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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. Dennis really did remind me of Rondo. I don't think he will ever have the rebounding success that Rondo has, but I can see him potentially scoring a little more. Rondo played with three future hall of famers and that is going to help his assist total, so it's a little hard to compare them there. Both of them are really good passers though.I was a lot more impressed with Nogueira than I anticipated. I was really concerned when he was getting pushed around down low early in the game. He got it together and made a lot of good plays, he will definitely be a high energy guy. He needs a lot of physical work..and obviously high level experience will help too.The game was our last two years draft picks/Mack against whoever they had (seemed there might have been some older players). All five players contributed too, I'm enjoying our young talent and think they will all benefit us somehow.

  2. They're certainly tradeable assets, but, based on what Danny's said re: culture, I really think he signed them to keep them. Plus, what kind of message does that send to other prospective free agents that they could immediately be flipped? Perhaps that's not a real concern - just saying.

    I agree. Korver and Millsap know a lot more about Ferry's plan than we do. They wouldn't sign with us just for the sake of it.They could be traded, especially Millsap, but I think he is just taking players that he wants while he can. Get a few this offseason and get some more next year, just keep building. We have a lot of money to spend but it doesn't have to all be used on this years FA class.
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  3. I've said it before but I'll repeat: I like Ferry's drafting so far. I like Ferry's clearing the cap of bad deals. I like Ferry at least getting a sit down presentation with Dwight and also we were the ONLY team CP3 was considering leaving the Clippers for. Those guys honestly are both going to regret not teaming up here. I like Ferry had the balls to at least TRY for those guys. I like Ferry passing on Teague. Teague is average. You don't play average 8 million a year for four years. I like Ferry having reasonable deals with Millsap and Korver. Both could be swung as trade bait. I like Ferry passing Chuck McChuckerson. I can not even EXPRESS the relief I feel at not watching that same horror show. Basically until Ferry ties us into a long term deal that clearly keeps us on the playoff treadmill or makes a horrible trade he has done a good job so far by my book.

    That's pretty much spot on and I can't figure out why some fans are struggling to grasp this.
  4. You know what's a great predictor of future events??? Past events?? Future actions?? Past Actions?? I peaked over at the optimism thread and saw a post by Benhill boy saying that Danny Ferry knows more about putting together a winning team than any of us.Here is my response. We know more about putting together a losing team that Danny does. And this sir is how you start it. The first bad assumption is that Danny knows how to put together a winning team because he was part of the Spurs organization. Let's make this perfectly clear. Without Tim Duncan.. The gift of 1997... The Spurs would be NOTHING and there is no San Antonio way. Scientifically, the San Antonio way is far too reliant on the impossible happening.. a team having a guy like Tim Duncan as the anchor. Without Duncan, they are just a bunch of shooters with a PG who can drive and shoot = Golden State. More importantly, Danny is bringing the same approach to recruiting that Popp uses. Come play for us. Well when you have 4 championships and Tim Duncan, come play for us is a very good pitch. However, what does Atlanta Have? A history of losing. Yeah, Danny has seen the movements of a winning organization. And we have seen the movements of a losing one.Right now, Danny is making the movements of a losing organization. Take it from an expert! I've been a fan since Fast Eddie Johnson and Dan Roundfield.

    The "San Antonio way" may not be the sole reason for their championships, but they do have a certain culture. When is the last time we beat them?They bench Duncan, Parker and Manu and still win games. They have guys who understand their roles. I think it's JayBirdHawk, who had a Pop quote about wanting guys who are over themselves and want to play basketball as part of a team. You see that team play when you watch them. Remember Pop getting fined for benching his "big three" against Miami and almost beating them? The game was close because the team plays a certain way.Would they have won multiple championships without Duncan? Probably not. They would still have an identity though, and Ferry is trying to bring that here. He isn't making the Hawks into some type of "loser" organization.
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  5. The Pistons will be where Boston was record wise last year. 7th seed in the East or so..Nobody is excited about their team. With Rasheed possibly coaching you are gonna see Josh be, well, Rasheed lol.

  6. I don't even know where to start with Broussard. He mentions ATL will either match or let Teague walk, well no shit that is the only thing they can do. Before that he mentions ATL will not do a SNT for Ellis or Jennings. Well yeah, we have the cap space so why would we even do this trade in the first place? It makes no sense with Ellis, and is only kind of likely with Jennings. How do the executives at ESPN allow some no-talent assclown like Broussard have a job?

