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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. Dolfan, is there a way to change 'Squawk Supporters' to just 'Supporters'? Or maybe if you can keep it on the same line because it runs on to the next line because 'Squawk Supporter' is too long. If you can't, then that's fine. But I always thought it was just a glitch/error in the forum system that you were going to eventually fix. It expands the page that I'm viewing, so if you can fix this, it'd be great. Thanks.
  2. Ah, I worded it in a way where it seems like I wanted him to tell his niece that she should just go fall off a cliff and forget about being a mother - that's not what I meant to say. I apologize if it came off that way, but anyways, she still needs to realize that she's not being a good parent, and that if she'd continue doing what she's doing (leaving her children to you to take care of), then she is a bad mother. That goes along with what TnDawg says. Basically, tell her that "you are willing to help her out, but it is her responsibility to raise her child" means that you think she's being a bad mother and she needs to get her act straightened out. ;)
  3. I'm all for it as long as there's someone to watch over the discussions and make sure things don't get out of hand where people attack each other, which sounds like it might eventually turn into. But there's no reason why we can't have any political or religious debates where we don't personally attack or intentionally offend each other.
  4. Just tell her straight up that it's her daughter and she shouldn't be doing it like that. It's as simple as that. I don't think any thing positive can be done other than making the mother realize that she's a bad mother lol.
  5. This is your best video so far, keep it up.
  6. lol, my bad. I haven't been keeping up with the Hawksquawk community as much as I've wanted. Bleh...
  7. http://www.nba.com/blazers/news/Trail_Blaz...8.html?rss=true
  8. mattlanta


    Anyone smoke any cigars here? If so, what're some of your favorite flavors? Haven't tried too many flavors, but the stuff that I've tried have only been Punch Imported Rare Corojos.
  9. Congrats, and we hope to see you around here still.
  10. Peyton Manning started day one. He sucked the first season, but look how good he is today. And what does benching him got to do with raising his confidence? If anything, Ryan will get a little bit anxious, but I doubt his confidence level will get any higher than it is right now. He's got a confidence that's got a humble kind of sense to it. I think he'll do just fine.
  11. Why's it sad? I think it's a great opportunity for Ryan and the franchise. I'll say it right now that we'll win at least 4 games. I'd say... Chances of Happening - Number of Wins (At Least) 10% - Below 4 Wins 50% - 4 Wins 35% - 6 Wins 5% - 8 Wins
  12. Not to sound mean or anything, but Matt Ryan hasn't shown one hit of being clutch at all this year. He's shown that in college, but we've yet to see that come over to the 'big' leagues. What about Sam Baker? Or Biermann? I think the Beer Man should start over Jamaal Anderson. He's already got better football instincts, better 'engine' as they call it... he keeps that motor running!
  13. Vince Young's throwing motion has slowed him down some. Because of it, he can't make as accurate passes as someone with, say, Matt Ryan. They did a short comparison between the two QBs, and they compared them when they ran the same passing play and threw to the same receiver. Ryan had better posture while VY didn't.
  14. Since when did Houston wear a dark-clear visor? lol, looks sick. Pic
  15. Dolfan, would you happen to know what it means when you're viewing a topic, and in the currently active users list, a username's name is italicized?
  16. Does it really matter? I'm pretty sure he's 6'5" with shoes on.
  17. How long do we have to wait...?
  18. How'd Beer-Man do, DrReality? I liked how he looked the first few preseason games, and I think he should be given a shot to start over Anderson - even Davis should be given a shot. Anderson needs to feel what it's like to ride the bench... he needs to step it up. I saw the highlights of the game on AF.com, and I really like how quick Ryan's releases are. He reads defenses very well as a rookie, and he does a good job getting the ball out there. I won't be able to get this game and evaluate it further, so bummer on that. I'm not so sure I can catch the replay on NFL Network at 10AM tomorrow either.
  19. Little League World Series is one of the best things to watch at this time of the year. It's interesting to watch all these kids with such fire in their heart, and you see more emotion in their games than in any professional league baseball game. It's pretty fun to watch IMO.
  20. 1st of Tha Month was the one I was gonna post too. It was one of the first rap songs that I liked when I first came here in America.
  21. You didn't need to move the mail icon to the left. I fixed the problem, so it looks fine with it being on the right. I preferred it there, but I guess it works either way. Nice new home icon too. :)
  22. mattlanta

    Madden 09

    When you train the players that week, do they keep the ratings after or is it just for that week?
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