friend said Tinsley might be simply scared to take a physical because of his own injury history. Internally the Pacers were celebrating that they could dump Tinsley off to us. But then Tinsley threw a fit and wouldn't take the physical and on Atlanta's end we simply refused to take Tinsley.

    As of my writing this post the last I heard from him was that yesterday Indiana took all of their players from the table and are offering picks and yes that is with a "s" at the end and cash considerations. I hate to say this but the owners may care more for the cash than we as fans want to admit.

    The picks are a 2007 first round pick and it sounded like a second round pick in 2008 or 2009. The cash would be 3 million. He does not know what lottery protection if any the first round pick would have and it sounds like that is part of the negotiations. He also said the Pacers were extremely frustrated with dealing with BK who keeps changing his mind on rather or not he wants players back, involve more teams, or just get picks without adding salary.

    He believes the ownership squabble is obvoiusly playing a hand in those sudden changes but that's just an informed opinion from inside the Pacers. All of this wait could also be because we (atlanta) have another deal on the side that we need to complete first or that we are waiting for a signed player or draft pick to be part of the deal. Which would be AFAIK August 10th to make it legal to trade.

  4. If you guys saw my posts at realgm.com I have a friend that is friend with the Pacers training staff and has a small business he co-owns with one of the assistant trainers. He told me last week that the deal that was going to go down was Tinsley/2007 1st rounder for Harrington.

    The problem?

    Tinsley heard about it and he refused to come in for a physical. In point of fact he ducked out of town and is currently MIA to avoid taking the physical. It is his way of protesting a trade to Atlanta.

    Atlanta then changed its mind about taking on Tinsley and as of yesterday the Pacers pulled their current players off the table, offering only the TE and picks/cash for Harrington.

    I don't know what bothers me more: the fact Tinsley was almost a Hawk or he effectively pulled a Kenny Anderson and refused to BE a Hawk.

  5. Actually Murphy is just fine on defense. He can hold an offensive player with his lower body strength just fine. He is not a shot blocker but if people think playing defense is only about blocking shots or steals, well, I'll refrain from further comment out of politeness.

    Murphy wouldn't be bad for this team if we weren't loaded with forwards already. He's one of the very few double double machines in the NBA. If I felt he could play center I'd still support going after him but I do not think he can play it.

  6. Quote:

    I thought similarly. Except I thought 3 PGs would still do us good so I left them. Like you said, Jamison is the easiest cut. Too many SFs so I cut Battier. Bowen may come in handy, especially in defending NBA players, and is a spot up shooter. Last, I cut Amare, he's coming off the injury plus Howard is already there in the exact same role.




    Exactly the same three I cut for the same reasons. Hinrich is too good a player to remove and IMO he's one of the best shooters on the roster. We'll need that to battle the zone defenses.

  7. Thanks man. I used to be registered on the old board but I've been lurking here since. Realgm boards can get slow or just bogged down with trolls from other teams at times. Its nice having a Hawks only forum that has been a community for years. Jaywalker always got on my ass for not posting here more actually. tongue.gif

  8. Quote:


    If playing zero defense and shooting 43% from the field is a homerun then someone needs to stop watching Double A ball and join the rest of us in the Show.

    Our newest Marvin hater!!!

    lol try again. Chris Paul hater actually. Paul is a horrible defensive player and the only thing people talk about is his assists. Instant offense....for both teams.

  9. Magloire is a top 15 center in the NBA and would address the glaring need we still have left on our roster. I wouldn't mind trading for him. The only problem I have with Magloire is that his last two seasons he has declined, gotten more out of shape and the questions of his work ethic and intensity that were out there when he was at Kentucky still remain.

    I also don't know if he'd want to resign in Atlanta. The good thing is that having him for a year would give us more than enough of an idea to decide to resign him or S&T him elsewhere since we would have his Bird rights in a trade.

    Personally I have an eye towards the 2007 free agency where if we are lucky we can bring in guys like Hinrich or Ridnour at point and Chris Kaman.

  10. Love:

    Josh Smith

    Marvin Williams


    Joe Johnson


    Steve Belkin

    Billy Knight

    Mike Woodson

    Shellhead Williams

    Ty Lue

    John Edward

    As far as Hawks players, coaches and management goes.

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