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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. I want to uhhh, just, you know, ummmm..wish Larry the best of luck.

    Ummmmm, he uhhhhh, well, worked hard and made sure that uhhhhh we played, played with ummmm energy most nights!

    I'm going to miss LD trying say whatever is in his mind, but jokes aside, good luck LD.

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  2. Regarding ownership...I've said many bad things about them. I've even contacted them and let them know how horrible they are.All that said..since the pizza guy didn't get the team they have been good. I'm still kind of waiting for them to do something stupid again, but for now I'm really happy with them.

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  3. KG vs. Duncan is a classic comparison. While KG may be more familiar because he is heard, DUNCAN is the beast.

    Duncan has always been better than those three players when you compare them one on one.Looking back to the time of the trade, I would take Duncan over KG because he is still great. The man is flat out amazing. Team wise, Boston has been better though. Basically San Antonio won more games before the BOS big three, wasnt as good during the big three, and is better after that core is gone. San Antonio has stayed very relevant for a long time.The Spurs are a very good organization. They have a good culture that brings and keeps good players around.
  4. It is unlikely we will have the success that San Antonio had because it is going to be hard to duplicate that talent. I do think there is more to their winning than talent though.I see Miami, the Lakers and even the Celtics in their first big three year have big name talent. The Spurs have never had that big name player that these three teams had. We all know Duncan is amazing, but most casual fans see him as a boring player.You watch certain teams play and assume that 'certain player' will take over the game, with the Spurs you assume "they" will take over the game. I always see a well coached and focused team playing to their strengths, no matter who is on the court.We will need talent to make it work..but have faith in the SAS model.

  5. I been to numerous boards. Whenever I see Dwight and CP3 to Atlanta comes up, there is always a lot of disrespect shown. Even moreso then with teams like Brooklyn who hasn't won nothing or the Knicks who haven't even did what we did in the last years and probably won't. Here is what I seen over the months. Atlanta has a terrible fanbase and they hate Basketball. Not true, the 6th best Basketball market in the NBA via ratings. Obivously the Hawks aren't the most popluar but being a treadmill team is the worst place to be in as far as NBA Basketball in concerned. Wrong. Histortially we have 1 championship and our winning percertage is middle of the pack at .480 which is ahead of the Detroit Pistons. The Hawks fanbase is like most teams who are treadmill without a superstar are. Terrible. Causal fans don't want to watch it. Losing teams fanbase watch to see their team grow and hope it changes next year. Most treadmill teams are in a poor position for the draft and most fan just don't want to watch it especially ones who it seems like a lot of people dislike in the Hawks. This post received 44 likes.While these Hawks are far from entertaining and Danny Ferry currently knows that, it still doesn't warrant this type of disrespect. If they seen how hard Horford works off the ball. How much he rarely misses an defensive assignment, how much passion Josh Smith plays with, and how much Korver moves around on offense, they would have a greater appreciation for our team. But this is the disrespect we deal with, not just from outside viewers but also people who supposely know the game. I've seen Al Horford criminally underrated even on this forum for example. It's as if people forget what the Heat had when they started the Big 3. To me, it sadden me because anytime we bring up CP3 and Dwight, it's like the Hawks aren't good enough. We are better as a team than Wade was the year before they landed Lebron and Bosh and the East is better now than then. We have basically 9 guys at 28 million dollars and only 4 needed players to fill out the roster at min salary. We are in a better position to fill out a team than Miami was with the Big three. Dwight, Horford, and CP3 fit each other superiorly than Bron, Wade, and Bosh. But when it brought up, it is completely trashed. People trash our fanbase when we all know in the NBA, if you are medcriore, you likely will not have many causal fans. Indy who is very good didn't have much fan support before the playoffs because their fans didn't see them as contenders and boring without a superstar. It pisses me off to say the least.

    Very good post. I do think we have good fans, because it isn't easy being a Hawks fan. However, we are not a large group.And Atlanta isn't a great city because the residents only show up for top notch basketball, football and baseball (minus UGA [unfortunately]).I don't live in Atlanta now, and I feel that most of the basketball fans I talk to up here give me the same opinion Stephen A Smith does. It isn't educated, it is usually confusing and it basically says we suck. But the Knicks and Nets are great.The north generally hates the south..but they all go down there to live.
  6. Good Luck LD, didn't think he was that bad of a coach. I actually think he was better than Woodson.

    I'll take Larry Drew over Mike Woodson any day of the week. We might not have got a huge name after Woody, but we definitely got an upgrade.
  7. There is a major difference between scoring and efficient scoring as the fans perceive it, IMO. The key to WINNING is EFFICIENCY, not volume. This is why a player like Carmelo Anthony will never win anything. I don't think fans really understand the negative value a missed shot gives the team. Even if you are a great offensive rebounding team, chances are, you are only getting them at a 30% rate, which means, 70% of the time, a missed shot is a wasted possession for your offense and you are giving the other team a possession. Because of that, I will never buy into this idea that you have to have that one guy that can get points anytime he wants to, because to me, all that description is is an excuse to allow a player to take as many shots as he wants, even if he misses them.

    I agree. There are only a few players that deserve to take as many shots as they want, and it isn't the guys like Carmelo. What really hurts us is having a player like Josh that has the mentality that he can take shots whenever he wants. He really thinks he can do no wrong on the court because any shot he takes is a shot he can make. It might be true, but what he fails to realize is there is probably a higher percentage shot that won't happen if he jacks up the long two that he thinks he can make.
  8. Well yeah...but here's the thing...it's not like Atlanta doesn't produce assholes...my guess is we are right up there with the best of cities when it comes to "asshole producers". We can definitely hold our own Posted Image

    The thing that always gets me when it comes to D12 is...year before last...when he was with ORL..he was a "stat machine" for my fantasy team for 80% of the season. He basically got me in the playoffs on his own. The guy was going 25 pts, 18 rebs, a couple blocks and a couple assists on a fairly regular basis. The only thing I worried about was his free throws.

    What happened?

    A lot of people talk about him being injured and that may be some of the equation.

    I have always thought he was a bad fit out there though. Dwight isn't comfortable with playing in the pressures of LA. It is kobe's team and be couldn't find his way out there.

    If Dwight has a good support group of family and friends, they will let him know he doesn't belong in LA and should look elsewhere. If that happens and he listens, I think he will prob be back to those stats.

  9. Ferry has about twice the cap BK ever cleared plus two picks in the same draft. I cannot remember any season where we had both cap to sign two major free agents and two mid 1st round picks. What he does is important, but what he has done so far is impressive as well.

    Exactly. I sometimes wonder what else other people think Ferry should have done by now. Traded Teague for LeBron?He has done a great job and hasn't even been on the job for a year. No doubt he has more work to do, but he's been awesome so far and he has my confidence moving forward.
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  10. Yeah, hopefully our divisional teams fall and continue to suck. I'm also hoping Detroit falls and continues to suck. I got tickets 5 rows behind the Hawks bench up here for 30 bucks this year. The mix of nobody caring about the Hawks and Detrot being horrible is a wonderful combination for me!Go random western team!

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