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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. 23 minutes ago, Dolfan23 said:

    What exactly did the Rockets get out of trading cash for 3 scrubs? And somehow they still have their MLE and bi annual exception. Morey is no dummy and I wonder what that would be like to have a GM who can do the things he does. 

    As to what's not to like? At some point when you keep acting like the pawn shop of the NBA nobody will ever see you as anything different. 

    I have a lot of respect for what Morey has done. I know you are out there and might not like them, but the Rockets are always sneaky good. They do a good job getting some really good players out there. If Kawhi got hurt during the Spurs-Rockets series we might have seen a better WCF. I want a championship but I would be happy in today's NBA landscape being a Rockets fan these last few years (even with Dwights last year sandwiched in there).

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Dnice said:

    The bar area behind the  baseline is crazy! I guess if fans can be field level in football and in the outfield in baseball stadiums, why not go against the grain in a basketball arena.

    Yeah, the idea is pretty crazy. I'm a little worried about the execution though.  

    • Like 1
  3. One thing that worries me with college players is them not making their team at least a NCAAT caliber team. Collins was the reason Wake made that leap. I think he will grow more offensively. He needs work on his D, but I'm happy.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    I am beyond giddy with the TWolves trade. We got a stud to go with two other studs. Dunn did not impress, Lavine and #7 are necessary to get Butler. Great trade by both teams.

    Helps your Wolves and the Hawks because now we should hopefully get that pick next year!

    • Like 4
  5. I heard the same rumor. As far as you knowing who, you did a similar thing when you hinted at information about a Paul Millsap trade back in January. 

    I'm not saying you are wrong, but it's easy to claim you know something and will post it later (or after the fact). So drop some hints if you actually know something and it'll be easier to believe you going forward.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, marco102 said:

    I STILL can't fathom why anyone would want to go out West? At this point, any one with common sense knows it's easier to get to through LBJ and the Cavs.  Than Steph Curry, Durant, Klay, and the Warriors.  Why Paula?  Why?

    At some point you assume it's about the lifestyle and not the championships for some of these guys.

    • Like 1
  7. You always take any option with a championship. This just feels like a way of getting people who want to tank win a vote. No matter what we do this offseason, it isn't going to lead to a 0% chance or 100% chance that we have a championship.

    • Like 3
  8. I like his honesty a lot too but the AJC spins this one well to get some reads. I'm sure there were some talks with Sap from Ressler and Bud before he got hired. He has met with Sap and his agent too and probably said we will offer you money, it's up to you if you take a max contract from another team or take what we can offer to keep us competitive. Sap knows what's up...

    It's all speculation until free agency hits. The draft is next week and everyone has to get on the same page fast, Schlenk has scouted players but is behind on what we need. So of course the draft is the number one priority right now.

  9. 4 minutes ago, JTB said:

    If the Warriors rumor is that the Warriors are doing this to stay out of going extremely over the luxury tax (like the cavs) than I can't believe it. There's some teams you go into a crazy luxury tax over and the Warriors are honestly the only one.

    as far as resigning Durant and curry...they own their bird  rights so they can keep the same team together as long as are willing to pay.

    nothing in the world is going to make me believe they trade any of their core players due to money concerns...hell thats apart of having a super team! Once you get it you got to pay up!

    I agree, but they just went 16-1 in the playoffs. I wonder if there is a thought inside their orginazation that believes that Durant/Curry/Draymond is enough to win it again (assuming they get a good but cheaper replacement for Klay).

  10. I get why people want the rebuild, but  it is going to take so much to beat GS. You won't get that through a bunch of lottery picks. Minnesota is so talented but they aren't even close.

    Stay competitive and hope you get lucky or suck and hope you get lucky? You have more opportunities to get lucky if you suck, but you could also be bad for a long time. Cleveland is lucky LeBron is from Ohio and GSW is lucky their picks worked out. 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, benhillboy said:

    Maybe I'm wrong but I didn't see anything tangible brought to the table from Spahjia. The team got markedly worse (especially in "Euro" areas like shooting and passing) and unlike Quinn and Ken, no NBA squads are knocking on his door for a head job...

