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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. That's not hard to accomplish when you played a 38 win team and the Washington Wizards.

    Both teams were probably better than their record showed, I'm sure you can admit that. Not saying they advanced past great teams but the record doesn't really give us or Washington justice. Indy did have a much easier path than any Western team but we also play in the east.

    Assuming LeBron stays and we add Horf and Deng (potentially swap Monroe for Millsap) who is better than us in the East besides Miami?

  2. I'm keeping my conclusion on hold until DF's plan gets worked out. IF this is the only FA signing, then yuck. IF this is part of a larger deal (which might involve moving DMC and others to get that elusive upper echelon FA signing), then I love.

    Let's not over react on every move and announcement of FA period. There are several things going on under the radar I believe.

    Go Hawks!


    I can agree with this. While I'm not initially excited with the signing we still need to let the rest of free agency pan out to see what else we have going on.

    • Like 1
  3. LOL ther is so many rumors about Power Fowards . Like im over here trippin like lol does Danny want to get a team with all pf we have a al star pf and new one we just drafted and a proven pf in mike scoot we might resign. We dont need more we us some wing men DF. I still think we should have drafted Gary Harris. Dont sign bigmen we are loaded

    Ferry is only doing it because he enjoys your reactions.

    • Like 1
  4. Maybe, but I'm starting to get off this "superstar" train and look more at the 3 "all-star" to win a title train because the title "superstar" is so subjective and sometimes a system with quality players that fit beat "superstars". I think Thompson is definitely an All-Star and Lee is a borderline All-Star much like Millsap. I think Millsap and Lee are redundant so if that's the proposed deal, I could see Lee getting flipped to another team for more depth at Center or possibly used in a S&T for someone like Monroe.

    I think the all star system could work in the East. If you assume the big three stay you have Miami at number one. Indiana is the second best team and outside of George I don't think they have much. It's one star and some good players. I definitely think three really good players is better than George/Hibbert/West.

    We talk a lot about players like LeBron or Melo staying in the East because it's easier to advance. I'm sure our coach and GM believe this too; it's probably why they are here. Whatever they have planned is probably for winning the East and hoping we can pull out a championship against a tired Western team.

    Should be an interesting offseason again..

  5. When LeBron or Melo meet with teams and weigh options, we can say we have this much cap space cleared already. Other teams can show what they could try to do. That could probably help us some.

    I was never a huge Bebe fan so I'm not too bummed to see him go. Lou's injury really took away a lot of his value..at one time a lot of us thought we got him on a pretty good deal. It does suck that the two only got us capspace but I don't think we gave up that much anyways.

    Time will tell..even if it isn't Bron/Melo, I'm sure our GM and coach have an idea of who they want to fit in to our system.

  6. If every NBA team played in the same city we might very well be the obvious choice because of how our roster is currently constructed.

    However, that isn't the case and the Hawks play in Atlanta. It's going to be a tough sell to convince him that he should play basketball in ATL.

    I don't think it's a far fetched as some but I don't think it's that likely. We do have a few things going for us though. Our roster is talented, he just got beat by a team that runs a similar system, and he could redeem "the decision" somewhat by bringing a championship to Atlanta. There wouldn't be a person out there that thought he took the easy route to winning it all if he does it here.

    • Like 2
  7. You can't see a guy leaving an organization that's maybe won 2-3 years to go back to one that's been a winning organization for nearly 20 straight years of which you were a part of 17?

    I'm not saying it's gonna happen but to totally dismiss it as a possibility isn't reasonable.

    I go back and forth on this a lot..what does Bud want?

    He goes to SA post Duncan--can he win like Pop did and if he doesn't how do they react to that? I can see the second coach after Pop having less pressure than the guy that replaces him.

    He stays in ATL and anything he does beyond first round wins is considered a huge success. I believe he wants a challenge and isn't settling for winning first round series, but it's also easier to please our fan base than San Antonio's.

    If our ownership supports him and gives Bud/Ferry the players they need I think he stays.

    If we struggle because of lack of talent and SA struggles after their initial post Pop hire I could see him going home.

  8. We should be in that nets, grizzlies and mavericks range in my opinion.

    It's not just us though, some teams are way too high and some are way too low. I guess people that don't follow the NBA closely are likely to bet on a team like Boston, Chicago and LA because of their name.

    Either way, it's Vegas..only thing we have now until the meaningless power rankings come out.

  9. Mike Muscala is going to be there? Wow! I wonder if Hawks sharp shootin' legend Anthony Tolliver will make an appearance too?

    It could be entertaining though, you have to assume only true Hawks fans show up for this type of event. Somebody should go and promote the Squawk to any knowledgeable fans they meet. Those people might already be on this site though lol.

    • Like 2
  10. Very much a project. But possesses elite height (7'0"), elite wingspan (7'6"), elite speed, and innate shot-blocking timing. Could develop into a very capable Hawks starter, but that might be in 2-3 years down the road. Could eventually end up a 10/10/2 guy logging 25-30 mins/game. Points would mostly come from fast break alley-oops, put-backs, tip-ins, and 10-footers. Or could have knee trouble (already experienced severe tendinitis) and end up a decent backup 5. My guess? The next Noah.

    Noah-ish. I doubt we see him get the assists that Noah gets. A lot of his offensive development will probably be based off what type of PG he plays with. Good evaluation though.

  11. I know what I said. He wasn't a can't miss prospect. Where did I say he's a questionable talent? How about you answer my 3 points of contention throughout this thread so that we can put this to bed.

    Did he have questions about his size?

    Did he have questions about his durability?

    Did he have questions about his ability to score in the post?

    And sorry but there's been TWO can't miss prospects in the past decade and that's Lebron and Durant.

    I'd probably say LeBron and Dwight? KD was picked after Oden who might have also been a can't miss guy because of his size (and maybe being 38 playing college ball).

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