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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. Baze reminded me of how the Hawks season has been tonight. He isn't as bad as he looked most of this season but he also isn't as good (offensively) as he was tonight.

    It's so hard to tell where we are as a team because we have been either great or bad. I'm enjoying another winning streak though so I'll ride it out and see what happens!

    • Like 2
  2. If Baze is running the point it just means we need another PG. Those should be minutes that Delaney is playing. 

    Budcox use their mind together to sign players. They wanted Hump so we might as well use him. If we were winning and he just got buried in the rotation I would understand. We aren't winning much though so I don't get it. Same goes for the guys we drafted. We were getting out rebounded last night like we were playing Cleveland in the playoffs. A lot had to do with Dwight being out--but come on, try something different. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, benhillboy said:

    Bruh you need a lot more years in to deem my posts nonsense.  You'll come up with any excuse for Dennis' questionable play, we get it.  I'm guessing his role is to have the worst advanced numbers on the team:



    How do you spin those with your all-seeing analyst eye?

    I was also criticized for not seeing the game through the eyes of a Dennis fan. Everyone here wants him to play well and he has at times. Dennis is learning a new role and is forcing things and Bud benched him because of it. I think all of us know he will get better, but overall he hasn't been that good with running our offense. 

  4. 1 hour ago, DS17Fanboy said:

    What are some of you guys even seeing? The starters went right on making it a 24 point lead, where the bench left it at 15. Despite all its glory after that 19-0 run, once bench came in again in the 3rd, that lead went away fast. This is a game of stretches and no way in hell would the Bucks continue shooting like they did in the entire first half of the second quarter where they made 0,00 points. What wins games are not stretches back and forth, but wrapping games up does. But "feelz"...

    It's not a bad thing to admit the starters were sluggish at points in the game. They just played a close and physical game the night before.

    We were down 16-19 late in the first when most of the bench came into the game (we all know Bud tries to keep a starter out there). By the time the starters came back in, the bench had got us up to a 40-26 lead. We ended the half being up 52-35, so the starters added 3 to the lead the bench got us.

    The starting unit played very well the start of the third quarter and got us up to 64-41. We were up around 84-70 at the end of the third with all bench players and Millsap in the game. It was the 4th quarter where they made a quick run (with a mix of bench and starters) to cut it down to 87-81 when Bud put all 5 starters back in.

    So you asked what am I seeing? I saw a team come out sluggish and was down 3 points when their bench come in. That bench pushed the lead to 14, their energy and momentum helped pick up the team and pushed the lead to 23 points. Then a tired team couldn't hold a lead against an athletic team that hadn't played since Saturday. Stretches don't win games but we don't win this one without the stretch of high energy and good offense the bench gave us in the second quarter.

  5. Things you might hear: "Baze only had 3 points" but he led the team in assists. "Dwight only scored seven" but he had 17 boards in limited minutes and made Tristan irrelevant. We seem to be getting production from our guys in all aspects of the game, these are just two examples.

    The turnovers are frustrating and we haven't been able to hold a lead, but we beat two good teams in two nights. I'll trade these wins for loses against a randomly hot Lakers (Louuu) team and Washington. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    For 1 season  (last year) we  had that.  Like I posted before Shelvin and Dennis  were once Teague's backups.  

    I think we've gotten better at other positions to offset the  strength we had at PG.

    I think we had it to some degree the last two years. Teague was the obvious starter but Dennis could have started for many teams. I agree with our improvement in other positions--I just think we will miss having a quality PG on the court most of the game. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Peoriabird said:

    Y'all weren't overly impressed with Teague either so quit your crying already!  This team's success will not be determined by the 3rd string point guard or the position in general...Our outside shooting percentage will.  That will always be the case with a Bud coached team.

    We still need something more than Delaney. Our biggest strength the last couple years was having two legitimate starting point guards. Now we don't have a legitimate backup.

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  8. I didn't see the game so this is all based on the box score.

    Games not over yet but it looks like both teams played starters around 25-30 minutes. Korver seems to be shooting well, had a couple shots off of Dwight rebounds. Speaking of rebounds, I'll take 16/15 games from him all season long. Millsap has been struggling offensively these last two games but I don't worry about him. 

    I'm excited about this team. It's really puzzling why some think we are taking a huge step back. We will miss our 2 PG rotation more than Horford IMO, so hopefully Delaney is the San Antonio version of Patty Mills or we have somebody like a healthy Jack to back up Dennis. He will do great but he needs to be pushed some. 

  9. I was looking forward to seeing JJ in a Hawks uni. Hopefully he will be back with us at some point this season. We kept Stackhouse and EB around a few years ago as a "player/coach" so at least we are deep enough where we don't have anyone like that on the roster anymore.

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