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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. Haha. I'm a Mets fan and I've always felt that BJ Upton was one of the two most overrated players in MLB. The other? Michael Bourn ;) (Imagine having given Mike Cameron the kind of contract BJ just got at the same age. It's hilarious, because they're basically the same player (actually, Mika Cameron was better (feel free to compare their stats).

    And we have no reason at all to laugh at most (or maybe all) of the Mets signings over the years. They have had more money than the Braves and have done a wonderful job of wasting it away on mediocre and decent players. I know the Braves probably overpaid for Upton, but to have a Mets fan hate on it is comical.
  2. Hawks seemed to be going through the motions for most of the first half. We played well to start the second half and seemed to have full control of the game until the very end. Bobcats, mainly Gordon, kept it close.A win is a win though. I'll take it in any way possible! Glad to see Horford step up and make his free throws like we know he can.

  3. What does Teague have to do to get some love from this fan base and LD?

    My post wasn't bashing Teague at all. I have always been a huge Teague supporter.With that said, he needs to have this type of play (aggressive, good assist totals, good scoring) for a full season before I completely buy into him being our PG of the future.If he does that, it just gives us more options moving forward. We can focus on the SF/C/PF positions.
  4. sigh...just another comparison that does not show the real impact a player makes. Take the contract situation out and I would take Joe every day of the week of Korver and so would everyone else. Joe is far from a bum...he carried this team for many years and the only reason people hate him here is because of the contract he signed.

    I would always take Joe over Korver for the same price, problem is that will never happen.Coming from somebody that was always a big Joe fan, you have to put the Hawks first, and when you do that his contract became a huge issue.It isn't his fault he was offered it and accepted it. Joe was out to help Joe, not the Hawks. No big deal, it is a business for these guys. The contract did happen though, and almost every Hawks fan knew we would be financially strapped and we would watch the team decline along with Joe as he continued to age and decline.And for that, I'm very happy he is gone. I'm very thankful for what he did here and will root for him in Brooklyn when it isn't against the Hawks. Like I said though, that money is Brooklyn's issue now and we are a better franchise today and moving forward because of it.
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  5. I think we have had a pretty tough schedule so far. That little home stretch with Washigton and Orlando was the only easy stretch of our schedule to this point.Houston is a decent team, Indiana is struggling but was 3rd in the east last year. We've already faced the two teams that played in the finals last year. We have played the Clippers twice and had to already go on a 4 game west coast trip that included Portland, Golden State, and a Sacramento team that beat the Lakers. And everything has happened while these players have been getting used to playing with each other. Teague has a new role this year and I think Horford is still working on getting his confidence back. NBATV was raving about Boston beating OKC last week, calling it the signature win they need to get going. We beat that team, on the road too, and it's almost as it never happened!Honestly, when I saw our first month or so I was hoping we'd be 6-6 at this point with signs of becoming a better team. In years past, the Hawks seem to start quickly and fade towards the end, but I thought this year might be the opposite. Looks like I was wrong about the beginning and hopefully I'll be right about the end.

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  6. If Teague continues to improve on his good play, he will make our potential shopping spree much easier. If he can become a legit PG (which I think he can be, but he needs to prove it for 82 game) it will be easier to swallow CP3 saying no.We can then focus on a Center, front court depth, a legit starting three and add some size in our backcourt. We will still have the Josh Smith issue, but if Teague can lock down the starting PG spot, we will be ahead of where we were when Ferry cleared that cap space.

  7. When I checked, I saw tickets less than five for the Magic game. I was back in town but I couldn't find anybody that wanted to go to the game with me.That is another problem with our attendance. There aren't many Hawks fans. We have people in Atlanta that lived two months in Boston when they were two that love the Celtics (and so on with teams like the Bulls, Lakers, Miami, etc). The city is full of people that just don't care about ATL and the sports teams in the city. I always ask these people "if Boston is the best city ever, why are you down here" and typically get some odd response.

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  8. I agree, attendance is an issue for ALL Atlanta teams. I think traffic and transportation to the stadium/arenas have a lot to do with it. Marta only goes to certain spots, and people in the suburbs don't feel like making the trip down to Atlanta to fight traffic and pay for parking. As for me, I used to go to 5-10 a year, but I don't live in Atlanta anymore.Does anybody here use Stubhub to get their tickets? Last week they had tickets for the weekday games starting around 1.50. If you get the tickets that have electronic delivery you make out very nicely. They even had seats in the 200s for around 5 dollars. I always got my tickets there, much cheaper and they make the game very affordable. You can also stop in the CNN Center for food or beer before the game and save some more money.

