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Everything posted by hawks

  1. It was his homecoming but he didnt really do much..He shot way to many long jumper's..not even threes just like far ass 2's...he had around 10 points but probly had a bad percentage...He had a nasty backboard block on acie and had some nice assists to marvin..he was a great distributer more than anything..seemed like he wanted to run SG or SF cause he would be at the top of the key demanding the ball from AJ.. once again.. i think he just wanted to impress the crowd
  2. lol thanks...i mean man to man..wait till you see them outfits they wearin
  3. Quote: haha, good stuff my man (as time goes on, you'll learn it doesn't pay to be so picky ) It's kinda cool getting tidbits such as the fact that Solomon and Joe are on giving-rides terms with eachother... they must be decently cool with each other. Too bad about Acie and these wrist problems. I hope it doesnt hold him back. We need him to come on strong. That's a dope day at high school tho, gotta be the highlight of the year. Most defitnly man..i hope they visit some more..Acie played after the wrist but it was taped up..i think he only played cause mario was hurt and they had no bench so if he left the show was cancelled...
  4. They couldnt dance worth [censored] tho lol..They were uncoordinated but atleast they looked good
  5. for some strange reason the hawks came to mceachern today(i think Smoove convinced them) and had a open practice/Scrimmage and it was nuts man..Marvin was defitnly MVP.. Teams were Blue- Joe Smoove Marvin Anthony Johnson Horford Solomon White- Acie Chillz Mario Shelden Lorenzen Salim It defitnly looked like a starters vs. Bench Game. and it was hella physical Good- Marvin- finished with 22 Points..He did some plays i never thought i see..He posterized Mario and did a Rock the cradle reverse Jam. He got to the line about 5 or 6 times and defitnly got faster. He was the finished a couple breaks with in the lane Jams Joe- I dont know what streak yall was talking about but he was raining from three tonight he finished with around 17 and had about 3 contested threes.He was silky smoove and barking orders to all of team blue.Defensivly shut down Acie Mario-He didnt stop running! Made some great steals on Joe and Smoove but got injured on a AJ Block Horford- is the post player we dreamed of.He made sheldon look like garbage and even game him a nasty facial towards the half..had atleast 10 boards Bad- Sheldon-He didnt even look like he wanted to play,Got hung on one dunk attempt and had about 4 points. Childress-He actually had a nice game but needed to take over for his squad.Had a sick up and under dunk tho and shot off some screens Acie-He injured his wrist midway through ending the scrimmage but on the court got handled by JJ and got his shot shattered but Josh..He's got some sick handles but didnt take many shots..He tried to be Super Point..Just play you game Cheerleaders-They sucked..but one of them had a fat ass..i wanted to grab the hell outta it Craig,Lue,Zaza didnt play the atmosphere was crazy..it was a packed house and the freshman all the way to the seniors(08! baby) let them know when they screwed up and when they made all star players..our gym was literally going crazy for Marvin cause he was doing dunks that will make Josh blush..in game! Joe and Sheldon got into a mini argument cause Sheldon pushed joe to the ground for a rebound..no biggie but JJ could have really gotten hurt and slid into a middle section by the doors. Mario left the game with a finger issue and Acie land badly on his wrist ------ Extra...I was sitting on the floor level and whenever Chillz ran by i was like "ay Josh You left your pick at home..you need a hot comb" and he stared at me and pointed and said your next then wet and jumper and stared at me down the court..my boys were gettin on me..hilarious Extra Extra...when it was over me and like the whole gym was waiting besides the players cars cause they drove there themselves and when JJ came out i said yall making the playoffs and he said #1 Seed..i laughed and then he drove off with Solo..Chillz has a dusty ass BWM and Josh rode in a silver chysler i think Extra extra extra...one of them cheerleaders had a fat ass...i wanted to grab it sooo bad...all in my face and [censored]
  6. Atleast were getting some mention, It could be from Ray Charles or Stevie wonder and i wouldnt care
  7. As far of strides as we have made.A bad start is looking us in the face.Our 1st Ten games are gonna decide if this team has risen to the next level or just gotten marginally better.Im not saying were gonna start 10-0 but i do think we have a chance to really get the word out that were serious if we can get by Dallas and PHX,there no cupcakes but we can do it. But remember..last year i think we started off 4-1(yes i know injurys) so im not gonna put all my cookies in the jar.Fast start,Slow start the NBA season is a marathon, not a race
  8. i was the hawks site blog and it said they was gonna come for a scrimmage monday at McEachern aka my school...just tryna make sure this was correct cuz i havent been hearing nuthing about it.Does anybody else know from another source or been hearing about it? http://hawks.portspaces.com/post/hawksbask...ge_tonight.html
  9. Quote: Quote: but you can tell he's still too close to his former gang.. Not trying to make something out of nothing here, but this is what worries me the most about him (especially when it comes to giving him a 70-mill contract to stay in Atl) We also saw what happened to Vick when he wasnt able to separate himself from people he should have. Now, I don't know who Smoove hangs out with and how big of a problem it is, but after Vick, I am a bit wary. Probably nothing, and I definitely want him to be our franchise cornerstone, but hopefully this wont ever surface as a problem. Well..he's got the Hometeam(Name of it )Sign Tatted on him.Its bigger than alot of people know cause most of his former people are junkies..my best friends brother still runs with him and he's a dropout lol..josh is far from a saint..but he still rolls with them..i dont think Josh will leave ATL soon just because he ties around here.i dont think it'll get to vick levels tho.He's seems to determined bout his career..we can thank Jay Bilas for that
  10. Thats so cool man..Joe seems like the smoothest dude on the team. This sounds weird and all but i just graduated from McEachern up in Powder springs last year and i stayed right beside Caley Mill(The subdivision josh Smith lived) and it was cool seeing him around campus and chillin around here.He's a cool dude too but you can tell he's still too close to his former gang..he sometimes shows up to the marietta Football games and ron anderson Rec center too and everyone one around here really admire's that he comes back. Josh Childress also gets his fro trimmed at my barber shop like 20 seconds away from South Cobb high school..
  11. ugh...cant say i found it funny..or even smirked I still support the falcons and its just wrong for me to criticize someone who put us on the Media Map as a non football fan tho..i hope he comes out ok and moves on with his life
  12. I dont think adding a Mickael or Patterson would have been a good move because unless we run JJ at point..they would really have no consistent PT or spot nah mean. I think Marvin has the tools to become a good Defensive presence and we already know smoove is on the help side..Acie Law is a underrated defender too so him and speedy could potentially be pretty disruptive in teams backcourts
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