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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. I'm not a huge Jennings fan, but supes is right. Failing to compare his situation in MIL to what he'd be with in ATL is wrong. He'd be in a better place here.He would be a good fit here, this would be a good time to change and hope he refocuses his game. The psychology aspect in sports is often overlooked. These players have feelings and certain things that can trigger good or poor play. It's life for them too.I will say..Teague at 8 is better than Jennings at 12. I'll take Teague for 4 million less, but if the price is the same I'll take Jennings.

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  2. The reality is if you moved Phillips to a suburb the attendance would be much better. Nobody wants to go into the city on a weekday and only around 700k actually live in the city. Without a solid public transportation system and with the interstate being a nightmare for most people it's not hard to see why fans don't come even when we're winning.

    Cobb refusing to allow MARTA really hurts our attendance. Driving down there does suck, parking is horrible too. I would have gone to so many more games if I could MARTA my way down. Most people living close to the arena aren't going to go to the games.
  3. I think we all know the hawks have amazing fans go look at zazas twitter. You can tell that guy genuinely appreciated us.

    Not a lot of us but we are good fans. You don't just randomly become and stay a Hawks fan lol.
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  4. Boo him when he comes back to Philips. Boo him mercilessly (but cheer those bricks!)He had a chance to be a professional, then he opened his mouth. Reminds me of Terry.

    He sure didn't take the high road. I'm going to see some Pistons game this year. I'll try my hardest to get the "noooooo" thing going when he winds up for a three.
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  5. Not true. Atlanta is a super star town. There were no Falcons fans before Michael Vick. Now the Dome has some of the best tailgating in the country. Miami never supported the Heat until they became championship contenders. We not only have to win, but we have to be the "cool" team. If we would have landed CP3 and Dwight we would have become that team. With Bynum we'd have become the light version of that team. Ferry doesn't care about winning the press conference, but that is exactly what he HAS to do.

    Vick did bring fans in. The year after him being sentenced and even Ryans first two years werent that great though (support wise). Finally having back to back winning seasons those two years helped the Falcons. We have had a lot of success recently and that is why you see fans turn out. I still wouldn't have called the support great until I saw the turnout in the playoffs.The hawks getting a superstar would help more than anything. I feel that having management dedicated to winning in place and seeing the results will help our fan base grow too. Direction seems to be new to the Hawks, it's going to take some time. It's probably going to take a similar showing against Boston when we were the 8th seed too.Atlanta is a tough city. There are so many things you got to deal with go get support of fans.
  6. Korver didn't love it here thaaaat much that he'd re-sign and say he believes in what Ferry wants to build.He has something planned, options on the table. They might not all pan out but I'm sure he isn't going to freak out and do something stupid if one option doesn't work (CP3/Dwight). Just move on to our next best option..

  7. I'd rather let Nogueira get on the job training right away. He's gonna suck but I'd rather him start learning how to play at this level ASAP.

    Agreed.Turiaf would be a good option if we landed Dwight or a healthy Bynum, but as of now we should let our draft picks play.
  8. They actually are. I'm just laughing at a picture of Josh Smith shooting jumpers for them....that shit is HIGH comedy.

    Lol I know. Hey, it may not actually be a jumper. It's that three point line free throw he started shooting at the end of the year lol. Auburn Hills is in for a treat!
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  9. Pistons sold out for like 7 years straight though. Anyone who thinks we have more fans than Detroit is lying.

    Pretty much. I live up in MI and most Pistons fans I talk to are just fed up with poor decision making from management. They wasted all that cap space on guys like Ben Gordon and have been slowly building through the draft. Slowly because most seem to think the only worthwhile picks have been their two bigs. Most of them hated getting KCP too..I haven't heard much excitement about Josh yet..I think it's just a wait and see type of thing. I warned them about him though, he might be their starting PG (in his mind) next year.The support up here for the teams is definitely there. If they had our Hawks team their attendance would be much better than ours. Once they start winning and making wise choices the fans will be there.Josh making those comments about a winning organization and what not kind of makes me mad. I think he is just bitter and will get over it eventually.
  10. Jeff Teague's "camp" must be a random collection of RV's and tents somewhere off Lake Lanier. They probably are moping around just like Jeff does on the court on occasion.In all seriousness, they should understand this is part of the business. His time will come, whether it's negotiating with the Hawks or negotiating with another team. It's not like he is the only RFA to ever go through this.

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  11. George is not a great shooter so all the other stuff like defense , rebound and create his own shot don't matter here lol

    Not sure what you are getting at here?Paul George was a big reason they played in the ECF. I thought his MIP award was bogus..but I never really saw him play much honestly. He's good...I'd never put him on the same field as Batum. Maybe the other George (Hill) but not Paul George. I'd take PG without thinking twice.
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  12. Lets sign Korver to 6 mil per season and was shut down and really helped us in playoffs 2 for 7 ....5pts3 for 10 ....9 pts2 for 5 ...6 pts3 for 11 ...12 pts2 for 5 ...10 pts and 1 good game Korver 7 for 11 and 5 for 9 from 3 followed by a 0 for 7 from 3 pt in game 6 He is step below Paul George ...

    I'm not going to say Korver was great in the playoffs. He missed a lot of shots he should have made. His impact on the game goes beyond shots made though. I bet some of his missed threes became second chance opportunities for somebody because he had somebodies defender put a hand up. And his movement creates shots for other players. He is always accounted for..even when he struggles.Also, Batum is many many steps below Paul George.
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  13. I picked a bad time to go out of town to a place with horrible service. It takes forever to go through these threads, so I'm sorry if I missed something.I think it's a great signing! I get why it seems weird, nobody thought he'd be our first signing. Especially when there was a bag with Korver in it somewhere in Brooklyn.He may be a one trick pony, but his trick is one of the best ones out there. His shooting won us games, kept us in games and probably had the other coach wondering about how to finish games knowing he could get us 9 points in a minute. I hope it means we have more coming..I doubt he'd be otherwise. Either way though, I'm glad he is back.

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  14. The josh thing is really tough for me. If Dwight wasn't in the picture, I'd obviously not want him back. I already kind of blocked him out of my mind when we were dreaming of the unlikely Paul/Dwight addition. But would I keep Josh if it meant Dwight was coming here? It's still a tough question but I'd have to say yes. If Josh can really really cut back his threes and play more like a Thad Young type of guy at the 3 I'd be okay with it. I'm sure we are going to have rotations that have him playing the 4 anyways.A lot of our success has been when we went big. Josh has always shifted down to 3 in those situations. We went big with Collins, Zaza and Petro. Going big with Dwight is a completely different thing.We need a guy like Dwight and if it takes Josh we gotta do it. If Josh is part of the plan and has been talking to coach Bud, that will be a huge part of our "presentation" tomorrow.

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