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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. No matter what happens to the Bulls they get way too much hype from the media. They lose a coach who made them "elite" and a rookie NBA head coach is going to take a team full of egos and wounded players to second in the east? 

    Could it happen? Sure. I just don't get why some think it's a safe call every year. Maybe it's just easy for these idiots to just pick Lebron #1 and Chicago #2.

    We probably will regress in wins, I'm guessing around 55-57. I don't think it's because we aren't as good, but mainly because we try to pace ourselves more. I know Bud rested players, but when they played we went hard. That intensity needs to remain there but we also need more energy and health come May. That will be for Bud to figure out and probably why we have a new training staff. 

  2. Lets go there actually. People should have the right to, of their own free will, use chemicals to alter mood or consciousness if so they desire. Anything less is tyranny.

    The thread is about why is Mike Scott playing for us. He's innocent today and many others have pointed out multiple reasons how his presence can help our team. 

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  3. What I don't understand is if Mike Scott is on the roster right now..what happens if he possibly gets convicted during the season? 


    That would be a major team chemistry issue if we are on a hot streak and doing well. (If Scott is a major person in the rotation that is)

    I don't think it would be a chemistry issue honestly. Everyone knows about it and seems to support him. If the same thing happened during the season it might be a distraction, but for now we know what it is.

  4. I liked what I saw from him last night. The battle for starting SF is probably the most interesting thing going on this preseason. I think somebody not named Sefolosha gets it. Mainly so he can come in and help the second unit out with his experience. Sef will probably be the guy closing out games for us though if he's healthy.

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  5. I hate to be instigator, but I also read into Bud's quote that Jeff has to be more willing to play off of Dennis controlling. Something he likely isn't crazy about.

    Yeah, I had a similar thought too. Bud seems to like that lineup but a lot of the time Teague would just stand in a corner as he watched Dennis do his thing. Of the two, Jeff would be the guy you would figure could play better off the ball. He did it at Wake Forest a lot..

    Either way, the term "playoff Teague" came from him being aggressive with the ball. I think Bud wants that mentality to be there when he isn't controlling the ball.

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  6. I moved back to Atlanta recently and everyone that said Uber is right. Even take it to and from the airport, it won't be expensive. I've used Uber other places but it really is great in Atlanta because most everything is around 5-7 dollars tops.

    I hope you have a good time! I'm excited to be back in Atlanta so I have the option of seeing 41 games instead of the 1 or 2 played in Michigan.

    • Like 1
  7. Not sure what is more emotional for me, seeing Chipper hang it up or Jrich calling it quits. I hope we can remain focused and overcome this.

    I do think he made the right call. For us too, no need to waste a spot on a guy that might have made the roster due to a mix of experience and talent. I thought he had a very good shot of making the team solely based on him being a vet.

  8. There was once a time I thought he would be perfect for the Hawks. Maybe as recently as the summer we hired Bud. His lady is from Atlanta and I thought he could embrace the city and be our superstar.

    Yada yada yada....he has said negative about our origination to the media. He has been on some horrible teams and doesn't seem to care to make them better. He took a season off (okay I don't know how bad the "injury" was but he did play in the all star game). I can't think of anything he has done that would make you feel like he would fit with any "positive basketball" culture.

    He's a talent, no denying that. I just don't want him here unless he first said some things to make us think he's a smarter/wiser player. If we take a chance on a guy with injuries, let's shoot for KD. At least he might care to be here.

  9. There are some states that don't have professional teams down south. Also, for the states that do have college and pro teams, it seems like the college teams have more success.

    The south loves football. I think there are a lot of basketball fans but you don't get the fanfare football gets. It is also easier to follow 12-16 games instead of 82. You can talk about the team and actually have a clue what you are talking about.

    When I wear my Hawks geat I might get a "nice hat" or 1 "go Hawks" type of talk. When I wear my GT hat, I get a lot of people talking football and GA doesn't even have many Tech fans.

  10. Why even have conferences? I mean, isn't that really the biggest gripe... that West teams so often have been left out of the playoff in favor of East teams with lesser records?

    Personally, I like the set-up that baseball once had... you play one set of teams all year, and play those geographically closest to you more than everyone else... and so, when the post season comes around, it makes the whole enchilada so much more fascinating.

    I like the old baseball setup too. I wish MLB and NBA would keep conferences but eliminate divisions. It's unfortunate for the NL central to have 3 of the best teams in the league playing in their division. Two of them will unfairly have to play that stupid play in game.

    I think each team should play a balanced schedule amongst their conference members and seed accordingly. It's the only way to really make it fair.

  11. Maybe something we call can agree on... CViv should be all over this story. I recognize that the Hawks nor Scott are going to have much to say at this moment, but some clarification ought to be getting gotten from the league office and/or the players association office as to how they understand the testing part should play out, if at all.

    Any penny the AJC gives this guy is a waste of money. Anybody can write about what happened, he should be the guy who is writing about what is going to happen. I get more Hawks news on this forum from people that do it for free.

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