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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. I don't get why everyone is high on the a Bulls either. Rose has not proved he is healthy yet.......I just get the feeling he is eroding like Gilbert Arenas did after knee injuries.

    I don't get it at all. My only guess is respect for Thibadeau. He's more of a sure thing.

    I keep telling myself after Bud has another year of success we will be in better shape. He made an all star out of Millsap and almost took down Indiana. If he does more with less again can they continue to ignore us?

    • Like 1
  2. Uh....no. You don't trade away first round picks plus a guy whose contact is going to expire in one year for literally nothing. Ferry HAS TO make use of that cap space THIS season in some fashion or he literally pissed a first round pick away for nothing.


    I agree. I fully understand that they might have wanted to move on from Bebe, but the entire point of that trade was for flexibility this off-season. There is still time left but we seem to be striking out on most of our targets.

    • Like 1
  3. Yall acting like he is Danny Granger and cant play anymore ... When he does play Wade is still an amazing player. 



    Key word is when he does play. He had the benefit of being able to sit out multiple games and take it easy while he was on the court last year since he played with the best player in the league.


    He's going to have to do a lot more for his team now and I think that is going to make it even tougher for him to stay on the court.

  4. Like I said, I don't typically believe in draft conspiracy, but I can't blame someone for looking at how this has played out and thinking, "Wow, really?"


    Exactly, it just seems really weird.


    Especially when you look at this years draft. They jump all the way up to first the year LeBron becomes a free agent. It's almost as if the league said "y'all really messed up last years first overall pick we gave you so here is one more chance to get it right".

  5. No. I think what we are seeing is a lot of Journalist relying on the blogosphere and the twittersphere to give them content. Sadly, that content is mostly speculation. My suggestion is that CViv just take the time to get to know somebody on the inside.. They don't have to be high up, but somebody who can dismiss a speculation before he hits the send button. It's Dewey over Truman out here and Cviv has an obligation to just do a small amount of fact checking. IF he's the only one putting out REAL stories.. Great. But if he's speculating just like everybody else... then why do we need him??

    We need somebody who we can look to for the truth. It's really bad that CViv has the title and the big bucks and JWalker doesn't.

    It's quite simple honestly. If we think he is a fool imagine what the people in the know think about him. They probably laugh at his content just as much as we do.

    Get somebody respectable in there and hopefully you will see some sort of improvement.

    • Like 1
  6. Do you realize this team shot 38% with an average of 91 PPG as a team against Indiana in the playoffs? They did not play all that well. Indiana just played like crap.

    I wasn't thrilled with our offensive execution but we basically missed a lot of open shots. We also didn't have our best player which you seem to think doesn't matter.

    You just seem to think we suck with Al, wouldn't have improved as the season went on if we had him, and suck without him.

    • Like 1
  7. Yeah, it's a pretty mediocre record. Didn't the Nets have the best record in the conference last year after the all star break? It's very possible that Miami (if Lebron stays), NJ, Toronto, Indy and Chicago are all still better. It seems that NJ ans Toronto improved the second half of last year.

    It's sad that fans basically have to get excited about watching last years mediocre team again next year.

    You really don't think we would improve as the season went on? New coach, new system and you expect our record at 30 games to be who we were all season long,

    Compare the team you saw lose to Dallas in the first game and our team during the playoffs. Let me guess..same team, right?

    • Like 1
  8. I understand the frustration, but look at what he's had to work with. His first offseason wasn't a full one but he got rid of two players that most of us didn't want. He also had LD coaching the team and I doubt any good player really had any interest in playing for Drew.

    The next year he had a rookie coach. Many dreamed of CP3/Dwight but the minute Rivers went to LA that dream was shot. Still though, it would have been a tough sell because Bud wasn't a proven coach at the time.

    Now you have this year and free agency hasn't really started yet. Once LeBron makes his decision we will see what happens. I doubt the results will make us into the team most of you want, but I still feel we are in way better shape now than we were before Ferry took over. I hope we can get Monroe or Deng, and I agree it wouldn't be a successful offseason if we only added Shefolosha and Bazemore but there is still a lot of time left to see what happens.

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  9. If Melo goes west, LeBron goes to Cleveland and Miami is left with Bosh/Wade it really opens up the East.

    Whoever has LeBron is going to be the favorite but he will be playing with new coach/players. They aren't going to be as good as Miami has been the last three seasons.

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