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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. Oh well that's fine. I checked my previous league's standings, and I finished just out of the playoffs in that league, and I only did about 15 waivers and stuff. *5. Wyoming Wong Tongs 100-86-3 .537 20.5 - 11 16
  2. Thanks for the option to change back. It looks great nonetheless. Great job, Dolfan!
  3. http://www.hawksquawk.net/community/index....howtopic=333419
  4. I don't see how being really active should be used against you. If you want a competitive league, then it's a competitive league that you'll get. Just saying... don't be saying how 'this league will be so competitive' and then limit the most dedicated fantasy players. ;)
  5. JabbaWockeeZ is my team. Also, please PM me or something the week and day before the draft so I don't forget. I do live in the east coast after all. :P
  6. can you help me find them please?
  7. Just wondering if some of you fellas' can help me out with my Personal Finance class. I'm enrolled in this class for Fall-Winter (half the school year), and I have no clue what the teacher is talking about. I'd appreciate it if anyone can help me out or just some of you guys chip in your words of wisdom on this topic. We are also assigned two big projects for each semester, and the first one is I have to do a lot of research on one company and make boards with info of the company's stocks and whatnot (we're getting our info from Yahoo! Finance) and make it presentable to show the class. The stock I chose was Under Armor. I can still change my stock if I need to, but I figured Under Armor's logo would be pretty easy to replicate (Nike was already taken). Also, if you're going to suggest a new stock for me to look at, make sure it's an American stock because my instructor doesn't want us to use any foreign stock markets or whatever... But yeah... I need help on understanding this stuff, and if some of you think Under Armor is a bad stock to make a project from, please suggest another one. Thanks.
  8. I use one computer in the same location every time.
  9. I'm always getting logged out. Is it just me?
  10. Beck's Modern Guilt wasn't bad at all. NIN's album (I believe it was free) wasn't too hot IMO. The rest I haven't heard of before.
  11. http://rotoworld.com/content/features/colu...articleid=31085
  12. Damn, that sounds terrible, dude. I really hope you and your family are safe. I'll pray for y'all tonight.
  13. Ah looks much better, but I'll stick with the IPB Blue default skin. (Would it be a little too much to ask that the banner in the default blue skin be centered instead of to the left?) Thanks a lot again, I appreciate it.
  14. Hmm... I just switched over to the 'IPB Classic Blue' skin, and it's definitely easier on the eyes. Actually, I like it better than most skins on the many forums I visit. Maybe as a suggestion, Dolfan, I don't mean to offend you or anything since I know you put a lot of work into the current Hawksquawk skin, but would it be possible to have a banner just for the 'IPB Classic Blue' skin? I think this skin looks perfect except it's using the generic IPB banner. Anyways, if it's too much to ask, then forget about it. Thanks.
  15. Blah, is it just me or did this forum get a little too (I don't know the word for it, really) 'techy'? Too many new things here. I don't like the new post icons (those orange orbs), it doesn't really match the forum. I just liked the way this forum looked after we transferred from the old forums. Other than the secondary Hawks used as the forum post icons, I don't really dig the new style. I'll probably have to switch on over to the 'IPB Classic Blue' skin. Things just don't look as simple as they did back in the ol' days, but maybe it's just me turning senile. :P
  16. Correction: He sets a new franchise single game rushing record. I believe Adreian Peterson ran for 290+ yards last year against the Chargers.
  17. It redirects me to the link https://secure.www.hawksquawk.net/registrat...amp;forced=true
  18. Be back in one year, guys, don't want my computer to get infected.
  19. I applied to CVS (most wanted job) and Kmart. CVS seems like it has a nice atmosphere in it. The manager sounded really nice and stuff. I'm really worried about my job interview. Also I'm worried about my schedule. After school days in certain days, I have driver's ed. I don't know if telling that to the manager would be the smartest idea during the job interview. When should I tell him/her? And how should I tell the manager so that I can keep at my schoolwork, driver's ed, and work hours without having to quit any of the last two? I really need to stay in Driver's Ed, but I really want to fit a job in there somewhere.
  20. Well, I just temporarily switched over to the LG CU515, and it's a 3G phone. On the top left corner of the display (where it shows the signal bars), on top it says 3G. So does that mean it's working?
  21. do you use the SIM card that they send you or have you been using the same SIM card since you first got your phone? cause they send you a SIM card every time you order a phone, but we never use it, but we've been using the first SIM cards that we got. but then the new SIM cards say like 3G so that means unless i use a new SIM card, i won't be able to have 3G internet access? i'm worried because when we upgrade,we don't use our own nubmers since my dad one time kept upgrading and using every one's upgrades for hismelf so now when we upgrade, we have like an order for whoever can update next. and it's not usually their number so they send, for example, on 9/12, i'll be using my dad's upgrade, so they'll be sending me a SIM card of his right? does 3G come with the phone or do you have to use the SIM card too?
  22. Hey, guys. I just found out that there's not going to be any fall baseball this year because there weren't enough kids that signed up in my age division. So I was thinking about getting a job somewhere. My top three lists are K-Mart, CVS, and Adam's (a grocery store). I'm 16, and I've never had any work experience before. However, I have volunteered about two years ago almost every weekend for about three or four months at a convalescent home where my mom works. I'd like to know if you guys can offer any advice or anything on what type of job to get and whatnot. I'm looking to be able to have some pocket change, but most importantly this is for helping my mom out. I don't want to go into the details, but my mom has to end up paying for two tuition bills of $30,000 (total of $60K). Basically, my high school bill along with my sister's isn't cheap either, and lunch prices have gone higher again at school, so mostly my money will be going towards my lunch money and to my mom. I was thinking of giving my mom half of my salary if I were to get a job right now.
  23. It's fixed now. I think it's just the firefox skin that I installed. Now I'm back to the basic theme, and it's working perfectly. Thanks.
  24. Yes, they're at default setting, and I also have the same problem on my brother's computer, my dad's laptop, and my uncle's computer. Tried clearing cookies in all of them already.
  25. Maybe the Giants are looking to pick up a third string quarterback.
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