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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. David Justice called out fans about the lack of support during the '95 World Series. They got pissed at him and he wound up hitting the home run that was our only run in our championship winning 1-0 defeat over the Indians. He got hurt swinging against a Neagle (later pitched for us) pitch and was eventually traded to the Indians the following year in a supposedly cost saving move. I feel that the entire city of Atlanta has been cursed since we traded the one guy that was willing to call out fans and back it up.I'm a huge Falcons fan too, I love them like I love the Hawks. I think that any type of championship from any of our ATL teams will help the other teams. We were voted as "the most miserable sports city" again. Not because we have bad teams, but because we had teams that don't advance in the playoffs like they should.Once ANY team wins the big game, it will take the pressure off the other teams.

  2. I thought Drew did a bad job managing our line up too. I never have been a Drew fan, but he needs some time. We are a completely different team that needs some time to gel.I remember Jamal's first game against Indiana a few years ago. Not looking up stats, but I feel like he scored 6 points. He said he was uncomfortable after the game and wound up winning 6th man of the year.Yeah, it doesn't always go as well as that. It is similar this year though, because we have guys adapting to new roles and coaches trying to figure out where they should be. I was happy with the potential I saw tonight. Rebounding needs to be fixed, but honestly, I don't see us being worse than we were in Drew's first season as head coach.

  3. Yeah, the last two posts are right. The one strength that we knew was our offense, and it is going to take some time to see what we have.Even though our defense and rebounding wasn't good, I did see some effort. I think it is something that will get better as we move forward. Hopefully our offense will improve enough, which will make the other team adapt to our play, and that will in turn allow us some leeway to rebound poorly.It will still come back to bite us come playoff time, but we need our offense to be where it should be to allow poor rebounding.And I'm not saying poor rebounding is acceptable. I just am working with what we have this year. We need our offense to gel first before we can fully judge our Hawks.

  4. ...And sample size comes out yet again. If we made the same exuses/allowances for EVERY player on this team, everyone would/should be untouchable.

    What excuses are being made? Did you even look at the numbers or his game log? He wasn't having a bad year. He averaged those numbers with limited minutes and limited shots. It is a sample size because you don't get the full picture when you just glance at the numbers. It has nothing to do with accepting poor play, it is just understanding where his stats come from.I love Horford, I feel he is our best player. I'd trade him for the right pieces though. Somebody else said in this thread, everybody on our team should be on the block if it can improve us. It's just trading Horford right now doesn't make any sense unless it is for Howard or another all star.
  5. Wow. The opinion of Horf has really changed. Last season after he virtually vanished against Chicago everyone was questioning his manhood. He came back the following season to average a pretty lackluster 12 and 7 for a few games and then went down for the rest of the season. He then came back and played an inspired few(3?) games during the Playoffs. Now he's untouchable? What's really changed since the end of last season? To paraphrase the argument most of the more intelligent posters make whenever a Hawk has a hot streak, isn't the 'sample size' a little too small to declare Horf untouchable? I'm not bashing Horf by any means, but I honestly want to hear an explanation.

    Horford played poorly against Chicago. I think most people feel like he was probably hurt at the time. He was the guy during that horrible regular season that actually seemed to care about winning every night.As for his limited time last year...Have you looked at his game log for this past season? 12/7 doesn't really tell the story.http://sports.yahoo....dhwe97k5d6MPaB4His rebounds were down because a couple of our early games as well as a few in between were blowouts and he didn't play many minutes. His points were down too because he was taking less than 10 shots a game. Not counting the game he was hurt, he only shot under 50% twice and had 6 games where he took less than 10 shots (only 4 with over ten shots). Except for the first game, he had multiple assists in every game.I don't really need to type everything that you can read in his 2012 game log. His numbers were down but I don't think it was because of poor play. It was early in the year and he was just going with the flow. 10 games is a VERY small sample size.
  6. Is this what usually happens, calling coaches to inform that there are intentions to move up in the draft? I get working the player out and telling them like it is, but I'm sure it would get annoying to repeatedly hear from a team that is trying to trade up for you when you know it isn't going to happen.I'm sure LeBron and Dwight got phone calls from every team in the league about their attempts to try and move up to pick them.

  7. I would love to see us get their pick for Marvin! I've been ready to see him go for the last couple of years. While I am pretty down on him, I will say this. Marvin will never be the guy worthy of a #2 pick, but I do think his numbers might improve a bit if Smith leaves. I've never thought that Marvin has felt comfortable playing next to Josh. Marvin is pretty passive, and if we got somebody like Gasol I think Marvin might get a few more perimeter shots as well as more touches in our offense.