    Must be those sources he has!
  7. Dang, sounds like dude needed a hug after all. I want Teague to come back and all, but I don't know how you turn around from statements like that. No to Monta. Undecided on Jennings ... MACK ATTACK IT IS!!! Schröder as back up. We got this.

    Poor Teague..As I've posted in other threads, I do like him and I'll miss him too. But I think this type of loser, crybaby mentality that he and Josh both share won't be missed. I can see Ferry telling Josh he can't shoot threes and Josh crying, saying he isn't wanted. Ferry tells Teague to grow up and he cries, feels he isn't wanted. These guys got a culture shock once Sund and the ASG stopped running things.
  8. Uhm... Millsap & Utah. Millsap is every stathead's wet dream. Shoots over 50% from the field. Smart player, hardworker... But Utah didn't win a damn thing.

    Millsap is a great player..whatever Utah did win was because they had him. We didn't give the guy a max deal or anything. Did you expect him to make Utah into the best team in the west? Are we expecting him to be our savior on a 2 year 19 million contract? He's a good player..complaining about Millsap should be the least of your worries.
  9. Zaza is a hurt energy player he wasn't worth what he got. I love him but lets be honest here guys the dude hasnt been healthy for two seasons

    I'll miss Zaza but you're right.He missed our last two playoffs and that is when we needed him the most. Horford showed out for the Boston series while Z didn't make an effort to play.I feel that one of the series could have been won if Zaza played..but he can't stay healthy.
  10. Ferry strikes me as a very detached guy. That's a tough way to operate in the NBA when expect to get FA's and all of that.

    He probably is..he's doing the dirty work for the ASG and the whole WLOC thing. He came in and became the bad guy, he did what our owners or Sund couldn't do. He is probably going to put us in a better situation moving forward. He may get he same results but at least we know the whole Joe/Smith/Marvin/Teague, etc is over because we knew that wasn't going to work years ago.
    • Like 1
  11. vipbox and thefirstrow are both great for streaming. I use both because thefirstrow doesn't have baseball.

    Yeah..I use all of them, I was just hoping for a more legitimate source to make my work computer feel "cleaner" lol. The stuff that pops up on those sites can be pretty annoying.
  12. I bet most players would vote for Freddie. You kind of have to earn your stripes, Puig hasn't even played a half season of ball.ESPN is Puig mania I'd imagine. I remember a dude named Francoeur who had a pretty good and similar start to his career too.

  13. Some of you need to be a little realistic and give it time.Yeah, we dreamed of Dwight and CP3 but that dream ended when Doc went out west. The only reason we had these dreams though was because of the work Ferry did last offseason. Give it time..the only recent times teams have gone from bad/decent to great were when the Boston big three and Miami big three came together (even OKC didn't happen over night). We don't have a big three, the rebuild is going to take some time.I'll miss a lot of our old players but if we complain about results in the past, it's only logical to remove the players and coaches that were a part of those teams.We need a big three or to tank and build through the draft. Ferry has pretty much given us a team that could tank and a team that still has financial flexibity (no bad contracts) to still sign premier free agents in the future.Again, I'll keep saying it, just give it time..

  14. Regardless of his feelings. Teague is still an asset to us. That means that if necessary we match and we trade him back to Milwaukee for something we want by midseason or to somebody else. But letting guys go because we respect their feelings... Man... this is a freakin Business. Teams fail to reload because they stop making business decisions and start thinking as if this is something else.

    I'm sure Ferry has and is exploring options to trade Teague. If nothing seems plausible, then he might just feel that having him here isn't worth the trouble he might cause. Especially if we are serious about developing the German next year.
  15. I think Jeff is worth the contract. I've always enjoyed his game.He just doesn't fit here anymore. He is obviously hurt about how he was treated and management doesn't really want him anyways. Those two things together doesn't make it a good deal for us.The NBA is a business and Jeff was a little immature about this whole FA thing. He has some growing up to do, but he is definitely a talented player. When guys like Al and Josh said they thought of Teague as a rookie still, it's probably because he still acted like one. The change of teams will hopefully help him grow some and I hope he is a better player because of it.

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