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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. I skimmed through whatever that novel was. If you aren't happy most of us feel your pain, but where were you when things were going well?

    We are HAWKS fans. This isn't some prized franchise but we love our team. You showed up when things went south.

  2. Nope

    I want everyone who said that Rebounding wasn't a big deal to realize how foolish they were

    I think everyone knew it was a big deal. We just did so many things well that you could live with it.

    Those things we did well weren't executed this series. Still though, I don't remember you posting when we win? Just when we lose a playoff game.

    Any true Hawks fan will complain about our size, it's just different when someone ONLY complains about our short comings when we lose. Why watch or care?

  3. When you lose in the "final four" you don't really have the right to say you were a mastermind because you called it. There are a lot of teams sitting at home with many more issues.

    We have rebounding issues, scoring issues at times--but we lost in the finals...I love where we are heading and I think we correct our wing and rebounding issues after this.

    Key words though--we lost in the eastern conference finals. I get this negative vibe from some of yall that makes me feel we lost against Brooklyn.

    • Like 1
  4. You have brought up some good points at times but can you try to share your ideas in current threads? The game thread seems to be a popular place to post current and random thoughts.

    The Hawks would have won any division in the East. It's sad how our season ended but when you think of NBA teams with championships you don't have a long list. You build on this and add talent. We are in a good place.

  5. It's been happening all playoffs.

    Guys like Schröder need to stop acting like they're 40% 3 point shooters.

    Maybe other guys will get some burn now though. Guys who can make open shots.


    Every time I see Schröder pull up and take a 3 it feels like a turnover. 


    Keeping the positivity going, I think we come out and win game 2. This series isn't over after one loss.

  6. Very good read, thanks for posting it. I'm still going with Hawks in 7 but LeBron really is the wild card.

    You put the second best player in the world (whoever that is) on the Cavs instead of him and I'm going with Hawks in 6. LeBron can just control games and he gets the benefit of the doubt in every single 50/50 foul call.

    I think our starting 5 is that much better than whatever they throw out to finish or start games that we can win this series and keep making history. I'm glad our guys are getting rest but I'm freaking ready for game 1 to start!

    • Like 2
  7. I saw somewhere in the Twitter feed that Washington has had the most productive offensive lineup in the playoffs with their starting 5, minus Nene and plus Porter.

    If we don't sweep teams then we suck, but when the other team plays well we hear ALL about how well they are playing. Does anyone remember that around 50 games into the season Washington was on pace for about 55 wins? Or Brooklyn had the same pace over the last 30 or so games?

    No of course not! It's all about how we can't do something they expect us to do (whatever the hell that is). It's okay with me though. The Hawks are made and built for this, they fight for each other and for our city. I'm very proud of this team and I really don't care about feeling validated by the uninformed media that wants to bash our team.

    It's still annoying, but I hope we keep getting pushed down because everyone knows we respond very well to adversity.

    • Like 2
  8. Houston all day long. Have Josh, Dwight and Terry come here and try to win a championship. I don't think they could do it. Rockets won because the Clippers played their best 7.5 game stretch ever, got confident and gave up for the last 1.5 games that really mattered.

    Plus we would have 4 games at home and I'd rather take our chances with homecourt instead of dealing with GS.

  9. And all I'm saying is coaching matters!!!  Everybody knows that I dispised Woodson and LD because I knew that their appraoch would not work especially in the playoffs.  Obviously Bud is a much better coach than those two and that is why it is not a suprise to me that his teams are performing better.  Same with Mike Smith...I despised him the most eventhough we had 2 13-3 seasons with him because his approach and coaching abilities were limited.  Dan Quinn is a different animal just like Bud is.  They see things that the average/below average coach does not see.  I can get into an lengthy discussion of what I mean but it suffices to say that these coaches see what players can do and encourage them to do what they will be good at doing nothing more.


    Trust me, I agree with what you are saying about how much coaching matters (with Bud and hopefully Quinn). I knew we were in a great position to make the ECF this year because of coaching. You still have to see it happen to believe it, especially consider it has never happened and we aren't just talking about the LD and Woody teams. The expectations were there for a reason but it wasn't something we all just assumed was going to happen.

  10. Y'all can stay in the past...I'm moving on and looking toward the future with BUD and now Dan Quinn.  I would do the same with the Braves if they finally found a great Base Ball manager to replace Freddie Gonzales. 


    Our past experiences with the Hawks have probably lowered or made us more cautious with our expectations in the future. I don't think anyone is necessarily staying in the past, it's just a lot of people are excited we finally broke the barrier and are doing something that we never have done before. 

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  11. I also think we will play better in this series because the pressure has been taken off of us. The players knew that if they didn't make it to the ECF that this season would be considered a disappointment. They played poorly at times but always responded when their back was against the wall. 


    Atlanta fans also seem to have the thinking of "here we go again" when an Atlanta team starts to struggle in a postseason game. You can feel it and hear it in the sound of the arena when things start to get tight. The last time the guys were on the home court we had one of those "here we go again" moments and Al Horford saved us. It was something we rarely see happen. Then we had another one of those moments in game 6 on the road. Now the players and the fans know WE CAN DO THIS and I can't wait to see how everyone comes out game 1. 

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