  8. Because there isn't any real reason to trade him unless it is for a superstar. When you briefly look at our three starters that are in the majority of the rumors you get..Smith wants out and is also in his final year of his contract. You see trades around here about him because they are a lot more realistic than any potential Horford trades. It isn't that everybody wants him gone, they are just being realistic.Joe has his contract so you'll see rumors about him being gone to save up some money. Joe is a great player but we all know his contract could potentially hold us back if the ASG won't go into the luxury tax.Marvin is Marvin, so we will always look to upgrade his roster spot in any way possible. Whether it be saving money or getting another player, Marvin is a pretty easy guy to throw out in deals. Horford was hurt last year and his value is at an all time low. He is also a two time nba all star and a two time NCAAB champ. Unless Howard says he wants to come here, it is unlikely we see Horford traded.

  9. Josh does a lot of things well, but when I think about losing him, one of his skills that I feel we would miss the most is his passing. We have a unique situation with both of our two frontcourt players being great passers for their position. Gasol is a good passer himself so this wouldn't be an issue and he would probably help us gain more motion in our motion offense. He would also add some more size and allow Horford to play PF (I'm assuming the taller Gasol would be the PF chosen to be our starting C depending on matchups). Niremetal pretty much covered it all in his post above this. I'd miss Smith and would rather not lose him, but we all know he won't be back after this year. This is a good return for him and I think would help make us a more mature team. We would have Gasol who has won a NBA championship as well as Horford who won his two NCAA championships in our starting lineup. Gasol wants out of LA and would hopefully embrace being a leader for the Hawks.If this trade goes down, I would really like to receive a future first from LA. I would also not do this deal if it required us sending them our first too unless we were getting another first via a three team trade.

  10. It kills me how these guys never take into account that we are missing two (now three) key players, and we beat the Celtics without those two guys in the line up. They talk as if we are at full strength. WTF???

    Seriously. I haven't heard much talk about the Hawks being without their All-Star Center. Horford is in his prime too, Allen is getting 'kind of' old. Our backup/starting 2012 Center is out and that seems to never be acknowledged. Some people must have only watched us beat Orlando last year and think that Jason Collins was our starter all year long.
  11. Mike Woodson against higher seeded playoff teams: 3-15. All of those three wins came when we were the #8 seed too, go figure lol.I remember him referring that series to the press after the Knicks got blown out in game one. He was talking about getting back to work, finding a way to win on the road and winning at home. I was really hoping a reporter would bring up the Orlando series. "Mike, your last time in the playoffs your team set the record of the worst series defeat ever. Can we expect this trend of blowouts to continue with the Knicks? "Woodson gets it done during the regular season but his inability to change what isn't working in the playoffs is his biggest weakness.

  12. What people?The Squawk will be relatively quiet, either because someone is afraid to swallow pride or get too excited about one win.The media will focus on what Boston did wrong and what they must do to win game 4.Chuck and Shaq will giggle like little school girls and make fun of a missed Teague dunk from the free throw line while they show highlights of the Hawks winning.Me? I won't be surprised. I'll say great game and hope they don't get overconfident before game 4. Praise what they did well, and immediately bring attention to any poor ball movement or bad D.

  13. Can we please change the title to this thread? It's so stupid that we have to have members defending our own players (Horford mainly). If he could play, he would. Just last year, he was the guy that made the free throws to win a game after the hard foul from Griffin. He also showed his heart in the game at home against Chicago when we were down 15-2 or so? Those are just a couple quick memories while I type. Do our fans even care about our players? This thread should be about Smith and his injury updates. Instead I see a few guys defending our players because some people think Horford or even Smoove are soft? Seriously?If there is a new update about Josh playing Friday, hopefully somebody makes a new thread. Until then, get well soon Smoove, Boss and Zaza. Some of us do appreciate ALL of you.

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  14. I see TNT and ESPN give love to Memphis, and they blew a 23 or so 4th quarter lead Sunday. At HOME too! Chicago got destroyed tonight. The Knicks get a lot of love too and have lost 2 games by a combined total of 40ish.I'm pissed we lost but it is annoying we must continue to battle with the media. Each loss is a lot worse because they love to hate on us. The media makes the so-so fan hate us. I mean, people from North Dakota like Miami because it is cool. It is "cool" because people allow the media to make up their mind about what is cool, and we must follow trends. Seriously, who the heck would like the Hawks unless you are from or love the city?

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  15. What Larry Drew shouldn't be saying: "ummm" "well" "uh". I do think he has a good feel for the game usually, but he can't get a point across with out those words. On camera, he doesn't really seem like a guy the players would really respect. Our offensive play seems to back up my thoughts.We still have time to regroup and win this series though. Go Hawks!

  16. It is as if some people forgot that Horford is an all-star Center. Say what you wan about him playing out of position, the fact is he was still selected to the all-star team as a Center, not a misplaced PF. There isn't any team in the NBA that would not welcome a Horford type of player to their postseason roster.Zaza has done a wonderful job filling in for him all season. Hopefully he will be healthy enough to start in the first round, either way though, Horford at 70% is our best Center and we will need him if we want to advance against Boston or Chicago.

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