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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. One of (if not the only) advantage of being out of town is being able to catch these games on league pass. I have to put up with the other teams announcers but at least I can see the game.


    I figured they didn't want to broadcast the game yesterday because they wanted to get people to come out to Philips since there wasn't a Falcons game being played. I don't understand why this one isn't being televised though?

  2. It all just depends on what we need at the time and who we are playing. I doubt Bud will put in a small lineup if he is looking for defense and rebounding.


    I said last year that we would probably eventually see Schröder and Teague playing in the game at the same time. I remember a couple people seemed to think I was a complete idiot.

  3. We just need to be patient with Al. He has had a mix of good games and bad games. I really wasn't expecting much out of him against the Heat after playing the previous night. I'm sure his confidence isn't really high right now, so if he isn't feeling all that great I don't think he is going to do much offensively. With that said, you still expect him to come down with more than 2 rebounds. 


    The good thing is his up and down play isn't really hurting us too much right now. When we put Pero in at C we are still struggling to get rebounds from our center position. If our record was more along the lines with the Hornets I think this would be a much bigger issue.


    We don't need Al to put up the 18 PPG he was giving us last year before he got hurt. Give me a healthy and active Al who can get us 15/9, with a few of those 28/12 games mixed in, and I'll be happy.

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  4. I'm rarely negative but I'm still so confused about our rotation. Why are Brand and Payne still on the bench? I'd understand if the guys ahead of them were playing great ball, but we are obviously struggling with D and rebounding.

    Why isn't Jenkins playing? We could have used his size and shooting when Mack wasn't playing all that well.

    I know there is more than the box score but you can see these things when you watch the game. I have faith in Bud because he sees them practice every day..but can they really be that much worse that we can't give them a shot?

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  5. Sap for Monroe is a no go. Sap's IQ, durability, ability to put it on the floor, and range is much more valuable than anything Monroe can bring to the table, making him a matchup nightmare for about a third of the league's front courts. Besides length the man has no weaknesses at the 4.

    Monroe has been groomed to be a loser so I'm good on buddy. If we had to part with a 4, I'd say Al. I love what his PNP with Jeff does for the offense, but it seems as if he's only going to get weaker up top, Sap probably benches twice as much now. I'd prefer a 7 foot defender on the cheap like a Robin Lopez or Verajao with a nice pick thrown in. The reluctance of Bud to run Moose and the retarded development of Payne is hurting, I hope both change sooner than later.

    I was willing to trade Millsap for Monroe (plus a pick) during the offseason. Horford was untouchable (more or less) in my eyes. I don't know if I would keep Horford over Sap at this point.

    I'm one of Horfords biggest fans but I just can't imagine us without Millsap. It's only 11 games into the season so I'm still hoping Horford finds his place in the offense and changes my mind.

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  6. Teague is a really good player. I think he has shown enough under Bud to proove that. His biggest weakness is his inconsistency.

    The term "playoff Teague" is accurate, but we had playoff Teague for a good part of last years regular season too. When he is good we are very hard to beat.

    Teague appears to be more of an introverted player. I think he will always be up and down, we just hope the ups become more frequent. With Schröder improving it helps a couple ways. Teague has competition for minutes and that will hopefully push him, and when we have bad Teague we probably have another PG that can step in without it really hurting us.

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  7. I'm excited for this game, should be an entertaining one if they let both teams play (which really means if they let us play). As others as stated above, I'm really concerned about how the officials are going to call this game. If we get the crew we had in San Antonio we are screwed. 


    Great post as usual, LW3!

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  8. You don't trade either player just to make a trade. If you can improve the team you obviously do it, but no need to send one off just because.

    There are going to be many games when Teague is the superior player. You let this play out and be thankful that both players are playing well at different times. You never know, Teague could have played well at the end of the last game if he was on the court. Luckily, Dennis was playing great so we didn't have to worry about it.

    Mack isn't bad either, I still think he will play a big role as the season progresses.

  9. I was surprised and a little encouraged that ESPN's TV headline caption was "Spurs Edge Hawks." They actually realized and recognized we competed. I wouldn't have been surprised at "Spurs Down Hawks for 17th Straight Time At Home", although that's their line for the website.


    I saw the same "Spurs down Hawks.." on yahoo sports. You know that if we would have won the same way the Spurs did it would read "Hawks hit questionable free throws late, escape with first win in San Antonio in 17 tries".

    • Like 1
  10. Oh man please don't let someone who has terrible grammar represent us on Twitter or anywhere in writing where there's a record of it.

    My thoughts too. I usually go back and make sure there aren't any obvious errors when I post on here. You'd think guys like Viv and Nique would do it too. Especially considering that it's work related for them.

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  11. During the lockout year we had a preseason game with Charlotte televized. It was Bob and one of their announcers calling the game together. These teams are so close together they could have easily teamed up crews to get some work in and save money. I agree with everyone else, it's stupid to not have any games (especially this one) on TV.

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