  9. Didn't see the game. Looking at the boxscore, Josh missed most of his shots and all of his free throws.Jump shots? Posting up and just missing? Either way, how bad can out "best" player keep playing?

  10. It's great watching this Warriors broadcast. As far as they're concerned the game has been over since the 2nd quarter. They can't be bothered to call the game. Seems like they're just now figuring out in the middle of the 4th quarter that Ivan Johnson should be a person of interest.

    That whole segment when Nelson was in the booth was strange, they completely ignored the game. Nelson didn't seem to care about it either.
  11. I moved out of Atlanta and had to get league pass to see us play. I know I'm not the only one that does this, but it's funny to hear opposing announcers talk about us.Not that it wast obvious that Josh takes bad shots when watching the ATL broadcast. It is just amazing how these other teams announcers feel like it is a defensive win when Josh starts shooting his jumpers. I mean really, how can he just keep throwing it up? We should start adding it to our turnover totals.

  12. Larry Drew can be really frustrating at times. He "ums" and "uhs" his way through his interviews. He really doesn't seem like a guy that can really motivate his players. With that said, I really doubt he is the dumbest coach in the league.I give Larry credit for making the playoffs interesting since he has been a coach. We upset the Magic in his first year and played well in the second round against the Bulls.We lost in the first round last year, but I felt it was a pretty good series (minus that one game). He also did a really good job with the team last year.With Woody, you knew that we would struggle in the first round and get creamed in the second round. I think that Hawks core was still not getting any respect because of what happened in the playoffs when Woody was our coach.I hope that Ferry keeps it open after this year and interviews multiple candidates for the open coaching job after the season is over. If he feels that Drew is still the best option, then go ahead and give him an extension.

  13. Hollinger is right. When we judge Josh, it seems like we are judging two different players.Josh Smith, jump shooter, is always bad. Even if he is making his shots it is really frustrating. When he continues to take those shots even though he is missing them it's unbearable.Josh Smith, basketball player, helps the team win games in various ways. When he isn't shooting jump shots, this guy is an all-star calibre player. When he is shooting them, you take this Josh, combine with the good one and only have an average player.

  14. Josh deflates the team's morale everytime he launches a brick. He is by far the most frustrating player I have ever seen. Coulda shoulda woulda be much more than this.

    Our best offensive game was when he didn't play. We actually got to see some good team offense that game.
  15. It's not a hope that maybe Josh plays better. Not for me. Bye Bye Josh. I've seen all I want to see of you and your game. Take it somewhere else. Please. I don't care if he gets 30/15/10 the night game. His career here should be over.

    When Josh is great, we all love the type of game he plays. He moves the ball around, he gets rebounds, he plays in the paint, doesn't take threes, and even makes his jumpers around the free throw line. I love that Josh. When he shows up, he has always been our best player. Hotlanta is usually pretty negative, but he is 100% right here. What are we wating on? Midrange Shawty? If he considers the halfcourt his range, then i guess he has always been midrange shawty. He has been trying to go inside some, but it seems each possession has been a ball fumbled in the paint. I don't wan't him shooting those jumpers, but please, if that is your inside game..don't keep doing it.
  16. I'm sure by close you mean tie the game.

    I meant keepning momentum, keeping the teams confidence up. I didn't expect him to make both, he is a horrible FT shooter, making one or two does keep the game close. Having a three point lead, being behind by three and even being tied up is a close game. The minutes remaining in the game really determine it all, but even though you tie it up with a few minutes left, the other team technically has the first shot to regain the lead. Beyond that, just making a shot makes you feel like your last possession was a success. When you come up empty like he did you just waste a possession and deflate the teams moral.
  17. We really got jobbed by offiating at the end of this game. Korver got pushed..and it came down to the Heat getting the whistles on any close or noncall.Josh missed two big free throws to keep it close. He made a couple of jump shots early, but he was pitiful the rest of the game. These are the games when you really want to trade him. Going off of memory, I feel like he was really bad to start last year too. Hopefully better days are ahead for him.With that said, the guys playing team hoops played well. Hopefully Josh will eventually learn what he needs to do for us to be successful (and I repeat, US, not him). I still think we are better than the last two years Hawks' squad.

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