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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. Scott dealt with some injuries at the end of the year. I think a lot of us forget how important he was for us when he is healthy. Look at our home game against Golden State--his offense was a big reason that we won that game.

    It appears that he will be back, and I too hope he can return in great shape and able to play where we need him to play.

  2. Did you watch the clip of the pitcher you referenced, Greg MaddUx. Sorry, it just bothers me so many people can't spell his name right.

    I understand your frustrations but understand that these guys/gals just took over. Give them some time before you think we won't attract somebody in free agency. Cuban is always talking about things anyways. He's got fined for it too in the past if I remember correctly?

  3. 2015-07-08_1911.png

    I can't stand players tweeting things to keep players these days. What in the world did they do back in the day? Go meet them? Or something just as lame like sending out one of those airplanes over the beach with a private message or something..

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  4. If you have never started a game before, you can never start one in the future (sarcasm)

    What I saw from Bazemore in the CLE series was very promising in my eyes. He was outplaying a lot of players deemed better than him. He has a lot of heart and is always at Atlanta Hawks events. I think he could play some spot minutes at SF, but he is too small to play it full time. If he can work on his shot and handles, he could be a very good player for us. Remember, this will be his first full off season with our team. I expect good things from him next season.

    I agree with this. I remember he showed up and played well in the game that Horford got ejected. He has his moments but I love his enthusiasm and athleticism. His shot was awful towards the end of the season but I think he started trying too hard.

    Give the guy another year to learn his limits in our system. He will learn when to drive and shoot, when to give up on offense and play solid D. I remember many times during DMC's first year I gave him the "Josh Smith nooo" when he shot or tried to drive to the hoop as well.

  5. Our system doesn't require one guy to carry the team. I think that's what many squawkers are hoping for but that's not the case. If one guy is carrying the team, then everything has failed and we're in trouble... ala Teague vs. the Pacers.

    When our system is working at full capacity, everybody on the court contributes and there's nobody for the defense to key in on. That's the best part of what we have.

    I agree with this, trust me. Our system is unique and at its best when everyone is playing together. I still think you need a guy that can dominate a game here or there when "the system" isn't working for whatever reason (injuries, fatigue, poor shooting, etc).

  6. I don't hate on DMC or think he is not loyal. He has played for peanuts his whole career. This is his only big money opportunity and I am glad he cashed it in.

    I don't hate him either. I just think his whole free agency was a huge marketing compain. I respect some sort of loyalty and I didn't see much from him. It's all about the money for him and his family, but it makes me angry when you don't see any type of remorse or respect, "I'll miss my hawks teammates and the organization that made me a 15 million dollar player."

  7. I tweeted a big *beep* you to him.

    I love DMC and I'm happy for him but the way he handled his free agency kind of pissed me off. Show some loyalty man, we helped make you into the player you are today.

  8. 2nd round picks are more like 7th round picks in the NFL. It is rare you get one that makes any impact.

    The only reason I can think we made this trade was to lower the rookie contract for the cap to try and maybe sign someone as a FA

    Mike Scott, Muscala and the potential of Edy. We have actually excelled with our second round picks.

    I'm not sure how I feel about the trade until I see what we get but I'm sure there is a plan.

  9. I can't stand this guy. We should bring Ivan back on a 10 day contract next year for our first game against the Cavs.

    I think players are being cautious around him because it is the playoffs and they saw what happened to Horford, but come next year it's going to be a different story.

  10. I understand why people are skeptical about our ability to sign a big name guy. I have my doubts too. It's really one of those things you'll believe when you see it.

    That said, if these players are smart and want to win they'd be foolish to not consider us. We are a team on the rise and have a great coach. Last year a lot of us felt the same way because we knew our record didn't tell the full story of what we had with coach Bud and his system. Now we have the results to prove it works and hopefully that is what brings some of these top names here, assuming we go that route.

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