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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. Great game thread LW3, loved the lottery goat reference.

    I have no reason to feel good about this one, but I do. If they rely too much on bail-out offense from KD (16th in assists) we'll have a good chance because we always run our stuff. I hope we get the defensive version that gave up 70 in a half to the Rockets instead of the second half version who surrendered 19. I think Bud comes up with something, Scott Brooks can be had every now and then.. Hack-a-Perk?

    I hope it's a good game. Of course I want a win tonight but I REALLLY don't want a game like he Spurs game. Keep it close til the end guys and see what happens.
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  2. I'm fine with moving Lou. He's just a SG in a PG body. Dennis is the real deal at PG.

    I'm okay with moving Lou too, but I'd wait until this offseason. Schröder will be physically and mentally ready for more minutes next year and hopefully Lou will have more trade value after the season is over.I really do think Lou will continue to improve as the season goes on. It's in our best interest that he does.
  3. I was so giddy about pulling that one out I got on the stats portion of the NBA.com and watched that block by Kyle at the end a few times. As Borat says, "Very nice!" Really thought we blew it there when they started dropping in 3's at will. We really needed this win to keep up the momentum going into the SAS game on Friday. Go Hawks!

    I was thinking the same thing regarding momentum. The game on Friday is a big game for us and I'd much rather go into it on a winning streak. We have beaten the Spurs once in the last thousand years I believe.
  4. I'd still go with Teague but Mack's improvement does make it interesting.Teague has been hard to read this year. He has looked like an all-star PG at times, we can't forget some of the games he won us this year. With his improved play it also makes me feel that his worst games shouldn't be as bad as they are. You just can't go from 30/9 to 7/2 on 20 percent shooting on a regular basis. Even with his struggles, I still think more of this benching talk has to do with the play of Mack. Mack runs the offense, makes his shots and always seems positive on the court. There are a lot of times I feel better with him running our O.

  5. You think its better that our substance got us to the second round and then we looked like crap getting blown out by 15 or more a game. And BTW, with JJ, Josh, and Horfords cap hits we had no way to improve that substance. Now we have a similar ( record wise ) team but better coached and team oriented; and BTW 8 to 12 million in cap next season to improve our substance. Your view is short sighted; and even if we had Pop coaching us, no way a big three of JJ, Horford, and Smoove ever wins a damn thing.

    Great post.I understand the fans who want us to tank, but I don't get how people can still be upset we got rid of our previous core. Our record isn't as good now but it's obvious the future is bright. Fans and the media actually talk about us like we are a good team, you didn't hear this stuff with Woody and Drew.I don't blame our old players, they did what they could. The Hawks as an organization were a mess though and we had no direction. They won some games but did anybody really think we were close to competing? Joe signing his huge contract and taking about recruiting guys to ATL. I loved Joe, but come on man.Look back at our playoffs. The loss to Orlando was the worst playoff series in NBA history right? We got manhandled by the Cavs with LeBron. We barely beat Miami and Millwaukee in the first round. Lost to Boston when we had homecourt.The only time we showed up was the year with Orlando and Chicago. I'm happier today because I feel that our GM and coach will make us true contenders. It's going to take some time..but I'm okay with that as long as I feel we are trending upwards.
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  6. Also want the Cavs to start winning....they obviously want to win...now just find a way to do it. On another note...a couple of teams in the West are falling apart Lakers (tanking) and Pelicans (injuries to Holiday and ANderson). Hopfully Holiday gets back soon. The Jazz and Kings have been playing a lot better lately...I am hoping they can get their records above the Nets. With the Celtics and Lakers in lottery land that leaves pick 3 in the lottery up for grabs (since Lakers and Celtics will obviously get 1 and 2 :)

    Agreed, hopefully that Deng trade will help get the Cavs going. Chicago continues to win as well even after the trade. I'd like to think of them as a lottery team but they play hard and might still sneak in.Miami and Indiana are a lock. Toronto and the Hawks will probably finish somewhere in the top 4 or 5. I think Detroit and Washington are playoff teams too. I can see those 6 teams, Cleveland, and NYK and Chicago "fighting" for the 8th seed. BRK is playing better but I still think there is a good chance they don't make the playoffs.
  7. What a great comeback for us!

