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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. Ah alright... I didn't notice that minimize button. Thanks.
  2. The new 'Similar Topics' part of the forum unnecessarily extends the page IMO. Just another one of my billion rants.
  3. You don't really need to "fool with 'pay pal'". You can just use your credit card, and you just simply make a transaction without having to make a Pay Pal account, but it's really up to you, man. Whatever you're comfortable with.
  4. LOL, I was looking for about five minutes for the User CP. Then I found out it's under IPB. Somewhat hard to find, but still there. I feel comfortable with this navigation bar. Thanks!
  5. Not a big fan of the Xbox Live gamertag thing under the names, but it's okay. I just don't like how it looks lol. No offense, it just doesn't match with the rest of the forum, and it's kinda 'off the road' since we're more of a Hawks forum than anything else - including gaming. Just my two cents. It's not a big deal though, just wanted to put this out there.
  6. How? I've always been looking for a way to do so, but I can't ever find it.
  7. I'm very disappointed in Jamaal Anderson as well. However, I wouldn't even mention the word 'bust' yet. Every one was saying how much they wanted to get rid of Roddy White before his third year (when an offensive minded coach came into Atlanta), and he broke out, and now, he's one of our best players. I think Mike Smith can help him improve a lot, and it looks like we'll have to grind our teeth while we wait for him to mature. The defensive line is also disappointing. John Abraham didn't play week two, and most of our pass rush comes from him. However, they didn't do as bad as it seemed week two because Sorgi is a pretty mobile quarterback, so it's not like we couldn't even get to a quarterback as immobile as Bledsoe or whatever. Offensive line is tremendous so far. Baker looks like a great pick. We look very good in run blocking, and we definitely get a good push in the LOS with Mughelli as our FB. So it looks like our rookie class is actually pretty good this year regardless of how many fans bitched and whined about our draft last year. I knew it was just a matter of trust. We need to trust in Dimitroff and Smith for them to do the right things to bring this team towards the playoffs in the future. Just takes patience IMO. We'll definitely experience the 'growing' pains of this very, very young team.
  8. I was going to notify y'all, but I knew Dolfan was already on it. Blah... laziness gets to me sometimes.
  9. No clue, but how long has it been since he said that he'll send it/sent it? It's definitely suspicious, man.
  10. I really like it, but those with Firefox and Adblock PLUS I think would have one small complaint, and it's where the mail icon is (where you click to quickly access your PMs) and the little 'Block' button that Adblock PLUS puts under all FLASH applications coincide. You can't see my mouse pointer in the screenshot, but it's over the mail button. As you can see, it's quite trick to get to it, but it's definitely accessible, but just a little tricky and will probably need a getting used to. That's the only thing bad, if you can even call it that, about the new navigation bar. Overall, it looks cleaner, matches the forum better, and overall better than the previous one. EDIT: The AdBlock is coming from the banner not the icon.
  11. I'll donate by credit card, but just tell me how to do it without PayPal.
  12. Dolfan, this isn't about being with the times or whatever... I want a phone I'm comfortable with, and those touch pad things aren't really my brand of cereal in the morning.
  13. Ehh... I don't really need an iPhone. It's basically a smartphone with an iPod, and I already bring my iPod with me wherever I go. And I'm not a big fan of the touch screen. I actually want to feel what I'm texting...
  14. I don't know, man. Just want texting to be a lot easier than on this RAZR V3 keyboard.
  15. I was actually advised not to get the pearl, and besides, it's not really something I'd look at. IMO only girls should have small blackberries. BIGGER BLACKBERRIES IS WHERE THE DAWGS IZ AT! But anyways, not sure if it's worth it to get a blackberry still. Don't I have to go with a blackberry rate plan even if I don't want to? Anyways, I don't know if Cingular has any other good text messaging phone... any more suggestions?
  16. Hey, guys. Just wondering what the best type of blackberry is. I'm looking to get a new phone (I have a RAZR V3 right now) around September 12. I was going to get the Blackberry Curve 8310, but my dad got it, and I don't really want the same phone as he does. And I looked at it, and I didn't really like it in my hands. I was thinking something like the 8820 or the 8800. I do a lot of texting, but I don't browse the internet or whatever. Just wanted to know if anyone knew about blackberries if they could help me out. Thanks. Oh and I'm with Cingular.
  17. I don't feel that Supporters need 'added features' to the forum because it's already the best as it is. IMO, I'd rather stay as a regular member, but I'll still throw in my money like I told you, Dolfan.
  18. Damnit, I don't have paypal for this. Email me the address as well if you're comfortable with that.
  19. Because we would of had to pay me $7.5 Million. Well... we still ended up doing so, but Dimitroff and Smith are two people who would of rather given players the chance that they deserved to show what they got. And it would of been nonsense to release Horn this offseason without giving him a chance because, not only the money we would be 'throwing away', we'd be letting go of an important mentor last year. But when it was clear that Horn did not want to play for Atlanta and hated it here, we just had to let him go and pay him his money. It's going to be worth it anyways.
  20. I'm too embarrassed to show how long (or in this case, how short) I've been a Hawks fan. Although the Hawks have been my favorite team ever since I started following the NBA, I'm still too embarrassed to mention that I've been a fan since 2005'ish, so I'm not going to put it under my profile so every one can see it in every post lol. I came here from Philippines when I was 4, I barely knew anything about sports, and the first team I liked was the Chicago Bulls, but only because of Michael Jordan. I lived in Bronx, NY then. Then I stopped watching when I moved to CT (dunno why) but started liking all Atlanta teams when I started following Michael Vick and the Atlanta Falcons (because of Madden 2002). So basically it's not my fault that I took this long to like the Hawks! And I don't have Live. Not too big of a gamer.
  21. Will donate as soon as I can...
  22. LOL, sorry... for some reason the first post was coming up as a blank post. I have no clue why. When I pressed 'reply' though, it quoted it still, so I don't know. My bad haha. Anyways... I'm leaning towards Home of the South.
  23. I like Home of the South the most. Thanks for the suggestion. peaceupAsportsdown? ...lol.
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