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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. Tell us if you got any interesting presents/gifts from anyone. lol
  2. Looks great, Dolfan. Thanks again. Just out of curiosity, how much did you pay for this? I'm thinking of recommending this chatroom to a friend of mine. The previous chat looked better in my opinion, but this one still looks good in its own way. Thanks again for helping us deal with Lawstudent. :P
  3. Hope you have a good one. :beer:
  4. The Knicks are hoping to be in the race for Lebron James. Tim Thomas and Cuttino Mobley are expiring contracts if I'm not mistaken. Not sure if this is in the right forum... EDIT: Posted right before it was moved.
  5. http://www.nypost.com/seven/11212008/sport...rite_139971.htm For Malik Rose? Not bad of a trade for NY...
  6. "Mama I ain't never played no Defense in my whole damn Career and this Stupid Coach Woodson tryin' to tell me I gotta Play Defense Mama!?!?!?!" "And the Bobcats are in Town - They Suck" HAHAHAHA!
  7. It's tough to get the running game going when you can't even run towards the left side of the offensive line (no Sam Baker). It's even harder to do so when you have Todd Weiner injured. At least... that's what I read on the injury report unless I'm mistaken?
  8. Just as a small note...I think we can fairly govern our own selves as in... we are all pretty much mature enough to be able to police each other and keep each other in check. However, if you believe it's starting to get more stressful or whatever it may be for you, Dolfan, I'd be more than happy to help (you know this already). Cheers.
  9. If I'm not mistaken, I think our GM's biggest weakness is evaluating talent in big men. Didn't he draft two busts in the center position something like two years in a row? Not sure if I'm just imagining things.
  10. Well the title was quite misleading. It says "Favourite Hawks Pics" and then you open the topic and find that it's a "Favourite NBA pics" thread. Disappointing... very disappointing.
  11. I'm thinking whether or not it's worth it to ask for this game for Christmas. I don't have Xbox Live, and if I did, I would only have Live for two days (so I would be able to download the rosters). Speaking of rosters, have the roster updates come out yet? Also, if you start out with the original rosters, I know it's not really updated because Salim Stoudamire is still on the team, but are the people that are supposed to be on the team in the game still? Whether they're in Free Agency or on another team... for example, are Randolph Morris, Othello Hunter, etc. on the original rosters that come with the game? Now that you've had the game for a while, I want to ask most of you guys (I know Dolfan, you have it) what you guys really think about this game. I know some reviews are written right after you get the game so you're still pumped up about the game. That's why I wait a month or so after a game is released before I judge the game because the first few reviews people write are all hyped.
  12. Even if Boston won, there's plenty of games left to go...
  13. He was a backup QB in U.S.C. I beileve he backed up Leinart. His first career start was this year. It was his first start since high school.
  14. Murray played against Harris most of the game if I'm not mistaken.
  15. What the f*** is wrong with Flip Murray today? He can't play defense for s***. Harris is half limping, and he's still getting crossed up! Pathetic.
  16. I don't see the Celtics being better than the Hawks for a fact. We're probably right on their level, and that's very very good.
  17. I never put any words in your mouth. Your question was not simply worded. If by "Website" did you include the main page with the news, articles, media links of the Atlanta Falcons? Or with that term did you mean their message board? I wasn't sure which you were asking so I answered both cases just in case.
  18. I wonder who'll start shortstop for us if this trade goes through. Renteria re-signs maybe?
  19. I don't know if you're talking about the message board or the website. The website is obviously run by a team of professionals who work and get paid to run that site. Last I checked, Hawksquawk was run by one, sometimes two members who have other jobs to worry about instead of this. Not only that, but we are not hired as the 'team media' of the Hawks like the Falcons' site's staff members are. They get instant access to the locker rooms for post game interviews and have mostly all the access needed to be able to interview any player or coach under almost any circumstance, and they are under 'media' in every game or activity - which gives them even more bonuses in terms of running a Falcons website. As for the message boards... man... if you were talking about their message boards being better than it is here, you're crazy. This forum is the best forum I've ever been on - bar none. Not only are there the smartest, most intellectual members in the NBA (in my opinion) we also have a team of two staff members who run this forum very nicely. And we also don't look as bad as the AFMB does. I may not be the biggest fan of this forum's look now, but you can bet on it that no forum gets any better than Hawksquawk.
  20. mattlanta

    What if ....

    Not just that play... what if Randolph Morris didn't have those stupid fouls? There are way too many 'What Ifs' from this loss. I'm just proud of them right now.
  21. It was a great game, but one can't help but to feel a bit of disappointment because we lost by so close. It's normal for fans to think like this, so I won't say that I'm messed up in the head for being disappointed. Although all the thigns listed in the first post are true, we were one play away from winning this... with no Smith the entire game, no Zaza for an entire half, etc. etc.
  22. Heh, didn't know that you really dreaded my comments that much. Most of them may be harsh, but you know I only do it cause I love this forum, and I want it to be the best it can be. Sorry if that means it makes you feel like you yourself are being criticized. haha... Well you know how much I love this forum, man... so it's all good.
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