    I have been really bummed since the Horford injury. It seemed like we were about to take off as a team. Then we lose on the buzzer beater three to GS, lose in Chicago and follow that up with a loss to a Brooklyn team that we need to lose.

    I was happy that we were getting back home for a couple games but wasn't overly optimistic playing against Indiana and Houston. I thought we were surely going to dip under 500 and struggle to keep our record around that mark for the remainder of the season.

    And what happens? We win both games and look to be headed in the right direction again. Coach Bud (and his had working players) have really done a great job this season. It's going to take some time to get used to, but it is great to have a duo in Ferry and Bud that I can really trust.

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  8. Coaching has won us many games...we wouldn't be second in apg if Drew was still our coachBut this is bud's first buzzer beater on drawn up play win

    I'm glad coach Bud is here and I wasn't a huge fan of LD, but we were second in the league in assists per game last year as well.

    Actually, we are averaging 24.5 assists and 14.3 turnovers so far this season. Last years averages? 24.5 and 14.3.

  9. When would the Hawks have to make it official that they're swapping picks? For Billy King's sake, I hope it's BEFORE the lottery. (if he's still there by then). That would be so awkward! ~lw3

    That would be hillarious. Nets get lucky and get a high pick but whoever is there representing the team can't even celebrate. Ferry steps on stage and gives them all a hug.
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  10. I watched a good portion of the game and they looked really bad. Livingston wasn't much of a PG but he was their only offense in the second half.They took a lot of bad shots. It was actually like watching Josh Smith play. The threes and long twos weren't falling but there were a lot of attempts. When they did drive there wasn't much success either.Their announcers seemed really lost too. Joe missed a long ISO jumper and they said "that is just not nets basketball" even though it appeared to me that it was Nets basketball. They wanted them to run on Portland but their players are too old to do it. There were even plays when they walked up court and they thought their players were running. Still a lot of time to see where this goes but you have to love the early returns.

  11. What macdaddy said. NBATV will just take one of the feeds (probably the Heats) and show it to the rest of the country. Last year League Pass would always give you the home announcers unless it was against the Heat. I had to listen to their annoying guys 4 times last year. Every time they make a three one of their guys says "kaboom!". So make sure you turn to your normal station!

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  12. Hawks get Josh twice this week, once in ATL and once up in Auburn Hills.

    It's going to be interesting to see how he plays against us. I see him playing his better overall game in Atlanta but who knows? We could get good Josh twice or bad Josh twice, I wouldn't be surprised either way.

  13. Because they leave DMC open a lot more than Korver, who is rarely open. Hard to get shots off when a defender is in your face and you're not the type of player to be able to create space.

    Exactly! It's not hard to figure out.

    Whenever Korver is open for a three the guy will take the shot. The opposing team knows that he is a huge three point threat and rarely leaves him open. DMC is going to have a lot of wide open threes unless he starts hitting them at a more consistent clip.

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  14. Teague is missing a lot of his shots too. I've seen many lay ups and open lanes result in missed shots.The good thing about that?He keeps pushing it and tries again. Good things always happen if Teague is pushing the ball. He no longer has to worry about others trying to take over the game.Coach seems to have faith in Teague and allows him to keep running our offense even when it isn't successful. That said, it has been successful enough to average over 100 ppg and we can all see more room for improvement.

  15. I think when Lou gets healthy he could be a Manu type for us, which is huge in the 4th quarter.

    I was thinking the same thing during the Charlotte game when they cut into our lead. We started hoisting a lot of threes and having his ability to create shots and get to the line would have really helped.
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