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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. It’s so hard to be the worst team when you have some good pieces. You just have to shut players down if you want to finish worst. Then you get guys playing for their career and trying to show they are worth a contract. We all want to tank as Hawks fans, but the players want to grow and show worth. 

    • Like 2
  2. 12 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    Horrible win. Why is Bazemore still on this team? Why hasn't he been flipped yet? Every token win like this is another chance of getting an actual top prospect gone.

    I agree with you, but I don’t think I’d be upset as long as we wind up with a top three pick. We could still finish with the worst record and not get the first pick.

    Like you, I seldomly celebrate wins. There are a few good things here. Baze keeps adding to his value which could help our rebuilding efforts with a draft pick. Also, the team still plays hard for Bud, so whatever he is selling to them is working. You can find good players anywhere in the first round, maybe Baze will get us one of those guys with his play. 

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  3. Good thread, I’ve been mainly boxscore browsing this year so I was looking forward to hear others opinions. He put up some solid scoring games in the G-League and seems to be playing well in his latest return. He appears to be active because he has some assists and rebounds. How does he look on defense?

  4. On 1/26/2018 at 10:14 PM, thecampster said:

    The Hornets are 6-4 in their last 10 and putting it together. They are 4.5 games out of a playoff spot and nobody will want to play them if they make the playoffs. They are dangerous. Despite being 7 games under .500 they are +.1 in score differential. They are getting better and could be very good come playoff time. Early season was an adjustment period. If healthy, they are dangerous.

    Hornets are 5.5 games out of the 8th seed and 6.5 games ahead of us. That isn’t much to celebrate about. When we played them it was 5 games both ways I believe. I think they can improve but there have been rumors of Kemba being on the block. Dwight has played well recently but I don’t see much leadership on that team. 

  5. I really was hoping that he was going to work out last year. The conference with him and Baze at the beginning of the year got me so excited for last season. His mind seemed like it was in a good place and he was embracing his home and past. He wasn’t bad last year, but his attitude and body language got worse as the season went on. Now I’m back to hating him as much as I did when he was with Orlando and Houston, it’s as if the period of being a Dwight fan was just a dream.

  6. 4 minutes ago, AHF said:

    Sacramento pretty much has to ditch him.  Poison for that team right now. Not sure how he and Thomas can coexist, though.

    Cleveland just keeps adding players without thinking of how they fit. Rose, Hill, Thomas and Wade all seem redundant to some degree. I’m sure they will add one more random “name” guard as well. With Gilbert looking to sell the team,  I doubted that we could sell high on Baze.

    • Like 2
  7. If we really want to be the worst team in the league some trades will have to be made. Ilyasova, Dedmon and Marco have to be moved. The thing is, I think a second round pick isnt worth it unless you think it gets us a higher pick because we win less, and even that isn’t guaranteed.

    I’ve been getting a little more invested these last 10 or so games and it’s hard to want us to lose when I watch. It’s New Orleans though..so go Hawks!

    • Like 4
  8. 43 minutes ago, AHF said:

    We need to do whatever is necessary not to get too many wins.  The recent number of wins is very concerning unless you are a fan of what Bob Sura did to this franchise.  Develop your players.  That has value.  Winning games has zero value and can really, really set the franchise back.

    We are no longer are atop the crowd by ourself as the top seed in the tank race.  (It is now shared with Orlando and a single game separates us from multiple teams.  A few more wins and we could be looking at the 7th pick in the draft as our worst case instead of guaranteed top 4).

    Orlando started the year 8-4 or something close to that.  That’s a true tank.

    • Like 2
  9. I think he will wind up being a good fourth option on a playoff team. I haven’t watched as much as I wish I could this year, but I do check the box score every morning. He has some disappointing games, but I find myself surprised many times with his scoring and contributions. ESPN has him ranked high on their fantasy rankings (yes, I know it is fantasy) but it confirms what I see when he is contributing in all of the big categories. Right now it seems he tries to do too much offensively, but he still has good scoring outputs occasionally which will encourage him to keep trying to score on a bad team.

  10. 5 hours ago, nathan2331 said:
    11 hours ago, benhillboy said:
    Knight is the one, who looks like Lou Williams’ little brother.  He still in the league? 

    Couldn’t believe the stat ESPN dug so hard for to illustrate how “bad” of a loss this was: the league was 326-0 this year in games where they led by 10 with 3 minutes to go.  Now 326-1.


    Apparently this loss ended a 400-game win streak for the Hawks in those situations that has lasted for 20 seasons. Hard to believe, you would have thought Josh would have lost us a game during his tenure.

    I wonder what this stat looks like when you are up by 8 or 9. I’m sure you’d find some games that Josh blew there.

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  11. 3 hours ago, AHF said:

    You are missing the point.  It is not a matter of budget.  If we don't trade for him, we could sign him for $7M, $10M - whatever we want up to the max - next season.  If we trade for him, we can't sign him for more than $6.3M.  

    Philly is capped as to how much they can offer him in the offseason.  Because they declined his option, they can only offer him a contract paying as much as the qualifying offer.  If another team offers $1 more, they can't match it.  They can't offer more on their own.  They are stuck to offering him $6,313,832 or less.

    Any team that trades for him steps into Philly's shoes and gets their rights.  They get the RFA rights to him.  They get the Bird Rights to him.  But it is like getting Superman's powers where you also become vulnerable to kryptonite.  You get limited to not being able to offer him more than $6.3M.  So if any team wants to pay $6.5M for him, they can offer that and you can't.

    That is why we are better off going after him in the offseason if we think he actually has potential for the long-term.

    Good information here. I was all for it for a second round pick or two, but if this is the case it’s a waste of time. 

    • Like 3
  12. 6 hours ago, CongoP said:

    Good Day Squawkers,

    I don't post often but I enjoy reading everyone posts here been faithful to Hawksquawk since the Salim days. Anyways just wanted to voice my frustration about Baze, he's gotta go and I don't care what we get back. I watched the game yesterday from beginning to end. In the fourth quarter this guys single handily has two straight positions where he made the wrong decision and let the C's get more points on the other end.  Missed three then he comes back down turnover and made one 3 the whole game I believe. What do you guys think we can get for Baze? He's gotta go should of paid THJr instead of this guy who i believe is a liability anytime he's on the court. Sorry for the early rant in advance but Baze had me throwing my flip flop at the T.V. last night.  

    There have been many many games the last couple of years where Baze has a sequence that either ends a Hawks run or starts a run for the opposing team with his poor shots and turnovers. I was a Baze fan when he came off the bench and even when he didn't try to do too much during his first year starting. Now he is just an overpaid guy who is trying to live up to his contract..and it will never happen. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, benhillboy said:

    We should merge all the “I Hate Baze” threads and publish a book.

    If we did this, or at least combined any active topic that has "I hate Baze" posts inside it, I think the forum would only have one topic..

  14. I think what seems to be forgotten is exactly what Ressler said, we won 43 games last year. We are obviously tanking, but if the alternative was to keep Sap/Howard and see what happens then we made the right choice. I don't think Millsap was worth the money he got (not to be the #1 option for us) and obviously there were some issues with Howard. The Bazemore contract took away a lot of our flexibility as well, we don't have much financial flexibility when we are paying him so much for crappy play. It wasn't as if we were getting rid of a potentially great team to tank, they just decided it was best to move on from that previous bunch and this is the aftermath of it all. Who knows what will come out of this, but I don't think it's going to be quite as bad as some of you are making it out to be. I'll roll the dice with a high draft pick or two/cap space instead of another Millsap/Howard team that gets blown out half the season and winds up winning 43 games.

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