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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. I already have an alarm going on my cellphone for that time. :)
  2. Congratulations, every one. Especially Dolfan!
  3. You can't download roster updates without a gold membership I believe.
  4. I really need your help, guys. I need the code for a free month of Xbox Live if you have one because I need to download a patch for Madden because I was planning on playing all weekend, but then my franchise freezes every time I train, so I need the patch that fixes it. But I ran out of free gold subscription cards. Can someone help me please?
  5. Madden always gets stuck for me when I train my players in franchise. It's supposedly my franchise file, and I already tried duplicating it, and the bug still happens. And it also freezes when I simulate the whole week... Supposedly you can only get rid of it by downloading the patch, but I don't have Live. This is so stupid because I was definitely looking forward to this weekend to finish the season and start the offseason (I was on Week 15 with a 7-6 record). So I don't know... I'm really heated right now, and I don't even know if this was the right topic to post this in. I'm probably going to be playing on NBA 2k8 or going to try to finish Assassin's Creed.
  6. Well it's simply the fact that when the currencies go south, the world turns to gold. Stock prices usually go up. I was thinking of making a group in www.stocksquest.com for Hawksquawk. Just to see how we all do in investments.
  7. I wasn't kidding... buy gold (GLD), silver (SLV), or any of that other stuff. When currencies go down, the people go to the safe haven of gold. I also invested in Yamana Gold (AUY). And ofcourse I don't invest with my money, I'm still 16. But I tell my parents here and there what they should really be buying, and at this point, it's clearly idiotic (harsh word though) not to have any gold stocks.
  8. You mean the coaching development in which you train the players (not the coaches)?
  9. Meh, I still think this forum looked the best when it was at the point a little bit after we just switched. Every thing looks so hectic with the new skins. I'm glad that we have the option of choosing which skin though.
  10. That's kind of low for 2K not to have some of our offseason signings and still having some people who we let go of (Salim) on the roster. That doesn't sound like 2K Sports to me- sounds like EA Sports. Anyways, I'll play the game only when they release a roster update, which won't be for a while I'm guessing. It's such a pain in the butt to set up the internet connection with my computer just to download the rosters and whatnot. So yeah... Anyone willing to put up the Hawks roster/ratings though?
  11. Yep, about the stereo: He heard Lawyer Milloy say soemthing about it being great to have a better sound system in the locker room, and he went out and bought a $10,000 stereo system for the locker room.
  12. Yeah, I wonder who's great idea this was. Must be the same person who thought of giving Beast in X-Men 3 a British accent.
  13. I've already gotten a lot of things from my parents this year, so I won't just randomly go off and buy games. I'll just ask for it for Christmas. So far so good on the reviews though. I was starting to think that it was kinda bad since the game kinda looks the same as last year's. And Al Horford was your leading scorer... so does that mean it's so easy to score in the post again this year?
  14. So now we are criticizing the rookie because he can't throw 70 yard bombs every play? The fact of the matter is... with whatever arm strength you fellas' may not think he has (I don't know what film you guys are looking at, but I think he has more than enough arm strength for this offense), he makes up with amazing leadership, quick reads, and a very quick release. The kid is just as smart as they get in terms of rookie quarterbacks. I'm pretty sure Matt Ryan has more Football IQ and already knows more about defensive schemes and types of defenses compared to 50% of the league's quarterbacks.
  15. I hear Marvin's doing pretty well outside the perimeter. Hopefully he can really come through this year and prove all the Diesels, I mean haters, out there wrong. :D
  16. I did convince you to get a Dell, but you also told me you weren't into heavy gaming, and just in terms of graphics, NBA 2k9 is a 'heavy' load for a Dell to carry. The thing with a Dell is, I believe it's much harder to upgrade than an HP. That's what I hear anyways, I might be mistaken though.
  17. That's strange. I almost always led the league in blocks last year with Josh Smith (around 2.9 blocks a game as an average), and one game, I remember he almost had 10 blocks. You can look at my stats in the 'Topics this User Made' link in my profile and find the Association topic I made. I posted all the stats of every game I played in there. Well anyways, I want to get NBA 2k9, but I'm really into my Madden franchise right now, and when I buy a new game, I usually lose interest in the one I was previously playing. I don't think I'll be getting this game until I start losing interest in football (which is probably around after the season). When I buy this game though, I'm going to try and make a new topic for my 2k9 association.
  18. I don't mean to burst your bubble, man. But I wouldn't expect the same type of graphics with these screenshots because of two reasons: 1) It's the PC version that you'll be getting and 2) You're running on a Dell, lol. Now unless you upgraded to a much better graphics card, I wouldn't put my expectations too high for the games' graphics. ;)
  19. Chicago whipped Detroit, but I'm not as worried about them as I was with the Packers.
  20. I will get 2k9. I was just saying how terrible of a game Live is.
  21. Abraham has looked great... too bad Jamaal Anderson still hasn't gotten a sack.
  22. http://www.pastapadre.com/3936/nba-live-09-player-ratings Joe Johnson, 83 WHAT?!
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