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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. Beating a dead horse here. Would we trade Marvin for Paul or Deron straight up? Of course! It won't happen though. Marvin isn't too bad of a player though. I cringe whenever he tries to go to the hoop, but he has a really nice jump shot. Plus, he is pretty young. I really don't think this is as big of a deal as the Shelden pick. Marvin for Chris Paul is a good trade for us. However, Roy for Shelden would be a HUGE rip off for us. Marvin was a huge talent coming out of UNC. Shelden was just a dumb pick, but he is gone now(thank god).

  2. I don't really follow the NBDL much. Who has any ideas of what we can acquire from the league? I could be wrong, but I think a good shooter will be easier to find in the NBDL. If there is a 7' player that can score and rebound, he probably won't be in the NBDL. It seems to be more of a scorers league. I remember getting Gundy(sp?) last year, and he knocked down a couple open threes, but that seemed to be all he could do.

  3. There will always be a 'core' of talent. The only question is how long will the 'core' stay in tack? I know Sekou said the core will remain together in this previous trade, but what about the future? I hope we can get JS and JC locked up in the offseason. I know a lot of people aren't huge Childress fans, but I think his energy off the bench is great. He always comes in the game trying to push the ball, and we need more guys trying to force the fact the we are a running team.

  4. I really don't post much (which is obvious by my post count) but this trade has got me excited. I have lurked these boards for a long time, and I enjoy reading what all of my fellow Hawk faithful have to say about our team. I know all of us don't really agree with the deal, but Bibby is a pretty good point guard. I know we all wish we could get a Kobe, or a Lebron to play on our team, but this isn't NBA live 2K8. We got an experienced point guard who is a leader, and has won big playoff games. Plus we got him for players we really don't care about losing. I'm sure most of us can agree that T Lue, AJ, Lorenzen, and Shelden won't be missed too much. Shelden was a wasted pick. However, the past is the past, and we have to make due with what we have to work with. Plus, don't forget when the Kings got Bibby, he helped them reached the western conference finals in 2001-2002.

    Think about this. Last year we were hoping the Hawks would get lucky in the lottery, and get a top three pick so we could keep our pick. We got Horford, and we got to keep the pick from the Indiana trade. That was HUGE for us. The same for the year before we hoped to just keep our lottery pick. We have been stuck hoping we could get a good draft pick(even though the pick hasn't been right all the time) for so long now. Now we have something besides a draft pick to get excited about. We got Joe Johnson, which was a huge upgrade, but this is the first trade in a LONG time showing that we are serious about winning now. We got AJ for a second rounder, but was that a move showing we were trying to make the playoffs last year? No. Personally, I feel this is a great time to be a Hawks fan. I've waited for the longest time to relive the days of Smitty, Mookie, and Deke waving his finger. We might have never won anything big with those teams, but we always won more than we lost(having MJ on the bulls didn't help much, either). So thank you ASG, for improving our team. However, we aren't done yet. Smith needs to be locked up, and we still could use another outside shooting treat or another decent big. This is a step in the right direction- and for the Hawks, a step in the right direction is something new.

    Joe Johnson is excited, and I'm sure the rest of the squad that is still here is too. We might actually see Smith get some easy dunks, Joe get some easy shots, Marvin getting more wide open jumpers(which seems to be his only offensive game so far), and Horford getting the ball in a better position to score down low. The Hawks might actually be a team that could WIN a few games in the PLAYOFFS. When is the last time we have thought that?

  5. Keep in mind we have more games against the Heat, and we still haven't played the Knicks. Add those with some games againts the Bobcats our last month or so, if we can hold our ground and beat those teams we must beat...we should be in. As much as I would love to see the Hawks be a legit top 4 team in the east, this is great. Remember the last playoff game in Atlanta? We are way overdue, and this is a great start in bringing solid basketball back to the Hawks organization.

  6. Being a huge GA Tech fan, I would love to get Critt. I still wish we would have got him with our first pick. We took Acie because he seemed more NBA ready, but I don't think he is as ready as everybody thought he was. If we knew AJ was going to be as productive as he has been this year, I think it would have made more sense to pick Critt with our pick.

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