    I agree, also find myself wondering if I'm judging our assistant coaches based on potential head coach opportunities. I could be very wrong but I'm not sure if a rookie head coach has had 2 guys leave for head coaching gigs as quickly as Bud has. Our coaching (to me) has been subpar recently though, hopefully it has more to do with Bud doing too much and not losing Quinn and Kenny.

    • Like 1
  12. I was thinking Korver as coach like many of you as well. There is an article at the top of ESPN about Paul George and LeBron. Inside that article they discuss the difficulty of retaining Korver, mainly because they anticipate him getting paid 14 million a year in free agency. Good ol' ESPN for you there lol. 

  13. Bucks (17)

    Blazers (15)

    Bulls (15)

    Cavaliers (13)

    Celtics (7)

    Clippers (15)

    Grizzlies (16)

    Heat (15)

    Hornets (15)

    Jazz (17)

    Kings (15)

    Knicks (14)

    Lakers (15)

    Magic (15)

    Mavericks (16)

    Nets (15)

    Nuggets (16)

    Pacers (15)

    Pelicans (15)

    Pistons (16)

    Raptors (15)

    Rockets (15)

    Sixers (15)

    Spurs (18)

    Suns (15)

    Thunder (16)

    Warriors (14)

    Wizards (14)

    Wolves (17)

    Celtics -2

    Jazz and Pistons +1

  14. It's a HUGE problem in my opinion. When the entire world can predict the finals and be correct, you realize where the game is. The only way it wouldn't be Cavs/Warriors is if someone got hurt.

    I will watch it, but I didn't care much about the playoffs other than watching the Hawks or tuning in to see it Horf gets a rebound. 

    I watch a lot of baseball and football, my guess to who plays in each championship can easily be wrong. I love that that though. Fans care more when you think it could happen for their team. 

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, cavsfan said:

    parity ?   means  a bunch of  watered down teams.   what people need to realize any team  current, and in past  goes to the nba finals   with  three or more players that are all nba caliber ..    i have a real problem with todays world of everyone gets a trophy..

    every single team has opportunity to build their franchise  however they wish.    

    what if a team drafts  3 guys who  become superstars rather quick.  do they have to get rid of one or more because  they became really good ???  


    the bulls, the celtics, the cavs, the lakers, the warriors  just to name a few  made it to the nba finals with an all star cast...   


    its what it takes!   



    In the case of the cavs, it helps a lot when one of, if not the best, player in NBA history happens to be born and raised in your state. Sometimes it just takes random luck.

  16. 6 hours ago, thecampster said:

    The beast had 8 points and 3 rebounds in a closeout against Cleveland tonight.  For the Cleveland series he was 12.4 points, 4.2 rebounds, shooting 45%.....Beast Mode, Alice style.

    We have very different definitions of beast

    For a fraction of the cost, Taurean Prince averaged 11.2 points, 5.3 rebounds, shooting .558 and only about 2.5 assists less per game in his first playoff series. Beast mode part 2?

    • Like 3
  17. 2 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    I think we get mad at Baze so much we forget all of the good things he does that can help a team with good talent. Hustle, team defense, making the right reads on defense, being long, athletic smart(Defense) and being good in transition. Teams value two way players in today's NBA. Tim sadly isn't that and isn't worth much on the open market. He's a hot and cold offensive minded player. 

    I can see this, but I see a mix of a player thinking he's better than he is and coaches enabling those thoughts. He turned the ball over so many times during our series against Washington. For a player that gets it, you'd hope he would stop doing the same thing or our coaches would stop putting him in those situations. I blame both parties but Baze has to stop doing things he can't do well. Hopefully a good backup PG can help some. His movement on defense is good but I still see he him sulking and being late when he misses shots.

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