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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. 4 minutes ago, sturt said:

    The official release:

    Ya know.... I half thought the press release would contain a quote from the GM instead of the coach. Didn't you?

    And, am I wrong, or is this the first we've actually read or heard anything at all from Bud since sometime before Schlenk's hire?

    Not complaining that we're finally hearing from him, but rather complaining that it's hard to have a good vibe about the so-called partnership when there seems to be a muzzle on him. Still can't believe we got through that draftees' presser, and not one quote from Bud.... even just the generic fluff "I'm thrilled we were able to get these guys," would at least be better than nothing, from where I sit.


    I was thinking the same thing, Bud finally speaks! It's been awhile.

    • Like 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, RedDawg#8 said:

    We just drafted Smoove AND Marvin. We needed a True Center or a PG that year. Sheldon was 6-9 with alligator arms and a senior with no upside. The fact we were so content with him before the draft even started was so annoying as a fan when we all knew we could do better than that

    Sheldon was by far the worst pick during that loftery run. I would have loved 4 years of a healthy Brandon Roy instead. Honestly, anything but Sheldon would have been fine...

  3. I'm way behind in a lot of sports news and evaluating our picks fullly, so I'm just throwing a name out there. It seems his defense needs work so this is an offensive comp. I read he is a guy that can bang but needs some work on his frame to do it in the NBA. Good form on his shot but needs work on that too. We all know he will work on his shot to fit into modern day NBA, so does anyone see best case offensively we get a younger David West?

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, sturt said:

    We already have so many SGs, and yet, amazingly enough, the only UFA we've been linked to? Yes, a SG. Surely that doesn't bode well for THjr, though with the caveat that it's still way too early to reach any firm conclusions either way.

    I think THJ is our best SG, but he might be the one we don't or can't keep. I know you think Baze can be useful and I agree, but would you want him or THJ for 15 million p/ year? Baze holds us back because we are paying a 6th man to be our starting 3 (and he is a 2 but Bud keeps Baze at the 3 or backup PG at times).

  5. 3 minutes ago, sturt said:

    At a good price??? I'm not afraid of him being back at all. Would love that. At minimum, he's an exceptional trade piece later on. At maximum, we sign him for 2-3 years, and we get a solid ASG caliber player who is our base while our young-uns mature.

    Sap back at the right price is awesome. Like you said, we can trade him (like we should probably have done) or he helps mentor our recent and last years draft picks. If wining 38 games in the East might land you the 7th seed, "tanking" becomes a lot more difficult.

  6. I want a championship, but most importantly I want to start the season thinking we can somehow win one. I enjoy the seasons where we win 50, seem close to being relevant. 42 win seasons with first round exits aren't acceptable and if that is our current ceiling we have to find a way to rebuild. Whether it is the draft or capspace, we have to accept it must happen. The fans that showed up for last season will still show up when we are relevant again (and more will too).

    I don't want to tank, but we have to take a step back to get better.

    • Like 4
  7. Does Zaza still have his restaurant in Atlanta? It makes sense and I'd love him back. He had some injury issues during his last couple years here and first year in Millwauke. According to games played, it seems to be behind him but he's also not getting younger.

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